Dierks is a perverted adventurer entered a labyrinth known as the Maou’s forest and was defeated by the maou himself. But taking pity on him, the maou kindly recruited him as part of this demon army. Given a second chance, Dierks has two goals: to rise in the ranks of the demon army, and to defeat and have sex with those girls who come to attack the maou.
I keep getting invalid MS-DOS messages for copying files from the bunny folder.
Does someone know if someone is still trying to translate Bunny Black 3?
this mc and gameplay feels like Rance but much more nicer… kinda…
I am trying to play this game i have no problem with it other then it want save anything
i pops up with something but i don’t know what i said if i did maybe i could fix the problem
When I tried installing normally, it says there was a missing dll, but then it kept installing, and now I can’t install anymore as the installer changed completely. And when I tried to extract from the mds, it seemed to work, except now I can’t even be sure which version I’m using, as it’s not displayed on the window unless I use the English patch.
copy/paste “bunny” folder
aply the patch
it works for me
Instructions: (From what I gathered from above and tested)
1. Download all files and patches
2. Download WinCDEM and install
3. extract all files except bb_quickfix and bunnyblack_eng (save em for later)
4. Open bunyblack file and u’ll see two files an mdf and mds. open the mds file by right clicking it and choosing openwith winCDEMU
5. then a CD should popup in This PC like how your usb pops up when you plug it in
6. double click that file and extract manually by highlighting copy and then paste all of it to a new file/folder
6. open the bunny folder at the top and drag in the bunyblack_eng file extract it inside then run the buny black english patch
7. next is to drag in the bb_quickfix and extract that in there too and replace all files
8. Then you run the bunny application the orange icon thingy
9. Good luck boys and girls and enjoy
Thank you dude, you’re awesome.
Thanks dude. That have helped a lot
Any recommendation on where to go to get the WinCDEMU?
Thank you man 😀
Thanks a lot
how do i extract this to play the game.i tryed my normal way and it aint working. only gives me 2 files and a web link. its a mds and an mdf file
Hey guys,i have encountered a problem. It says that i cant start the program because i dont have Ags4.dll,Aoi4.dll,pgsv.dll and PgsvTd.dll
does anyone know where to find those things or maybe i am doing it wrongly
you just need to copy all those extract to new folder (manually)
then go to bunny folder, extract english patch and run. then extract fix bugs in same folder. thats all
How do i get Rakia’s scenes?
I have a problem with the installer i use the english patch but its still in japanese language hard to install how to fix this need help..
Is there games like this one… as good or better than this?
i’ll be thankful 4 u ..
Thx 🙂
How to get Max 9 Units Bonus in New Game + ?
Beat the Dragon Den & Demon Gate already, and still get only 8 Units Bonus for New Game+ ?
Did I Miss something ?
I tried LOL installation post above and was unable to installed the game on my Win 8.1. Every time I pushed the top button in the menu I got a popup.
What worked for me was to Mount BunnyBlack.mds.
Open the Mounted CD / DVD like you would open a normal CD or DVD like when you need to manual install a game instead of using automatic run the installer
In the open DVD there is a folder there called “bunny” copy this and put the entire folder where you want your game to be in my case “C:\Games\Bunny”
Apply the English translation then the quick fix…
Now you can play Bunny Black normally+:D
I have Win8.1 too and I did everything you said and I still get the same message, at the top of the window ‘black bunny patch’ says, “software not found. software could not be located. please make sure this file is in the black bunny install directory” which it is. did everything per your instructions. made sure i put the english patch exactly where game was in c/games/bunny. need help.
Thanks for your willingness to help though.
OK, never mind. I’m new to all this so sorry for the lack of knowledge. (this is my first PC/laptop).
For others that are stuck (I have windows 8.1 by the way) this is what I did:
After extracting the first game .rar file ONLY, number 1 looks like this “BlackBunny.part01.rar” (yes i’m going back to the beginning) You will have a folder, open it and mount the “MDS File” with “DAEMON Tools lite” or any other program like it, you can download it for free on the internet used for loading programs as if you had the actual CD in your PC, or something like that.
I went ahead and used the installer unlike “Horagen”(above) method, the installer will be in Japanese, the top left button is the install button, not sure if this is necessary but I changed the install from “C/program files…” to “C/Games…”. THEN I installed. It shouldn’t be hard to tell where the install directory window/section is in the installer window.
I clicked on the “Bunny” application to see if the game works beforehand, it did for me and yes it’s in Japanese, close game, THEN I extracted “BunnyBlack_eng_1.00.rar” file, (THIS IS WHERE I THINK I FUCKED UP ORIGINALLY), after extracting open english patch folder, put the English Patch.exe file in into the “bunny” folder that is located in “C/Games…” AFTER YOU PUT IT INTO THE FOLDER CLICK ON THE “Bunny Black English Patch” FILE!! That file is some sort of installer in its self, you CAN’T just drop it in there and then do the “fix” file next. AFTER the English Patch.exe file is done installing (it will take a while) then you can move onto the “fix” file.
At this point I clicked on the “Bunny Black English Patch” file to see if it will play, it won’t, you will have to use the original “Bunny” application/file BUT it’ll be in English this time, YEAY! If it’s not then you fucked up somewhere or something else is fucking with you, anyways… close game and extract the “fix” file, open folder and highlight EVERYTHING there and drag it into the “bunny” folder, as in, “C/Games/bunny”. Replace all files if it asks you, NOW you can wake your cock up and tell it to get ready because the game should be up and running as it should.
I doubt this will help all but if it helps some of you then, great, have fun. If not, sorry, my knowledge regarding this game stops here. Enjoy.
ok so i followed the readme instructions on installing the patch however when i try to run the application it says file not found i dont know what im doing wrong
i play the game but no voice help pls??
I got everything installed and patched but how do you save?
Nevermind, I got it.
how do i apply the english patches and the quick fix?
is Bunny Black 3 going to be translation
I dont know, but I want to play it now
I’m on Windows 10 and every time I try to install it keeps saying that I the selected file doesn’t have enough space even though I have 700 GB available. Can someone explain that?
Never mind. I got it to download but how do you install the quick fix?
– Download and extract everything.
– Mount the .mds file (Convert to .iso or use WinCDEmu)
– Install, I recomended to use the path \C:/Games/bunny\ instead of \Program Files\.
– Apply the english patch, and then the Quickfix (in this order).
– Run the game from Bunny.exe
– If it doesn’t resize correctly you should change your screen display resolution to 800×600.
– You may use the following program to create a shortcut that automatically changes the resolution when opening the game: http://www.bcheck.net/apps/reso.exe
I was having a similar problem with the installer saying that there isn’t enough space. To end this problem right click the installer application after mounting the MDS file. Go to properties and after that go to compatibility. There should be an option for running the installer with windows 7 compatibility this should do the trick. There are several other games on the site you may need to change the compatibility so keep that in mind.
Anyone having problem during installation, because of the “not enough space” thing, should try compatibility mode for Win 7 on the properties menu. It worked for me.
i’m new here.how to install this game.
exlain step by step,it’s pretty messy when i read the comments upthere.
Im having problem with the installation, whenever i try its in japanese and no matter what i do it wont install correctly. Every time i try it gives me a pop-up that says something unknown and a Yes No option, press Yes and it reappears immediately, press no and it closes down and boot you back to the japanese menue.
Could anyone upload the english version with a click-and-play? ive managed to extract the files from the mdf file but its all in japanese again and the english patch doesnt recognise the game since it hasnt been installed.
Its really frustrating and id appreciate all help i could get.
Never mind, i found a way.
Change your region/language to japanese on the computer, install the game, install the english patch and then add the fix files and you should be good to go.
I used Daemon tools Lite for the installation and later on removed it, the game works either way.
And now you have to excuse me, i found a dozen games on this site that ive finally downloaded and are now waiting for me.
Thanks for the game ^^
Forgot to mention, you can change back your language after the installation (i didnt even have to reboot the computer ^^)
Its the game that needs the japanese in order to read its own files, without the japanese the game cant install itself since were using roman letters in the rest of the world. 🙂
Hey, I downloaded the game and patch but can’t get them to work together. every time I try to put the patch in the file it says that there isn’t enough space. Please help; I really want to play this game.
Also I have Daemon Pro not Lite if that matters
I am having the exact same problem. I might just be missing something obvious, but as ti stands i cant reconcile the game and the patch.
admin why u put adds which opens another page? so annoying -.- put normal ones that opens another page in ur browser, and now u even multiplied them, please put them as they were before xD
dose any else have a problem with the patch crashing not long after starting, i can install the game no problem but every time i try to install the english patch, it crashes about 1/5 into it, i have tryed instaling the game somewere else and even got patch 1.2 but still crahes in the same spot
Someone teach me how do you download this or explain me how to run it, because I have tried so many times but miserably failed.
anyone know what to do in the room is the first thing after the prologue…..
I can not get file 4 to download at all. Keep getting file not found.
I have just got this game to work with Eng patch v1.2 on windows 10. To fix the “cannot create save files and getting a ‘Aoi’ error with Jap”, you need to just run the bunny.exe program as an admin. It clears this problem. Gl all
i dont know why people so stupid?
its so fucking ez for install this bunny black patch english
if you want play many games or someting do not use OS above windows 7
because there are too many problems
-game does not work
-error install
not only bunnyblack but still a lot of games that can not be played
i can play bunny black patch english in windows 7 (WORK 100%) and finish the game
now i am waiting bunny black 2 patch english
There are some people whom use this site that aren’t as tech savvy as the rest of us.
how can i install the game ? its extension is .mdf and .mds . please help me
~this is the same thing Happening to me when i downloaded each part and compiled all of them
I got a new laptop and i had the same problem until i realized that i forgot to download Daemon tools. So what you do is download Daemon Tools Lite and mount the mdf file then you should be able to see the files directory theyre talking about, and you put the patch in there and you shoud be fine, about to go and do this right now.
Ok so it worked,but what you’ll need to do is after you mount the files, copy them to a seperate folder so that you can insert the bunny black patch. After you copy them, put the patch in the file labeled ‘bunny’ then run and it should work. Good Luck.
just rename the change the “.mdf” of ur file to “.iso” and it works like magic
Anyone got a fix for (Create Device : D3DERR_INVALIDCALL), thanks in advanced.
guys if you’re having problem saving simply run the game as administrator and it should work
how can i install the game ? its extension is .mdf and .mds . please help me
Wow. I find the game fascinating, and not for the \obvious\ reasons. The world setting is a very rich and finely crafted tapestry, and the author/creator has found a way to make the main character, a serial rapist, actually sympathetic, and traditionally heroic, in a realistic and believable manner. The reason for this is twofold. The first part, is the real-world historical mindset where society at large simply does not comprehend the true trauma associated with rape. The main character was raised, and constantly told by society, that there are times where rape is perfectly acceptable. Some classical literature highlights this, like Homer’s \The Odyssey\ or the Greek legend of Hercules. By the standards of the world setting, the main character has done nothing wrong, even if we, as modern society who know better, would strongly disagree. This becomes clear when the character reaches the late teen levels. He is horrified when he learns that being faithful to Shia, and having sex with her alone, (especially once she starts to consent, and actively initiate intimate encounters) that she will go mad, explode and die! Which leads to part 2.
The second wrinkle is that even if he lived in a modern setting and knew how traumatic rape is, he would still have to do it because he is being magically compelled to do so. The Overlord, while reviving him, used (what for her) is a minuscule amount. However, this amount is enough to turn a human into a demon ten times over, and a human absorbing enough mana to turn into a demon is so rare as to be nearly unheard of. He needs to \emit\ this excess mana on a constant basis or he won’t even have time to go mad before he explodes and dies. It’s probably better for him that he believes he’s doing nothing wrong because if he knew the truth, it would destroy him.
I am really looking forward to the sequel(s)!
lol and i think im the only one who see that side of the game!
I have enjoyd my thim with this game. It has a pretty good story, a world who is not only here to be here (i hope someone understand what im saying O_O ) and its (at least to begin) really hard not to die XD.
I hope the Bunny Black 2 TL is redy soon!
Know somebody more games like this? Thanks!
I try too many gamez in this site, and i found only Rance and Bunny Black the best games ever. I can play this two more than 100hours.
Where do I subscribe to your blog?
Hey admin. I have some problem here. So, when i click the icon then it just says “ags4.dll is missing” and the english patch could not locate the bunny black file. Can you help me? please…
i got the exact same issue
i dont know if i missed something
Same here…
me to. whats going on here?
Can anyone share what this password is I’ve tried everything from the games name to the translation group.
I’m not using any passwords on this site.
it requires a password to access the archive, once i downloaded it, it asked for a password. its like this for a few of your games.
my captcha is white rabbit
that is all.
are we ever going to get bunny black 2 or 3
Behold the wonderful admin did add bunny black 2 to the site but for some reason it isn’t on the download page. Here is the address http://erogedownload.com/downloads/bunny-black-2/
hmm…. Is there anything like this(bunny black) here in the site?
Got pretty hooked into it..! So someone be kind and answer me, lol.
Far as I can tell, Bunny Black 2 is getting close to being done. The English patch, that is.
Aside from that, the closest thing I can think of, simply in terms of size and RPGness, would be Kamidori. I easily spent 100+ hours playing that. I had found it in my search of a game similar to Bunny Black.
any news on bunny black 2 translation.I have it on me but cant play till any english patch comes out.:/
How do I save my data? (I’m using windows 10)
I have the same problem, the game starts, it is in english and as far as i went in the game everything works exept that i can’t save my data… I watch video of people downloading the game and i saw that i have not the Bunny.sav files and that my Data1.dat and Data2.dat don’t have the same icon that in the video. It really piss me of so if you know what to do… Please ?
Check the translator page for newest patch and quick-fix.
hi guys i can’t save my game wenn i try it a window with aio tittle and japanes writting came up, and can’t save it ;(
Game crashes a crap ton of times, is there anyway to fix that? I use win XP
so I’m just wondering but is there a site where i can find
the conditions for Darx’s status promotion and what exactly is the level gap
Anyone else, find that heroic OPening funny in a contradicting way?
Whoops, I meant the music at the title screen of the game. Yea, it just doesn’t fit the game, seeing as at best
Darks is a Dark grey char.
After I downloaded the game,applied the patch and tried to run it,is displayed ‘CreateDevice:D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE’.Can somebody tell me if I can fix this and if I can,how?
Thanks in advance.
Open Run using Winkey + R and then type ‘dxdiag’ into it and press enter. In the Display tab, check if D3D is enabled. If it isnt, you will need to install it.
hey do you know how to solve the problem D3DERR_INVALIDCALL?
whenever i try to run the game that error pops up
please help
I can’t play the game in fullscreen (I did try the config tab), please help
I have Windows 10
These are my Specs http://prntscr.com/8ek3jj
Have 2 Monitors
i think there is some problem with windows 10, i begin to have the same problem in the change between windows 7 and windows 10, the only solution i found is press f10 and select last option is last box, game go full screen but i have a black bar on the right, like the game is unable to stretch to fit the image,(sorry for my terrible english, i hope is usefull in some way; if you have better information write something, i need help too)
I know I’m kinda late for this, but in order to get rid of those bars, you can just change the resolution to 800×600 before starting the game. ^^
lel glad i dident upgrade mine 2 10 xD haerd it is bad for older games now im even more convinced not 2 got win 10 xD
What is the password for the english patch
yea what is the password to extarct english patch v1.00
after I changed Windows 7 with Windows 10, even if I select full screen in the options, the game remains in window mode; does anyone have any solution?
I’m facing the exact same problem. Did u find any way to fix this by now?
I successfully downloaded this to my Galaxy S5 Active, and used Iso extractor to open the Mdf… now I’m stuck… ?
Is there no method in which to play this on Android?
Also,if not,can you give me a list of what games on this site are android friendly? (I know monster girl quest is, played it using onscripter)
Is it just me or is the difficulty cap in this game through the roof?
I understand the levels of difficulties you can select from, but I can’t even defeat a single enemy with the lowest difficulty setting?
Nvm, I found out you could hire demons to fight for you.
Try running the game solo without ever hiring. Shit gets real.
my graphics card apparently has a problem with this game it plays fine and then it locks up for a second, i get that the graphics card recovered successfully and it happens every few screens or so sometimes when it recovers, the game recovers with it and other times the driver will recover but the game will be black screened and it doesnt come back forcing me to close the game down and restart wherever the last save was or it completely locks the system up and then gives me a blue screen because the recovery process of the graphics driver timed out. wish i could play this game smoothly it seems like a good game but i cant really get anywhere in it because of that issue and i dont know how to fix it.
Really confused on what to do…..downloaded all 6 parts of the game, can translate the game to English (by placing the patch in the ‘bunny’ folder’) but then stuck :/. tried the install button (outside the bunny folder) but came out in Japanese, and didn’t understand much of it. Opened the bunny.exe in the ‘bunny’ folder, but wouldn’t load the game because it said that ‘acv_d3d92.dll’ was missing, even though it was right there….help please? >.<
Also, to be more specific, the exact message is:
Not found driver : acv_d3d92.dll
Erm…I’ve sorta fixed the problem of the previous
Not found driver : acv_d3d92.dll
but…this is by moving the ‘bunny’ folder away from the location where I extracted the game to. The game now gives me the error message:
help please? I’m a newbie at this stuff too, so feel free to dumb down technical bits >.<
Do you have DirectX installed? Get it from Microsoft’s website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
Downloaded it….but nothing changed :/. error messages still apparent when I open bunny.exe
To be honest, I think the problem is the
Not found driver : acv_d3d92.dll
as I only get the
when I move the folder out of bunny black, where I’m guessing DirectX is installed. Sorry for all this trouble I’m pushing onto you, but I really want to play this game, and I don’t know how to solve this. Please help >.< (if it's impossible, then thanks for trying :D)
Actually, I realized the problem with the:
Not found driver : acv_d3d92.dll
was because I downloaded the game into a hidden folder. Though still can’t find out how to fix the
even though I installed DirectX. Just telling you how to fix the top button, as I’ll just give up on playing this game. Thanks for the help and advice on the way though :).
what a nice game. it works well 100% 🙂
i love this game,
shame we will need to wait for bunny black 2.
anyway do u guys know anymore games like bunny black?
well in the same genre atleast. ^^
thanks in advance.
Does this game not support 64bit windows? i cant get it to work for that reason o.o
admin, i recomend you to use the english patch 2.0.
this version is working but have some major bugs (those bugs make the game harder that it is suppose to be…)
I’ve got a problem.
When I apply the patch it suddenly freezes in a random point of the process. I have then no other option than forcibly close it with the task manager, and if I run the patch again it says that the patch was applied. But then, if launch the game, it crashes. The game works normally pre-patch.
First step to check would probably be your antivirus – it might interfere with patching process.
Otherwise, no idea – game works fine for me.
Thanks for the swift answer, admin.
I am currently checking with my antivirus, Avira, and we’ll see. Just to be safe, could you confirm to me that the “No Install” method (open .msf file with Daemon, copy “bunny” then apply the patch after copying it inside of the new “bunny”) is the right one?
help me i can’t save it shows me something aoi and some japanese letters
Do you have the game installed in “Program Files” directory? If so, move it away to somewhere else (or run the game .exe with administrative priveledges) – Windows is blocking non-digitally signed applications write access in some “important” folders and the game can’t create savefiles as a result.
Just make sure your Locale is JP
for all you need to do is use winrar or 7zip to open the mdf then just extract all the files and click on bunny.exe
Just make sure your Locale is Japan
for all you need to do is use winrar or 7zip to open the mdf then just extract all the files and click on bunny.exe
May this help u guys
1. After extracting u will get mdf file.
2. Mount it with daemon tool or ultra iso.
3. It will runs mdf file into disk, then it might has padlock on it. Or u cant copy the patch
4. Simply copy all the files in that disk to ur C/D and place it to a folder
5. Then copy the patch to folder named bunny
6. Runs it
I dont see any usage of fix patch so if u got no issue, its not neccesary to use it.
how to change the language in English? i downloaded it. extract it through poweriso runs well but in japanese. =( help please
Uhm, did you miss the “Download English Patch” links right below the game download links by any chance?…
Ok can some one give me, in detail what I need/do to run this please.
i cant believe its this hard to install the english translation.
I tried unpacking it to the install directory but it doesnt work. Can anyone direct me on how to do this? or to a site or download where I can just download the files and get the game to work without stress.
BB Quick fix triggers my anti-virus, as a trojan. Everything else seems fine.
Is the quick fix necessary? What does it \fix\?
Hey guys, I don’t understand how you progress on this game. What do you use your gold on first, because I tried gearing in up and hiring a party but out of nowhere I get the group of 9+ soldiers that destroy my party. I understand if I could go back to the first floors to farm the easier groups but I cant even do that. and it seems I don’t even lvl up when I beat the easy groups to get more skills. Is the game about avoiding the fights or what
I just did all the simple cleaning jobs and mapping jobs for the first several missions. No fighting contact if possible so oyu can get money for protective gear.
takes patience…getting killed by interlopers is a common thing, but you restart to where you last auto-saved/ was healthy..and plan around another path XD
good luck
prison scene
is it different or same like thief and rouge ?
yo ppls i need help i installed the game and the jappenise version worked just well but than i installed the english verstion and the game didin t work
the game work just fine in english verjin but it won t work after i install the english patch any idvise ??
is there anyone has SSG for this game ?
will bunny black 2 and 3 get an English translation or not?
Yes, they will. It will take long time tho – as soon as it’s done, you’ll find them here.
I keep getting an error that says “pgsv.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error” whenever I try to start the game. I have tried both installing and have tried it without installing but nothing helps. Does anyone know how to fix this?
this is really starting to frustrate me now: what is the damned install directory???? i dont understand, ive tried placing the patch.exe thing in my downloads, owner, localc; and other locations to get this game to work. could someone please explain how to simply
Install instructions
1.) Put “Bunny Black English Patch.exe” in install directory.
2.) Run “Bunny Black English Patch.exe”
Here is how I got to it to work and I just finished the game unlocking almost everything. Basically, after I mounted the file I went to file explorer and copied the main files to install it then made a folder manually under “MY Computer” and went inside of program files and pasted the folder inside of there and that made the game work for me. (PS play the game in ADMIN mode or you wont be able to save progress)
Could you please elaborate your solution? I tried following your instructions but I still can’t apply the patch. Btw, I’m still using Windows XP… Thanks!
For those having problems with voices, open the CD and explore until you find a set of files with the word “voice” in them. Just copy over into your game directory
a new quick fix from seiha is now available
MAJOR FIX: Attacks that were supposed to be usable from the front row only (Darx, NPC, and enemy) were not having that limitation set correctly and were usable from any row.
etc etc
it’s a fun game and I have some questions:
what’s the utility of the key item “Cave key”?
Are the human girls better than demons?
I miss 3 scenes between “Sex with Maki and Liz afterward” and “Hotspring”, how can I have them?
thank you.
Yo, I have install the game but doesn’t have any sound and I want to know why
Yo, I downloaded all the files and extracted them, but when I tried to run the Bunny Black application, Avast thought it was a virus or malware.
Now, I can’t find the application to start it.
Can anyone help with this? I’m a greenhorn, please spare me. (-_-‘)
is this game have nscript.dat file? can somebody tell me?
Anyone have save file that unlock gallery in main menu?
Hey, ive download and installed it. Then put the eng patch and quick fix on the folder game( i put it on local D), then i open the bunny.exe, and the exe has stopped? Do u know to fix it?
I have this same problem too. I can install the game, the patch, and the quickfix fine but when I try to launch the game itself it gives a “has stopped working” and closes.
I tried it again without the patched, still in japanese and it does the same thing. I’m running in Japanese locale too, not sure what to do. If the launcher to install the game wasn’t in moon runes I might be able to figure it out.
–Tried copying the files over instead of using the installer, didn’t work either.
Running on Winows 7 64bit, don’t know if that matters.
Tried running with applocale and applocale as admin, and as admin too.
I have a similar, if not the same, problem, where every time I try to run the bunny.exe I get a:
Microsoft DirectX9
Not too sure how to fix this problem, so any help would be appreciated.. (Running on Win7 btw)
Sooooo…. i can install the game with no problem. but when i try to run the patch all it does is it gives me a popup saying “Error (104) Failed to patch file : C:\…\bunny\Bunny.exe” and that’s it. so any idea what had happend ?
whenever I try in extract the eng patch and fix I get errors like “access denied” and “No files to extract”
Move the files away from “Program Files” folder.
This game is excellent. A fun RPG, and very enjoyable to play.
Btw Admin, I think it will be more helpful if we put the genre tag to every games in here. For example, for a visual novel, we should tell the reader that it is a visual novel, if it is an RPG, we should put RPG tag there. if it is a visual novel with RPG taste, like Fate/Stay Night, put both Visual Novel and RPG in it; so it won’t confuse people who prefer it RPG or visual novel.
Hum, I have a weird problem wich I didn’t read here: I downloaded and ran the .mdf, an installer in japanese open itself and after a few clicks i find that the top button is the one for installing the game, but when I ask it to do its job, I only have a japanese boxletter wich open, then nothing.
I don’t know what says the japanese signs, nor can I note them here, but if anybody had encountered (and solved) the same problem, all helps will be welcome.
Rune the installer in windows 7 compatibility mode. The game doesn’t recognize windows 8, so when the installer looks for your OS it gets confused.
I wouldn’t have guessed…
Thanks for the help
How do I do that?
How to I run it as windows 7 when I got windows 8?
right click properties compability search for compability mode and select windows 7
thanks for the tip, though i know of this i didnt think about it XD
can someone tell me why arrow sign in my maps missing ?
If i load before it missing it still there.
anyone know something ?
it hapens when you are alone (the begining of the game) but as soon as you get a teammate the arrow apears,
carefull because if all your allies die then the arrow will disapear
good luck 🙂
use fairy at your party , arrow sign is a skill of fairy and some succubus
Gēmu ga insutōru sarete imasen
The game is not installed.
hey i just downloaded all the files and extracted them. how do i install it from the menu cause its all in jap before i can patch it? like which buttons specifically? i know how to patch but whats the bb fix? thanks
it’s super hang or lag on me … what should i do sir ??
anyone ?? isn’t it compatible on 32 bit netbook ??? sorry for bad english .. please reply
i’m seriously need a walkthrough right now XD, admin or anyone, can u give me the walkthrough link :v
hey how do i insta;; this? like do i need daemon or whatever? new so i do not know the basics. please respond. so far
extract all rar to the same place , use daemon tools or ultra iso ,to emule , instal
is there anyone that know the voice problem solution?
hello just asking how do i install the patch?
im new
duuuuuuuuuude i fucking love this game ,waiting bunny black 2 translation
Please help me I can’t save, every time I try a dialogue in Japanese appears and won’t let me even if I copy a save file
execute the game in admin mode , it works for me
Am i the only having trouble with sound
I have the same problem…
When will Bunny Black 2 pop up 0.0 im craving for more
Thanks, but makes me sad. (the “at some indeterminate point in the future” part)
same here, i really enjoyed it, in the meantime downloaded Kamidori again to pass the time :/
after i patch the game with the engpatch i can save anymore……any tips?
that is probably because you installed it on c:/program files (that is the deafult locationthe game suggest), just run the game as administrator (gih click>run as administrator) it also work on shortcuts
And it have system battle or not ?
it have … a lot of battle …
THis is RPG or not ?
yes this is a very fun rpg
have 2 patch in that link, how do i install it ?
install the game, install the english patch and last the quick fix
Can some one tell me how to instal because all I get from extracting are mdf files which I can’t open.
Get a program called Daemon tools, which allows you to open this mdf file as a virtual cd, then just run setup.exe
Hi, I downloaded Daemon Tools but now I cannot figure out how to apply the English Patch since opening the mdf files means that I cannot throw the English patch in. I have to open the mdf files separate which creates a disk but I can’t put the English patch onto the disk. Any solutions?
mounting .mdf files works just like inserting game DVD disc into drive. You need to install the game first, then copy patch to installed game directory.
Hi Admin, I am so sorry because I still don’t quite get how to do that on the Mac. I don’t expect you to automatically know how on the Mac so don’t worry if you don’t know. When I use Daemon tools I turn the mdf files into a CD but from there I can’t do anything other than launch the game which is in Japanese. I don’t know how to actually install it so then I can apply the patch to the game. Basically, on my mac once it is in CD form, I can’t find a way to install the game anywhere else. It just shows up as a CD in devices. God I hate apple so much. Thanks for the response though!
well im not sure but wodent thair be a setup in mac 2 ? then agin i just got a pc but i inmagine it bieng the same way on mac?…. if thairs a setup in the mdf just hit it and wala i cant understand for one how u run the game whitout instaling….. just a comment from a bystander no need 2 care oranyting 🙂 just thougt id say maby it helps maby not
100% save. Not mine, forgot where did I get it. If you don’t know how to use it you don’t deserve it.
The ‘Bunny Black English Patch’ keeps saying ‘Software Not Found’. It says to put it in the instal directory, so I’ve put it in the file named ‘Instal’ and also the regular file. What am I doing wrong!? I really wanna play this game!
i had the same problem, i just kept moving it around between the installation and game folder and it worked in the end.
Thanks for the game, really enjoying it, no problems whatsoever installing….
Any clue if/when the second game will be translated? this game is way too good, reminds me of Kamidori Alchemy Meister.
What’s the “BB_Quickfix1_01.rar” file for?
What do we get in new game+ beside unit inheritance? nothing more?
yep, absolutely nothing but those 5 units you choose
i dont have any problems with instalation. Only problem is, that i cant hear any voices. Music and sound are good, but voices not. Thanks
Umm admin do you know when bunny black 2 gonna be translated and what website to know the development????
THX 4 game. Guys when i unlock the prison? i have just met cass but still don’t have. Thx
Ok so i’ve been trying for quite a while now and have gone through pretty much all errors people had had.
Currently I’ve tried to install onto my second HDD (D:) and have put the english patch inside the install folder and the quickfix in the bunny folder.
When I try to run the english patch it says it cannot find bunny black game files (I can actually start the game in japanese) and if I try to run the bunny.exe (quickfix version ofc) I get the message _MTaskAgsButtonCursorNextSet@16 in the DLL Ags4.dll
I have also tried to copy directly from the ISO file and I’ll simply get the same issue except only missing ags4.dll error on quickfix.
I’m losing my mind here please help.
Install the game in the folder it ask, do not change it somewhere else. Put the english part in the game folder and run it there. It works like that. Do not forget to insert the update BBquick too. I didn’t have problems playing it in windows 7.
I’m having the same problem, and there is no game folder. I tried running the patch from the install folder like it said. when that failed I tried running it in the bunny folder. Same results.
what are the requirements for the female human units to join? I’m guessing you need the prison and have to view all of the Prison scenes and about 120 kills but i’m already at 300+ rogue kills and still didn’t get the join party event… do you need NG+?
i found a cheat application with skill points, renown, money and exp cheat but no 1 hit kill cheat and it’s in japanese text code… there is also a cheat where you can avoid a fight
anyone know using 1 hit kill cheat in this game? please tell me xD
i only know money cheat using cheat engine for this game
Do I need the BBquickfix? where do I put it if I do? Do I instal the game or mount it, put the english patch inside the mounted disk and run it as administration?
ok… ill try it.. ty 😀
I don’t know why but there is no fight when i play.
ennemys keep defend, my minions too and when i attack nothing happen
hey i downloaded t and burned it to a disk but i cant install it because the installer is in Japanese how do i install it
Don’t install it, just copy/paste the “Bunny” Directory and run your patch.
Yes, you have to beat them a few more times. It kinda sucks since its a bit random to run into them, I forget the exact number but 2/3 times you beat them again and you get additional scenes when you “capture” them again
Ok, thx I’ll continue to search them.
But I have another problem with Juju. Seriously, how do you get her scene ? I only have the first in the Room of Travel and even if I did a dozen of mission in the Overgrow Thicket, I still don’t have the others.
I can confirm what Sorreah said – I’ve just finished Cass and now only have 2 Ayaka scenes left. BTW, it is MUCH easier to search for thease girls once Aleshia calls off the search parties – no more yellow clouds with soldiers in them. You can make quick survey of the floor for the yellow dot/cloud (which has to be Cass/Ayaka on non monster floor). Then end the mission and proceed to the next mission fast (use Feather and Teleport and Egress).
I didn’t had any problems with Juju on both of my playthroughs… If she does not procs on a single mapping of Overgrown Thicket dungeon then something is lacking. Progress through the story more, then try again. For me I think the key was meeting her for the first time in Room of Travels.
Oh, also a tip for those struggling with Red/Blue/Black Books… I don’t think those are just random drops. I think they are ONLY floor chests drops… And I have only verified for myself them present in Cave of Bueroza chests. Try searching for missions on CoB maps with chests. 2 such floors that I know of are B4 (3 chests, use Teleport and hidden doors for speed) and B7 (2 chests).
I already beat Ayaka and Cass and have one scene with each. And if I’m not mistaking I have 2 missing scene with Ayaka et 1 missing with Cass. (There on line full of “????” under the event “After Cass is Set Free” and two line after Ayaka Afterward). And I have 1 missing CG with each.
Do I have to farm continue to search them to beat them to unlock that or it something else ?
I found the how to extract but cannot move the files over because it said the file already reached its space capacity. Help!!??
dif files i mean
All the dir files with rar file itself is password protected. Why?
I’ve been trying to extract files from english patch but i need the password for it. Any other way of transferring files over to main application?
Hello, could someone make a walkthrough out of this game? I wanted to unlock whole scenes/cg of this game but can’t seem to meet the requirements.
It’s the first eroge I’ve played that’s actually fun. It’s like Shin Megami tensei meets Ogre Battle with H.
follow nope instruction
i was fooled by me friends -_-
thanks nope
thats not how it works
you are right we’ll be needing daemon tools but
after daemon tools mount
place the folder bunny in your cd file
*since daemon tools will make mfs files into cd files *
then copy the translator
then quick fix
i got this from the senpai above
2nd step: COPY folder “bunny” from the cd image to your harddisk
3rd step: place english patch into bunny folder on your HDD
4th step: run english patch
5th step: run quick_fix (to fix some errors)
dont get so down man at least you help a little
oh yeah ads4 error doesnt mean anything
just follow my lead and you’ll be fine
i also get ags4 error or ads4 error i dont remmember
okay good luck with the installation
sorry typo =-=
if you new and doesnt know how it install
1st thing 1st ADS4 or something like that
you’ll need to download daemon tools
to install make MFS file into install able
after that follow the example in eroge download faq
after that you’ll be installing the game
and remmember do not install it on C other wise you’ll get prob with admin that makes you have to run as admin or you cant save the game
the 3rd one you need to put quick fix into the install directory
the last one put the translator into the directory
then its done
no need to thank me
let us support the damn awesome game
oh yeah ads4 doesnt mean anything
just follow my lead and you’ll be fine
i also get ags4 or ads4 i dont remmember
okay good luck with the installation
I’m lvl 56 and Miguel just nuke my team. What level do you think I need to obtain to beat him ?
I did him at arround the level 65 and my team was about lvl25/30
, spammed mirage and my team pretty much did the rest
You get it in the Illusion magic tree,blocks 1 attack on each teammate.
Of you want to grind faster dungeon/dragon hunt is good,
It’s full of weak big bosses that give you arround 1k exp each.
Darx is pretty much OP anyway and could solo the whole fight.
Had about 900hp with decent heals and could oneshot an entire row with blade dance. the only damage he took was about 100 by miguel
The rest of the trashmobs did arround 1-20
Note that if a teammate dies, you won’t be able to bring it over to a new game since it won’t be in your team anymore (you have to hire them when they die) so if you plan on keeping demons, make sure they don’t die.
Well i solo him ai level 96 and my teammate at level 50-60. The tips is easy when you Accept the final mission mean Defeat Miguel Cuvar don’t do it yet only accept it and leave it there it won’t disapear, i’m very sure about it. You just need to hunting demon or dragon. I defeat this game 3 times, now i’m playing 4 times on Hell mode (Abandon All Hope). Man it’s a pain in the ass just like Age of Empire, they are much stronger and outnumber too 🙁
Hey about that, im pretty close to beating the game for the first time, is there a reason to play the game for the 2nd and 3d times? i mean are there any new scenes/characters to see? or is it just for more challenging dungeon runs but the story is all the same?
If people have trouble with the install just don’t bother.
-There’s a bunny folder in the iso where the actual game is
-Copy past is on your drive
-put the english patch inside and execute
-Just run bunny.exe to play
Works perfectly for me at least.
Also if people have trouble saving, it’s probably because of admin rights
Try not to keep the game folder in Programe files or a similar folder.
Or you can try running it as admin.
um guys i have question, what is blue book and red book, the game said that i should collect 5 blue books and 5 red books. Can someone tell what is it ? and how to find it ? please help me thank guys a lot.
PS: sorry about my english if it wrong
there is books called blue/red XXX book. If you collect 5 you unlock a bonus story unrelated to Bunny Black.
I’m not really sure if you found it on chest droped by monster or by chest on th floor or both.
thank you for your help i find 1 blue book in a chest on floor when i make a quest 40% of map cave of buenoza , it a red quest when Darx find out Cuvar’s Retribution i don’t know how to find the other any more help please
It’s just a random loot, just farm.
Can we still see Ayaka and Cass in dungeon (yellow enemy) once we saved the princess?
Yes you wan continue to see them in dungeon between the time you save the princess and the mission where you go to Cave of Buezora F13.
I think after that mission you can’t see them anymore because you no longer have the prison.
ranran…try move the folder to Data…not C:\….
Can’t Install. It says ” Install.exe Application error
The Application is unable to start correctly (0xc0000006). Click OK to Close the Application”
see the instruction
Can someone please upload bunny.exe, mine gone after restoring my laptop XD
nvm, found it, but now the Ags4.dll missing…
Try turn off your Anti-virus before install and patch your english when you done just turn on again. Well that work for me.
This one was of the best I’ve ever played.
Can’t wait till the 2 sequels are translated in due time.
ya I started playing couldn’t stop and now all that’s left is the sequels and I cant wait for them :). Hey admin i love you
Can’t save, it said something in Japanese from Aoi
Right click on game -> “Run the game as administrator”.
Ah.. Thanks Admin! It’s working now
finish the game.. without cheats.. it was awesome!! 😀
and can somebody recommend me with…. similar gameplay…. or have a awesome story line…. plz… ty… 🙂
Try Yumina the Ethereal
Ranran..n sel…where do ya install it? which folder?
Default location here: C:\Program Files\bunny
i keep getting a “the program can’t start because Ags4.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling to fix this problem.” how do i fix this? i tried downloading all the “.dll”s i can find. but it just wont work…
hehehezozo ya can change command point for example… at level grunt first scan and minion is next scan
ranran..does ya change ya system language and region to japanese?
good luck buddyz!
I did change the system locale. Reinstall it and still cannot save my game progress… hmmmm
It happens to me too, I can’t save the game, I installed it with japan location, applied the english patch and the fix too but still with the save game problem 🙁
I have issues with saving file. everytime I tried to save the game, a windows warning pop out, with some japanese character about system failure. And everytime I start the game, it goes to the prologue again and again. How to fix this?
Does this help ? http://games.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1092
Thanks for the help. I guess the problem is you need to run it as admin.
I had the same problem and solved it by running the program as administrator. For some reason it does not allow the game to modify the save file unless it is run as administrator.
because of “program files” protected folder.
anyone else having issues getting the english patch? everytime i try it just re loads the page
Command point, Renown have been encrypted just like game online you can only change money and skill point 🙁
try change the value type into 2 byte.
My 50K renown says I can, in fact, change Renown with Cheat Engine.
I got no events so maybe there are multiple ways it tracks it?
You can just search for the command costs of your party, problem solved, you didn’t get that idea ?
Does anyone have any of the static pointers? I am having a lot of trouble finding them.
look like cheat engine can’t change command point 🙁
I keep getting pgsvtd_T CellFileRead errors everytime a skill is used, it is driving me insane. I didn’t see any comments about it so im asking now.
Well, i will promote this site to my friend!
I wanted to ask that is this alright to download the BB_Quickfix_01.rar it contains a trojan virus. I mean seriously is this safe?
lrn2virustotal faggot
A virus and a trojan horse are two different things. They are both considered malware so your statement should have been “Fixes like this are sometimes picked up by anti-malware programs but they are false positives. No need to worry friend!” Instead of the rubbish you typed.
Thank admin! if i find ya.. beers on the table and its all on ME!!!!
Kawa….ya have no idea bout how good tis game…its f*cking awesome….cowabungaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wew… oh man let me give ya basic
Question 1: yah have three type of weapon, that is ranged, slash and blunt..as ya level up ya might find train point…or whatever…now for me i will level up the one i like…e.g slash weapon…just level up that one….so ya might wanna hunt more ant take more job…
it will up grade…for me the highest of slash skill is deadly slash but the strongest is wild dance…so ya better upgrade that one… it even do damage as high as 2000 dmg
Question 2:How ya wanna lvl up…..just pick stronger enemy of course…other than red enemy, ya better look for yellow one ya know…and bring some death goo for that…for 180 gold…other than tht ya can look for big group of enemy…. and deeper ya hunt (dungeon) better ya lvl up…look for job that give many star…
Question 3:what ya mean by tht?
Question 4:i went all out
p.s use cheat engine…. i use that and got unlimited gold and train point……do ya know how to do it or have ya ever use cheat engine?
hey…wew my comrade….do me a favor…please requesting black bunny 2 next time ya post in this site….seeya comrade!
@Iemservan thanks a lot, i was about to use my skills points for something else good thing i read your reply,, btw bunny black 2 is already, bunny black also already has part 3. though SEIHA has only released an incomplete english translation of part 2, just search seiha translations you can find out about their progress
one more thing what is renown for the use of command and other basic stuff. I’m now currently exploring the use of each but i don’t want to mess up my early game of using my skill points and gold and other things. thanks to anyone who will give me a quick info
how to play this game,
i was able to start the game i’m doing some dungeon mission but
1. how do i attack besides slash and other skill is there another way to attack?
2. how do i level up?
3. How do i capture “the needed merchandise”?
Is this game good thus far?
There a fair few things about his game that really bug me, mostly the fact that 80% of everything battle-related is random chance (hit rate random, can’t order subordinates cause they move randomly).
Other than that it’s a great VN and the story is enjoyable. Wish there was a way to unlock the CGs without having to finish the whole game, but oh well.
This started happening some days ago but when I try to click on any of the DA links, instead of showing a list of downloads it refreshes the page without the list of downloads. Not sure if my SpoilerToggle is working properly or not.
MrHanz,the game is f*cking hard without cheat engine, i finish the game after 2 day playing
i hope i can pay a tribute to the web and admin….but dont know how
I want bunny black 2 as soon as possible!
o great erogedownload administer!
We know you doing the best for us!
Just finished the game
This game so f*cking hard but it was fun
now I want BunnyBlack 2
Welp, beat it, was fun, made me want to go play Sengoku Rance again :p.
Anyone know if theres a point to beating it on newgame+? more scenes etc?
Now I want Bunnyblack 2 O-o
yeah,im one with katsu, i want the same game…but black bunny 2 and 3 first
Wowww… very good, thanks for translation and everithing, super cool game, sorry for bad english.
Nvm fixed it
Any chance on ever getting: Madou Koukaku ~Yami no Tsuki-Megami wa Doukoku de Utau?
Use cheat engine and only the sky is your limit..
Thank for this great game Administer! i hope you can give us black bunny 2 and black bunny 3…thank you my comrade!
Highlight all the files and just hit extract if that problem keeps happening redownload everything.
Hi guys can someone help me please I am having a problem with the English Patch. So I have the game downloaded and everything works fine but whenever I attempt to use to English Patch it gets to 7 bars in and gets stuck on the file eva or something is this a corrupt file issue? How can I fix this please help.
I have a recurring issue on games that come in multiple parts when downloaded for free. As I’m extracting the files of the 2nd, 3rd,.. RARs, one of the RARs will always fail to extract properly and I thus am unable to get all of the required files extracted. 7-zip says it is because a file is broken. This does not happen with games that are small enough to be in one part. Any assistance I could get with this?
Is there any reason to max out renown higher than dungeon master?
Dungeon Mid-boss is as high as you really need to go to unlock all the story parts. All the levels above that don’t do anything but add more CP. “King” which is the level over Dungeon Master is 30K renown and gives +10cp so is honestly not worth the grind considering you would need to grind more renown just for that level than you needed to get from 0 to dungeon master. even the better missions that give ~100 renown you would need to do 180 or so of them to to get there from Dungeon master lol
Help. My game keeps crashing after a specific scene.
It was early on too…
Nvm. Problem solved.
Hi, I was playing and found a page of the red book, then went down a floor to restore hp and mp and the game crashed, now I lost the progress… any solution?
So I had some issues installing the game, but got around that by opening the mds and copying and pasting the entire contents to a different folder, then patching the bunny folder as if it was the install directory and the game runs, but whenever I play in windowed mode and there is a screen change, even if its only a sprite change, the window bugs out and the images move down and to the right for a second before returning to normal. This issue isn’t there in fullscreen, but I generally don’t like playing games in fullscreen and was wondering if there was a way to stop this from happening, or if its because I didn’t install the game correctly.
I like many others here, ran into the issue of when I tried to install the game, I couldn’t read the buttons and the top one gave me two options, both of which resulted in errors, and the others seemed to link me to websites or tried to install add-ons such as directx.
small update, by changing the effects to minimum instead of default, the screen very briefly flashes white instead. the same thing might be happening but faster than I can recognize it
is the game voiced?
hey guys how do you install the game? I’ve downloaded the file and it says bunnyblack.mdf & bunnyblack.mds. But i don’t know how to install the game and the english translation. Thanks
You need a program like daemon tools to open/install mdf and mds files
is there away to recruit cas i keep beating her but then she just leaves??
Personally, the toughest part was getting my troops to level in the beginning, instead of barely surviving.
So, I started out with Front – 3 werebears, Mid -Pigman,Darx, Pigman – Rear 3 Heal Goos. That worked decently for most fights, werebears were decent enough for the first few levels, pigmen had snipe & slash, and were also decent tanks, heal goos were… healing goos.
Next chance, I switched the pigmen for Rock Hawk & Gargoyle, which both had ranged attack, Gargoyle also having healing & normal attacks, and later magic. I also switched one heal goo for a fairy, but I kept the other two, since most of my troops were lvl 8 at that time ,and they were therefore better healers than a new fairy.
After that, I only switched party once more, when I changed my front row to Loams, Tifur, Loams, since they’re all great frontliners , and Tifur adds strength to it’s row. Then I switched the rock hawk with a slime, since she had ranged attacks, and boosted front row endurance, basically my front row of excellent fighters now had better defence & attack. I don’t think I ever lost more than maybe one or two party members during any single dungeon after that, but it was rather easy difficulty.
So, I finished the game with every single of my 9 party members at 99 , because I thought, ‘Why the hell not?’
Dragon & Demon hunts were… a pain. Seriously, a pain. So many maze parts… ugh. The boss fights were interesting, Dragon hunt’s was probably for me the toughest fight in the entire game, since I had to heal all every , or every other turn to keep them alive, just due to the damage dished out from the boss. Demon… was done in two turns, without any difficulty. And I was somewhat annoyed by then, since it had 7 freaking floors.
Chests. You’ll need two skills to open 3 chests per rest, but you can cause damage and have to pay for that, and there are several ways around that.
1) Savescumming, basically saving before, then opening several and memorizing the trap, then loading and opening, and I did this in groups of 3 for a while.
2) Get the skills, then open them in the dungeons. The only damages they can then cause is teleporting you or hurting you, and that’s easy to deal with.
3) I’m quite sure the loot you can get from them differs, depending on what current rank you’re holding, since if you got Legendary Equipment at Minion level… well, too easy, right? Therefore, it might not be profitable to have Rakia unlock them until you’re at atleast … 3-4k renown, where the equipment will atleast be good on average. Also, try to save a lot of chests & cash, then open them during special sales, and you’ll save 20%, which is a lot in the end if you’ve got 100+ chests. Eventually,atleast for me, the costs of opening any number of chests was more than covered by selling whatever duplicates they gave me, and usually gave me a profit, and I hadn’t really bought any store gear in the endgame, ‘cept one piece, so I was pretty satisfied by then. But if you’re extremely unlucky and never get any good gear from the chests? Can’t help you.
I’m actually somewhat amazed that every single woman (‘cept Cass when we fought her, since she was shown in a flashback) turned out to be a virgin, but I guess that’s part of the fun, since all of them ended up wanting Darx for various reasons.
And after all that ,completing it in less than a week, i’m going to replay it at a harder difficulty. Why, you ask? It’s because I got a meagre 93% CG completion score, so i’m actually missing some great events (sniffle).
Now, to be overzealous, how soon can we expect Bunny Black 2 & 3? *Stares intently* If they’re going to be of similar caliber, i’m not sure whether I want them released within 2 weeks because I need to focus on school, or if I want them released as soon as possible because i’m anxiously awaiting them-
The translator who did this one said he is planing on doing Blackbunny 2 but he’s doing a different game before that so it will be a while. You probably won’t see it till next year at the very ealiest
Why i was down 6 part and extra them all but i not know how to install :v I just see when the extra done that is a Bunny Black floder inside just have the link to website and a BunnyBlack.mdf with BunnyBlack.mds
I try to down the Quickfix but it’s say i not have the Ags4.dll but i was google that dll but can’t find it
100% save + king rank
New game + with 9 monsters 80+
Doesn’t work.
Can someone please tell me where the directory is in which I am suppose to place the English patch to play the game.
Thanks in advance. ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)
Anybody got any advice on what I should focus on first? I get the feeling that I should buy as many monsters as I can but I’m not sure if that’s correct. Basically, I’m torn between buying weapons, buying party members, or trying in vain to level up. Considering my “success” with leveling, I am leaning towards running low level jobs over and over until I built enough capital for good weapons or good members.
buy monsters first Darx’s gear really isn’t all that important compared to having a nice full party. Also level Darx’s healing abilities first since you can’t really count on the monsters to heal when you need/want them too. Then put points in the skill that raises your command points and then the passives that it unlocks that benefit the whole group. Also it helps if you use the daggers instead of just a sword because they count as both slashing and ranged so you can use the skills from both which gives you a larger skill usage pool as well as more variety in attacks (the ranged skill AOE “Barrage” is awesome”
Thanks for the info. As a follow-up, I am now wondering if you should train the low level monsters as you go on or just keep buying stronger monsters to replace the weaker ones.
Do you know how to get female enemies to be a party member? I read a guide and it said that you have to defeat several of them, but how many? or maybe there are certain condition you have to fulfill first like level/renown?
I saw that too, from what I gathered it is A LOT. It has to do with amount of times Darx rapes them in the prison I think.
IIRC You have to kill about 40 of them for each scene in the prison and around 160 of them to recruit one. You will be forced to recruit the warrior, rogue and wizard about 3 times each before the other’s will show up and I believe you can only recruit one ever 3 levels so if you hit lvl 99 with Darx you can’t recruit any more
CMIIW, sorry my english still not good and thanks for the explanation
so every 3 level you can only recruit/get 1 person
say for 66 lv then you will get total 22 recruit?
and before you can get samurai, ninja, and so on, you have to get fighter, thieve, and mage each of them 3 first, that would be total 9 recruit
oh yeah there are also stronger type from each of them right? like genin -> ninja, fighter -> warrior, thieve -> rogue, ronin -> samurai
can we get the stronger type or we only can recruit the first type?
The “stronger” types are just higher level versions with a color pallet swap. You can’t recruit them outright since you always get them at lvl 1 but when they level up they get the same skills as the higher level versions. For instance the “ninja” is the class. at higher levels the enemy will change it’s name to genin or whatnot and be a different color but it still just has that classes skills. It’s simple a higher level version of it. The ones you recruit don’t change name and color as they level but they get the same class skills. It’s the same as the higher level versions of the monsters that unlock later on in game. They have a different name and color but they are just higher level versions of the same thing with the same skills. If you buy the monster at lvl 1 and level it to lvl 16 or buy the 3rd version that comes at lvl 16 they are identical stat and skill wise
Some of the Human girl adventure units are really nice. The Warrior for instance is pretty much a copy of the “Giant” stat and skill wise only with more health (well over 900 at max level) and costs 5cp instead of 8cp. Like the Giant it has the bonus of END up for the row so it’s an awesome front row unit
So melee attacker not suppose to be able to attack from 2nd and 3rd row?
I just check out Seiha, and they release new patch and a quick fix
They said it fixed those problems, I haven’t tried it yet though
Very fun game, by any chance is there a CG or H-scene recollection in the game? Trying to figure if I need to save every time there is an H-scene.
There is a bonus section with both CG and Scene recollection but it doesn’t unlock till you beat the game at least once.
umm, can anyone help me to install this game i cant even work the english patch..
Anyone know if there is a way to remove curses from items?
1.Getting the skill.
2.Going to the shop.
Guys anyone know how to install english patch? please help. i haven’t downloaded the file though.
help me.. i dunno how to install this game in my laptop.. can u show me some tutorial.. plss..
Does anyone have the soundtrack for this? There’s a few tracks I really like in this game. Just Finished it, was really good. But damn, the start is hard. It was almost a shame once I started steamrolling the enemies lol.
how to get player location (blue arrow) in dungeon ? ,i cant see it.
This is probably a little bug.
However, you will see the arrow as soon as you form a party.
you need a monster that has orieentering like the Fary
you will as soon as you form a party.
probably a bug
ok thanks
do you know how to fix it…?
Not a bug, need a skill to see arrow. Fairy and succubus have it. Don’t know about other monsters with it.
You need the Orienteering skill. Some monsters have it (it works even if the monster is in one of the inactive back rows instead of the 9 active ones) or the “Map Scroll” item which give you that ability if you have it in your inventory
The game is so fucking hard, I mean, My team is so weak and they got a full battalion of army against me. Is there any tips for newbies?
on normal difficulty the game is pretty easy actually.
havn’t lost a single party member in my first playthrough.
Choice and placement of your units is critical. Make sure every unit in 2nd and 3rd row is either capable of fighting from a distance ( sniper, bolt, lance and wall skills ) or is a healer.
A brawler idling around in the back won’t do you any good.
Tifur and Loams do great in the front row.
Ogre Girls are very helpful because of their infinite sniping ability and powerful area attacks.
Until you get them, F Karg are also effective in 2nd/3rd row.
Fairies are decent healers and their attacks actually get quite strong when they level up. Their low endurance is a bit of a downside in the beginning. If you clear two or more dungeons in a row without resting in your room they will start idling/defending and wont heal their comrads any more.
Don’t know much about other units, I beat the game with ease using this combo.
I did the cleaning jobs and the first regular job without a party.
> Then I used F Karg and 3 Fairies for quite a wile.
> replaced the two F Karg in front row with Loams
> replaced the remaining three F Karg with Ogre Girls
> replaced a front row Loams with a Tifur
> replaced one Ogre Girl with Ekate (she’s available for a lim. time late in the game, switched back to my high level loli ogre after that)
Place your Fairies/healers/weak units in the middle.
Attacks are either limited to the enemy front row or have unlimited range, so there’s no difference in “safety” between 2nd and 3rd row. But in case you get ambushed from behind your 3rd row becomes the frontline and you don’t want your weak units in hand to hand combat.
Learn healing and combat magic as quickly and as much as possible. Magical area attacks are very powerful and you’ll need the ability to heal your entire party later in the game.
Some environments like lava dugeons will decrease your party’s hp while you move around and you’ll have to heal them via the party menu or you wont survive.
Bombs are very useful. Great to thin the enemy hords and conserve your magical area atttacs.
I brought four to ten to every dungeon.
Ignore loot/Magical Chests.
Their content is in most cases worth less than it costs to have them opened. And opening them yourself often results in costly desasters, so don’t.
Tried it twice. They exploded in my face and cost me almost 9000 bucks in building repairs. What I got in return was a cheap dagger and a decorative flower^^.
Put them in storage or sell them.
So don’t let it bother you that carriing bombs limits the number of chests you can collect.
Sooo… I hope these tips will be of use to someone.
i must disagree to some things you said:
1. ignore tresure chest: You need 2 point and you can onlock every chest, you only need to safe before open it and reload after you know the trap then rest after you open 3 chest. Chest are the only way too get the realy good items ( i got a spear +50 attack)
2. you must quickly get the magic and heal abbilities: Thats wrong, i got mostly on melee and commanding (group +attack +deff+speed) and on the first playthroug could solo the endboss (lvl60 speer+50 max life max anti magic and max end)for heal, just get Ambrosia (i think it is the best healer in the game)
3. you need heal for the Lava area: wrong some demons have a ability to prevent map damage like the HOT Head (the same for the ice world) you just need to have one in you team
4. A brawler idling around in the back won’t do you any good:
i put brawler in the second row and they are not wastet, they can attack the enemy even if they are not in the first row.
Some brawler are prety weak in defense but have a god ofense.
i think there are many different ways too play it and the beginning is realy hard. Fokus in the beginning on melee or magic (or on commanding) and do not mix. Later on you have more points than you need.
Brawlers can not attack from any row other than the front. That is how the game is supposed to work. The reason yours can is because the translator broke that in the initial patch. They screwed up and the restriction on melee attacks stopped working. The subsequent patches and hotfixes fixed that issue along with many others like the fact a lot of passive abilities actually weren’t working.
ok i didn´t know that, but everything else should be rigth.
I am going to download the patch for the second playthrough^^
You want patch 1.2 you can get the latest patch/hotfixes here
that’s the site for the actual translator so it’s always up to date
Well for the first timer that choose the difficulty abandon all hope for their first play(since I’m also one of them)
First of all you have to use your starting starting skill point to learn combat medic and money for team members. Don’t get another job than cleaning unless you have about another 4 or 5 member(fairy is a must)(I’m using Fairy, antman and 2 werebear for starter and put darx in the middle of formation). Then take scouting mission when you have 4 or 5 party in cave of bueroza BF1 at least try to defeat 1 red colored enemy (which is probably have casualties) and avoid yellow colored enemy at all cost because you won’t stand a chance against their numbers(once darx lv 2 learn master of unlocking so he can open treasure chest and save first before opening treasure chest). Try scouting mission until darx have good equipment like knight sword armor that has good endurance (about +3)by the way shoes are affordable and almost have same effect with another footgear so I recommend if you have to buy, buy shoes and and once darx have good endurance put him on the front alone with my team which is consisted of antman bears and fairy in following position damage that darx receive will be small:
darx front row middle(at least I place him on the middle)
antman middle row behind darx
2 werebear middle row (not behind darx because that’s antman place)
fairy back row behind antman
if you asking why use this formation it’s because this formation give darx boost endurance about 15 so if he has endurance about 35 physical damage will be nothing for him(at least at cave of bueroza BF1 the damage he received from most attack will be 1 to 5).
When you fight against Cass when you at underling rank (darx level at that time is 5 when I fight her) hire death goo until your cap is full(22 in underling rank) and place 3 of them in front row and the rest is back row and at least have 1 small bomb to ensure victory.(this formation is used only when fighting Cass. Use usual formation until then).
Well I already cleared the game (at darx lv 91) in that diff but I haven’t cleared demon hunt dungeon and dragon hunt dungeon I’ll do it in new game+.
this game is so flippin good
Just FYI, for anyone having trouble with this… This game can be messed with via Cheat Table really easily.
Search for 4 Bytes, type in whatever value you need, then go do something that raises/lowers it. I’ve done HP and Skill Points so far, both are fairly easy to manipulate. Not sure if you can do EXP, but money should be easy as well.
You can do experience as well, along with Darx’s STR, INT, and END, just type in the value and keep equipping and unequipping him till you get the right address.
Kind of surprising I don’t have to do any of the old tricks like number x2 +1 to find values, but I’m not gonna complain about a free gift. Values change when you exit the game, but they seem to persist through saving/loading.
In other news ranking up Unlocking past 1 is completely worthless.
you can also have infinite skill point and infinite commanding points too. For the first one, its as easy as said before, for the second one, you’ll find out 2 value in the system for the commending points, you need to put it at (for exemple) 1 and check the boxes on the left (the 2 of them). Even if even if your current party need more commanding, you can still just go back to the store as usual.
Does anyone have slow down the longer they play?
After a map or two the game gets 2 or 3 times slower than it was until it gets unplayable. It’s not slower in some places, but the whole games gets slower and I have to restart.
The game does not use more ram, or more cpu, it’s still pretty much the same.
This is not a stat requirement thingy as I have a quad core, a 970gtx overclocked, and 8 gigs of DDR3.
Did anyone else get this? Or know how to fix this?
I get the same thing, I thought it was just me since my laptop isn’t the greatest. As for any fixes I don’t know any myself, hopefully someone else can shed some light on this.
Tesla, I removed the Windows Xp compatibility that was checked by default and I haven’ texperienced any slow down since then.
So what’s the point of getting money and exp for the endboss if you can’t keep it for the newgame+?
the point is to get yourself a team to survive 😛 New game+ is ridiculously easy as long as you bring a somewhat planned team. one character brought over pretty much pwns everything, you get 7-9 to bring over. Having 2-3 from the beginning and you’re set. you pretty much can sit back and let them power level you
I swear, its like people aren’t even trying to find the answer to their problem, the save issue has been addressed so much…
Make sure you’re running the game with administrator privileges. You can’t save at the start of the game (prologue/introduction part), that’s because there’s no save option during conversations.
I have the same problem as Mika chan~, I can’t save and I keep getting this *Aoi* message whenever I start the game, enter or leave a dungeon. It’s really annoying. And what’s more annoying is that all my progress is lost (if I happen to do a stupid mistake) and I have to start all over again. If I happen to close the game then I will lose EVERYTHING and can’t even skip dialogue I’ve read when I open it again. I really like this game and want to play it but this bug or whatever it is, is really annoying. So please, if anyone can help us we would be most grateful?
Run the game as admin (right click on .exe -> “Run as administrator”).
Sorry for my stupid question. I found what was wrong. *Goes hiding in a cloud of self-loathin*
My stupid computer decided to pull a prank on me and I’m seriously thinking of throwing it out from my window on the fifth floor.
Anyway, I really look forward to play this game, and thank you for all previous games and all future ones as well.
guys!! I need help T^T I can’t save the game!!! How can I save it? Whenever I try to save a notice in japanese appears with name Aoi… :/ I don’t understand what should I do? :v
Simply copy ( or install) the game in a non System folder and your Good to go.
FriendlyKittenz sent a 100%cg on the older comments! Have a look! 😀
I tried to find it, but I cannot. Can you please write address to download or date when he post it? Thank you.
I also forgot to say that we should give thanks to the person called “sagaoz” for all of this too. Sorry about not remembering to put it. (7q~q)7
Here’s a save file I took forever to find with all cgs in it:
In order to get it to work you have to download what’s above and then use File manager like 7zip, WinRar, or some other file manager. Open it up and you should see “Bunny.sav” as well a read me text although its in another language. When you select the “Bunny.sav” in the file manager extract the “Bunny.sav” to the game file(If you want to keep your old file then make a copy of it but most likely you might not since this has 100% cgs and starter demons at considerable levels but if you do wanna save it then put it somewhere else but other than that you should overwrite the current “Bunny.sav” you have played and got stuck on in the story.
Sorry if my explanation is bad! If you don’t understand I’m sure people on here will explain it better than me. Hope you all have fun with this game! 😀
help plz!, Found key on 13th floor of cave of bueroza , goto 14th floor, find locked door, tried to open then told me I need key, then tried using key in item/skills and there’s no option for that
Sorry for bothering you, but ynyone got a 100% save file? I can only managed to get about 80%. Don´t someone have better, or don´t have walkthrough? Or do someone know how edit savefile to unlock extra? I can not find on internet nothing about this game online cg and there I find than I miss a lot of interesting scenes. Can sameone please give me file or advice. Sorry for english, it is my second language and I am better at reading then writing. Thank you for reply.
want to ask you all
will darx really join miguel or i can choose ?
can’t choose its part of the story.
My Tips For Starters who hates the starting difficulty of this game like I do.
This game is a very nice rpg, like many, I find this quite challenging in the beginning so I though I’d write some tips to help others start the game. (Note: It gets easier as you play)
*********So 1st, select the easiest difficulty when you start a new game.
*********2nd do quests that pays 800 (scout) posted with blue ink. When youre on the quest map, immediately find the Gate leading home, it’s just behind you. then just walk in circles in that room until it says mission finished. Quite helpful to get you some money to setup a decent party
*********3rd (Party members.)
**Fist, a Fairy, put her in the middle alongside you. This is a must for her orienteering skill, you’ll be able to see you position on the map.
**Second, Get 3 Werebears, put them all in front row. Their skills stacks up which boots their row’s defence. Now you basically have a wall with descent attack rating
**Third, Get 3 Healing Goos and place em all at the back. They will heal damaged allies. (I’ve used them until the end of the game)
**As the game progress, you’ll be offered stronger monsters to Hire. Now I didn’t need to change the middle and back row monsters. They have stayed as Fairy and Heal Goos. As for the 1st Row, you’ll need to change them. I’ll list down some decent monsters for you to choose from.
*Giant (Iron Wall skill – Row Endurance Up)
*Tifur (Inspiring Ally – Row Strength Up)
*Basiwyrm (Super Soldier – Party Strength Up)
*O Knight (High HP and Stat) (Dark Force – Many Attacks ea Turn)
(Note that Giant Tifur and Basiwym skills stacks! So Put 3 Giants infront for Max Defence or 3 Tifurs for Max attack or Mix them! Thing with Basiwyrm is that they eat up 10 cmd points)
If you’re curious about my Party Setup, here.
Giant — O Knight — Basiwyrm <Front Row
Lilith — ME — Fairy <Middle Row
3 Heal Goo <Back Row
*********4th (Skill)
I suggest you use a Sword at start. Level up "Edged Weapons" (Lvl 10 I guess) until the "Blade Dancer" skill shows up right below it. Now, max out the "Blade Dancer" skill, this will become your ultimate attack. I've felled bosses just by 2 or 3 hits from this. Note that at level 5 another skill names Saint of Blades will pop out. Leave this for later, experience wise, Blade dancer is more powerful.
Now as you progress into the game, skill points will be easy to acquire. You Might want to Invest a bit in Magic. Example Put 5 levels in Flame Magic and "Piercing Flame Magic" and "Wide Flame Magic" will pop out. Put 5 pts in these 2 and "Adv Flame Magic" will pop (Hits all enemies) You can max this 3 out as it helps a lot in grinding.
If Youre curious about my skill setup, here are the main ones
20 Edged Weapons
20 Blade Dancer
20 Saint of Blades
5 Flame, Ice, Wind, Lit Magic
20 Flame, Ice, Wind, Lit Wide, Piercing and Adv Magics
(Note These Magics really helps in grinding and long journeys)
**********5th (Grinding Spot)
In the earlier part of the game Take EXTERMIANTION quests. It says Defeat all enemies on the floor and gives quite a large sum of reward. Now, choose extermination quests situated in Bueroza Cave and Garden Lair. Avoid Den of Malevolence and other spots as the enemies here are stronger. By the time you can take them on easily, You'll have access to a better grinding spot.
**** The BETTER Grinding spot.
Along the story, You'll meet a sexy Pink demon named Ekate. When you finally defeated her in battle, go to Rakia's Shop and Rakia, after the dialogue go to Room of Travels and a new option will be added named "Demon Hunt" The enemies are quite easy and gives a lot of Experience. Now, go there and level up your character. (There is no need to go down a floor, experience are quite the same and B2F got no freakin' return door, you can level up to 90+ in the 1st floor just fine) (Note. I finished the game 85 and the boss is freakin easy.)
I confess I gave the game another try after reading some of the comments and found it playable. Still find the rpg aspect of the game terrishitty because even if you follow all the tips, you still need to grind and savewhore so much. That said, it’s at least playable now. That said, I had a few questions, if you come to read this:
1: are you playing using 1.2 patch? If so, you must be using your MC as a mage since you put him on mid-row (1.2 doesn’t allow you to use blade skills if you aren’t on front-row)
2: I started an extermination mission at Bueroza B7?/8?F and found a huge red dragon named wyrm out of nowhere, does he pop randomly on any floor or what? It was obviously impossible to beat him (currently lvl 40-ish), I ran away.
3: What is your best gear? Rakia has come twice to tell me that better equipment is available for sale now but nothing shows (been quite a while since the best swords are the ICE/FIRE/DEMON Blades)
Cheers and like he said, for anyone starting, it’s a crappy game but it gets better (should’ve expected it coming from an eroge team putting an rpg tack on their game, typical jrpg, even from expert makers, requires lots of stupid grinding).
I am so happy that before i played I readed the comentaries.
yeah I too had problems with that stupid dragon I died so many times that i just gived up doing that quest.
But he don’t appear on other missions (I found him when I was level 15 right now i’m 37 and still didn’t found again).
I really fell in love with this game I just can’t stop playing ~
Anyone know the codes for the xxx books. I used cheat engine to find hp, skill point, money, renown, skill uses. But I am having trouble figuring out the code for items. is it each individual slot containing a specific item or is it number of items. I think it should be the former.
If you guys can tell me it would fulfill my need to cheat every game. I already played it 100 percent, but I also need to cheat it. I am not sure if the codes carry through all game plays since some games change them each play through like MGQ.
took me a few hours but I figured out how to find it. since each time you try to do it, the address wont really be the same. For me, 4808, 4809, and 4810 should be the values of the xxx books. red, blue, and black. leave one item slot alone. and keep filtering for 0, 4808, 4809, and 4810 while changing a specific item in your main item slot. for me I left the last item slot for the test. or the fourth one. I kept switching CE to search for addresses that exactly 0 when the slot is empty and greater than 0 when it contains an item. I also alternated with other filters like when it is supposed to be unchanging values. anyways to narrow down the search and using next scan. 4808-4810 are the values you should search for. you must have at least 1 of each book or one of these books to use this method. item values of the books should stay the same even if the address changes due to it being a different process. the other stuff is easier to scan for. as long as it isnt an item. just scan for them and do a mission or get money. or lose health, or use a skill. or skill points. those values you can see. this game uses item slot address in memory not number of that items you have.
Can confirm that red xxx book is 4808, blue xxx is 4809, black xxx is 4810. Also if a weapon’s code is x then its stronger version will be x+1 (Despair Staff’s code is 707, Summoner Staff’s code is 708 and so on until Legendary Staff 712), so you can use that to get op weapon early if you so choose (but be careful, if you put in 713, no item will appear in the slot but then game will crash when you click on the slot, so save before doing this as it can corrupt your save).
Do you have the item code for Hawk Feather?
How exactly can you search for the value 4808 while doing the exact 0 or greater than 0 method? I can’t get a good Shuriken so I’m trying to figure out how to manipulate items.
I downloaded the game and everything. Mounted it up, but for the life of me I can’t install it.
I click on all the tabs. The top most one looks like it’s it, since it’s all in Jappenese, but everytime I click an option in that it just gives me some sort of error message.
Here’s a save file for anyone who want it easy.
FIle 1 for Before Final Boss.
File 2 for NG+ with 9 inherited demon lvl 4 Darx.
Not 100% CG/Events save tho as I don’t know how to get it all.
Still 89% I think.
hope bunnyblack 2 & 3 be in english soon
To people whom are having trouble saving: running the exe as admin will most likely solve most of your problems. As for where the save option is, it’s right under the options bar in the bottom left corner.
*bottom right corner.
Wow, this game is hard. I’m use to them being easy so I can just read the story and check out the scenes 🙁 Does anyone have a 100% complete file?
you can use cheat engine if you want a more easy game. The money, and skill points address are really easy to find, use 4 bytes value type and just scan your current money/hp/skill points make it fluctuate and scan again until you find the desired address then you just freeze the hp and you don’t have to worry about grinding anymore
Hi, may sound stupid but any1 know how to save? I cannot seem to find a save option anywhere other than autosave.
well in dungeons if you click “party” you get screen with items and skills and stuff and on bottom right corner of screen you have option to save/check options/load
is there any cheat engine codes for this would love to have a money code
Agreed, don’t have easy mode.
Just use cheat engine, look up your value of money… buy/sell something, look up new value… then change it to how much you want… pretty simple enough….
so I just got a cursed greatsword(I’m level 2) is it worth to use them despite the curse?OR do hey have other negativ effects apart from not being able to be removed normally?It’s far better than any other weapon I have.
You take damage every turn and you have to pay to get rid of it at Rakias. I can’t say if it is worth it or not since I don’t know what your party make up is and how quickly you clear a dungeon.
well, cursed weapon are the best. even you will lose some hp each turn but it’s worth. i’m using a cursed axe +40 str. quite an ez lif you know
I can’t find the scene recollection option. It isn’t on the front menu with the load, prologue, etc… and it isn’t in a in game menu. Do I have to beat the game first, am I a total derp and am missing it or could I have somehow fucked up the installation somehow yet still be able to play the game?
The recollection option doesn’t seem to show up until after you beat the main game. Or at least it didn’t until I finished it.
Thanks for letting me know. I was wondering if copying the folder from the disc had somehow in some weird way had caused this.
A follow up question if you don’t mind is there a new game+ and if so what do you keep and what gets reset?
Some helpful hints for playing the game early on.
1) Do NOT use the latest patch. It makes the game less fun. All it helps is by allowing you to use the ‘Appraise (ID)’ Skill.
2) Buy either a \Werebear\ or \Pigman\ NPC to tank the front line in your party and a \Heal Goo\. For every \Werebear/Pigman\ unit in the first row END (Defense) increases by 6 due to their skill.
3) For your first graphiti mission just complete it and run. If possible, map it out. With the money, buy another \Werebear/Pigman\ and a \Heal Goo\.
4) Grind as much as possible for the next couple of missions. Save for either a \Fairy\ or a unit that \Snipes\. A \Fairy\ is preferable as it is a magic unit that can use a basic heal. With a full inventory of \Magic Boxes\ you should be able to afford a \Fairy\.
5) Invest in the \Slash\ attack with your skill points. Doing so until it is lv 10 should unlock an AOE attack. Invest in it till it is lv 5, then go back and upgrade \Slash\ till lv 15 or max it out.
Advanced Noob
To take out the yellow units it is preferable to have three tanks (Either Dark and Two Werebears or Three Werebears) on the front row, two mage units (Fairies work good) in the middle, three heal goos (LV 10+ goos are the shit)in the rear. Your unit average lv (without Dark) should be lv 5-6.
Grind Spots for Noobs
Storm Tower – Beginner Lv 1-8 (5-6 Graphitti Missions)
Burerozo – Training Noob Lv 7-14
Garden Lair – Experienced Noob Lv 13-23
Malevolence – Vetern Noob Lv 19+ (Lots of time invested)
Skills Recommended
Early On: Heal Lv1 – Slimes run out early in
Dark Lv 12+: Charismatic Lv Max – Unlocks Skills to Increase Squad Attack
Skills NOT Recommended
Any Skill that cost 5 Skill Points
All Purple Skills – Waste to Learn
Ambusher – Easy to do already, sometimes not helpful
Chicken Heart – Easy to run if you don’t rush the story
Units to Invest In (They Appear around High Ranking Grunt (Grunt General-ish)
Monkey – Increases Column Attack (Cost 5 Command)
Loams – Incredible Tank with Good Damage (Cost 7 Command)
Another great place is going to the Demon Hunting ground once you unlock them. I kinda lost track of time there once and came back like 7 or 8 level higher and it only took 20 or so minutes. It doesn’t unlock until later on, and the mobs vary in difficulty, but usually most shouldn’t have much of an issue.
Funny story, I have a Loam on the front line, but it can not soak up enough damage before it dies, and alternative? And what should i get afterwards?
On the First Levels a Loams Type Unit is a little bit tricky to handle. If the Unit goes up to L 20+ Shes really Great for that Stage. Later i switched out one Loams Type Unit for a Goliath ( those with HIGH HP and the Skill Party Crit Rate Up, Havin a 2H-Hammer ) And u can switch out the Second Loams Type Later with a Hydragon Unit Type ( 2 Headed Dog, has more HP and Party STR+ Skill ) Till i got Hekate and Meryl to join my Party i used Pretty much the Same Setup and that went well.
3rd Row, 2 Atk Mages with Heal Support Skill ( Succubi Type ) + 1 Full Healer ( Ambrosia ). 2nd Row 2 Full Mages ( Triclops Type ) + 1 Wolf Type ( Because of the Trap Detect Ability )
Front Row, MC ( Sword, Full Body Plate, Shield ) + 1/2 Loam Type later 1 Goliath Type. Never lost a Fight.
My current set up is, me(lv 23), Loam(lv 12), Chimera(Hybrid)(lv 7) on the frontline
next line is Magic Mirror(lv 17), Dark Mage(lv 17). The backrow is 3 farries all level 18
Also as for equipment, I have tried out the Katanas, but I think there is something about them that the gamer is not telling me, as the purified Katana(with holy element) does not seem to have a better use to me than the demon sword. And I find both the fire and ice swords lacking.
In terms of shields I am using a Steel Shield, got a popular cape equipped as well and Famous plate(+27 end)
Regarding katanas… They are usually lacking and are inferior to swords or multi-type weapons like daggers. Unless you’ll luck ot into a rare custom type katana from Magic Boxes.
– I’ve seen someone here sharing a screeny with a Fire (I think) katana called Fuyutsuki. And Darx was around Lvl 80 and had 60+ Str with it. that is one example.
– Or, another example – my own this time. I’ve just cleared the Dragon Nest dungeon with Amaterasu katana I’ve obtained earlier. It’s a +40 Str Dark element katana, great for bringing down huge monsters faster.
^ So, unless you’ll get any such custom katanas my suggestion is stick to something like Vampiric Dagger… With it you can use AOE moves of moth Slash type and Shot type. And the single target nuke moves of both types.
All that of course if your Darx is a physical type – if he’s a mage then use Summoner Staff (not too great – but I haven’t seen a better magical weapon in this game so far).
Japanese walkthrough:
Does Anyone have a 100% save file, after my first run i can only get like 70% of the CG and Scenes
>.< Dear Admin~~
Is there any new otome gameeee?
I've already download all otome game in this web and all of those areee aweeesommmeee *Q*
And I want moreee!!!
Any other new high-profile otomeee?
Thanks for all Admin~ Love Yaaa~~~
I have a question…Does your character reset in New Game+ ?
Yes, but the demon’s levels do not,so I can be a level 1 Dark with level 100 demon’s. Unfortunately your command points drop back down, so you usually can’t really use them much early on. Granted they absolutely massacre low level mobs.
I can’t remove Cursed items:/
is it a bug or am i just stupid?
i already have the spell for destroying an cursed item but it doesnt work T_T
you have to go to rakias shop she dispells it for you but the item does go away when you uncurse, its i think at storage that she dispells it
Ther uncurse spell and some others had some Problems with the spell ID resulting in errors/wrong targeting options. That was a Problem from the ENG Patch but is already fixed. U can get the Hotfix at Translators Forum. ( There will be an update to the hotfix tonight or in near future too, fixing some more things ) games.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1092
Its not gibberish. U DONT!!!!! Need the Game Installer.
Just copy the “bunny” Folder from CD to HDD.
Copy ENG Patch to this Folder onto ur HDD. Execute Patch.
Thats it. Its easier then anything else.
Whats so hard to understand on “copy a Folder” ?
Could someone please help me install this? I downloaded all the files, changed to japan locale, and mounted it to get an installation menu in all japanese. I tried all the available buttons, but nothing seems to work….
Just scoll up, its explained there clearly. Not Reading Threads and asking same Questions over and over will do nothing.
I have the same issue with this guy and what are you even talking about.Your “clear” instructions are gibberish and it doesn’t even apply to our issue. Patronising will do nothing. Is there anyone out there that can actually help us pls reply? Is it a compatibility issue with Windows 8?
There are fucking CLEAR instructions!
2nd step: COPY folder “bunny” from the cd image to your harddisk
3rd step: place english patch into bunny folder on your HDD
4th step: run english patch
5th step: run quick_fix (to fix some errors)
6th step: go f*ck yourself over your reading disability??
What happens when you collect 5 black books? Also when i started new game plus I started to collect blue books in which it tells me to collect 5 what does the blue books do? Oh and does anyone know the differences between new game plus and 1st time playing? Im already at the letter of challenge and i still dont see any differences? Oh here’s a tip guys max out the lively stat and you will get 999 health when around lvl 75 though Im not too sure on that since i only maxed that stat out then
extra tips from me:
i find healing magic really useful when in large dungeons especially if you dont have too many healers in party and you can also heal when not in battle
also command skills are very useful since after you max first skill that gives +10 to command you unlock 3 skills which give passive boost to entire party attack defense and speed
optional: in later half of game if you feel like your main weapon skills run out too fast try to learn 1 type of magic for AoE skills
i have a question thou:
How to get above dungeon midboss? >_< finished game but never got above this rank so loaded save before that story quest where you gotta map dungeon which makes some big story changes (dont wanna spoil) and spamming jobs but its taking forever
I hit over 7500 renown and didn’t get promoted either. I am thinking you can’t get past that level until the sequels? I am not sure. I’m playing a new game+ and going to try to really max out the renown. (I had to re-start my new game+ a couple times cus some missions disappear if you ignore them too long, which is kind of annoying)
but that wouldnt make sense to get promotion in game 2 i mean cuz of how game 1 ends
perhaps you need even more renown or NG+ or ++ or something
but i would really like to know if anyone knows how to get dungeon boss and dungeon master
I got Dungeon master after completing an exorbitant amount of quests and I think around 10-14k renown.
Unlocking ranks seems to happen when progressing through a certain amount of the story.
I hit dungeon master after exhausting all the cutscenes after exiting a dungeon before rescuing the princess.
Geez I’ve hit the level cap and I’m just trying to grind renown to see if I can unlock more stuff. Honestly after you break level 70 or so the only challenge is the Dragon Hunt.
After you progress certain quests, you can rank up higher but you need both Reknown and MC Level. I’m not sure if money plays a factor yet
no you dont need NG+?
well if i load last save before mapping that dungeon that couses series of events, i have 100k money lvl 70+ MC around 6000-6500 renown
ok you get dungeon boss at 8000 renown
now at 10k and have around 90% completion
here is a list of the renown you level at and the command bonus
100 +3
300 +3
600 +4
1000 +4
1500 +4
2100 +5 (floor mid-boss)
3000 +5 (Floor boss)
4500 +6 (Dungeon MidBoss)
8000 +6 (Dungeon Boss)
12000 +10 (Dungeon Master)
30000 +10 (King)
Tips for newer players.
Hire party members, don’t buy items, this game is impossible without them in the beginning.
Don’t do story missions too quickly or you might lose out on CGs.
Ctrl speeds up battles and also quick identifies/opens/repairs items in the shop.
Don’t learn all blade/blunt skills and quickly level up Blade Dancer, Saint of blades, Sweeper and Barbarian because those are multihits meaning you do damage=power*number of hits.
Warp magic is a huge time saver.
Purple skills are useless because all fights end too quickly for them to really have an effect.
Illusion magic is a life saver if you plan on fighting the huge monsters.
Other players feel free to add more tips if you wish.
Thx for another awesome game admin!!!! (:
Btw do you have planetarian (steam version)
i finally beat it very very good game or novel to me cant wait for the second one and third
I really liked the ending too ^_^ I can’t wait for the second and third parts now :O this was a little tricky to get the hang of at first, but once you get used to it, its actually easy peasy. I usually don’t like rapist protagonists/assholes but this guy is… how do I explain it? he’s definitely an asshole, but you can’t hate the guy. He’s like the noblest jerk ever. I kinda wish Rance was more like this guy 😛
I agree. One of the first things i thought when i heard about this game was that it seemed like Rance games with all the war rape, but I always disliked Rance simply because of his personality. I actually liked Darx’s character and i really hope that the sequels get translated too.
P.S. I heard that the guy who translated this game isn’t moving directly to Bunny Black 2, but has another game he is doing first, but i can’t find what that game is. Anybody here hear anything about that?
I agree, ending was really cute.
Difficulty at the start…I lost my mind for a moment. Eventually once you get over the hump you basically one shot everything the rest of the game. Kind of makes me think of Fire Emblem Awakening. Where begining is insane but becomes absurdly easy by ch5.
This is a dream come true 😛
I recall when I tried playing this on japanese just be to stuck at a certain point in story. Thanks again for the super fast shares, you’re the best
will you upload the 2nd and 3rd bunny black too?
If/When they get translated, yes. I only post fully translated English games here.
i seem to only be able to hear sound effects from opening menus. no music, or voice. I checked in-game settings already.
Uh, I’m done with this game, thanks admin but the makers were either sadists or retards.
For thoose with Install Problems.
Just Mount the CD in a virtual Drive like Daemon Tools.
Then just Copy the Folder “bunny” and nothing else somewhere on ur HDD. Then copy the English Patch INTO THIS bunny Folder on ur HDD. Run Patch. Done.
And for thoose with flickering, unsharp Images. Just DISABLE the FXAA Option in ur Control Panel for ur Graphic Drivers/Card.
Dang it. i mount the game with the englsh patch on daemon tools but when i install it brings me to a screen all in japanese. then i click something out of curosity and the game is installing, YAY. Only to find out when i play the game it’s japanese. Help anybody, a step by step would be greatly appreciated.
Apply English Patch after mounting and installation, run game to check if installed correctly, then extract English Patch and run setup (either in the folder itself or just copy past after)
I downloaded all the parts & extracted them. But when i run the eng patch it says that the software was not found. plz help
Does anyone know any way to extend the inventory cuz mine is short that i can barely get a chest before i have to go back to open it
how to install english patch plss. help anyone … I can play the game already but in japanese … I dont how to install the english patch what is install directory????
Is the location where you installed the game. If you are having problems remembering try uninstalling the game and re-installing it, pick where you want it installed and remember it.
Anyone got a 100% save file? first run i only managed to get 72% :/ .
Here you go http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ha/bunny_tokumei.zip
how Do I install the english patch pls help
damn this was fun game XD played it nonstop with just sleep in between till i finished
D: sadly it seems bunny black 2 wont be translated anytime soon
love games where you start as weak unimportant trash and gotta become uber strong (thinks on kamidori)
Hello admin, the english patch breaks some skills and other stuff, there is already a patch 1.01 that fixes some issues (such as broken ID skill)
i cant save each time i try there is a aoi box that appear with a bunch of japanese letter i cant understand
Run the game as administrator (right click on .exe -> Run as administrator), or move the game files outside of “privileged” directories (“Program files” etc.) to your “Desktop” or “My Documents” folder.
it work thank
after downloading and extracting the mdf/mds files when i try to mount either of them with daemon tools lite it just comes up with an error saying error in command line. anyone know how to fix this? i’ve already tried redownloading the zip files again.
Thanks for another nice game, Admin.
But, I have a problem. Download of Part 3 does not starts after I enter the captcha and wait the 110+ seconds and hit the Download button. Instead it gives me a blank page and “File not found” message on it. Tried it 3 times, same result.
Wait until parts 1 and 2 finish downloading before starting 3rd. You can only download 2 parts at once as a free user.
Oh, I see. Thanks for explaining. Indeed, works now.
First of all, after googling a few troubles I had with the game (like the ID skill being broken) I found that the translator has released a secondary patch fixing this and other stuff.
Can be found here:
Second, here’s how I got to the point of making the game playable instead of just kicking my ass, for those of you who’re having trouble:
First of all, I save-scummed my early missions so I didn’t lose any units. (I think I started with just a werebear and a heal goo, and the goo could go down from two hits.)
For those early missions I did grafitti missions until I had enough cash to put three werebears in the front row and three heal goos in the back. After that I just farmed exp by going into a grafitti mission and not cleaning anything, instead I just walked back and forth, camping the red stairs. (They will spawn adventuring parties if you just have the patience for it.)
Went back home and rested when necessary, which was often until around level 5.
At that point I had sold enough chests to buy some basic gear and gotten my units tough enough to handle a few fights. The game is playable at this point, but I recommend replacing your heal goos with fairies because they can deal much more damage when not healing.
The werebears are okay, but you’ll want to replace them too when something cool comes along.
Just be prepared that you might have to stop and grind exp again some time later because there’s a pretty big jump in difficulty between areas. Even if the missions have the same star rating, the enemies vary depending on the area the mission is set in.
Oh, and you can use Unlock and ID skills in your room meaning you get infinite uses since you can just rest when you run out, so don’t put more than one level in each.
The problem is that after a little amount of time, the graffiti missions start spawning Yellow enemies and you can’t beat them. Also the game doesn’t stimulate you to grind xp or anything, just tells you that the mission is done and good to go after clearing some graffiti/scouting some areas. Then those tougher Yellow enemies start spawning and you are like “wtf, how do I even fight this…”. This game is trash.
I don’t think I’ve lost a single minion let alone died lvl20+ female dragon queen and big bad were tough but even then it was just a longer fight
The part when the yellow guys first start spawning like mad (i think thats after you get your first promotion), you can just go to the exit and let the story run it’s course, you can then re enter the dungeon, go to the exit again, after a few cutscenes, they stop spawning. And in case you didnt know, you can always leave the dungeon and return afterwards to finish the mission(maybe except for the delivery missions since there’s actually a time limit for that).
If the map is new and you dont know where the exit is (usually it’s close to the starting point for lower floors) you might want to hire Wall (the sexy female sculpture with a ‘sexy’ voice, lol). And if you keep on getting lost, hire Fairy.
hi i got a problem
when i start the game, it seem that text, menu and animation are flickering, this happen even before i patch it
does it have something to do with computer spec?
i’m using amd proc and radeon graphcard
The Problem lies in Display Drivers. If u have FXAA globally enabled that leads to the Flickering. I just disabled it in the Control Center of my Nvidia Card and now it works just fine. ( Im Sure AMD should have same Settings somewhere in the Drivers )
thank you so much, it’s work 😀
I seem to have a problem. I downloaded the 6 rar files as well as the English patch, but when I try to unzip it, I get a data error saying that bunnyblack.mdf is broken.
Does anyone have any advice as to how to deal with this? Do I need to re-download everything or mount it instead?
Are you trying to unzip all of them at once? If not, select all of the rar files before right clicking to unzip them.
No, it doesn’t work. I selected all 6 files and tried to unzip them and it still gives me the same error.
hi there. i don’t know if this may help you but usually when i download files that have been uploaded in parts like this one it’s enough to unzip part 1. the file you get shouldn’t be damaged like this. Hope this helps
you need to download again
Well, that was fun. So I’m not sure what happened, but after downloading it again on firefox and having the same issues, I tried chrome and it seems to have worked. Maybe Ghostery and ad block in firefox did something to mess with the download.
hi i have a problem I was playing bunny black and I saved the game and saving has not been a problem for me over the past few days but when i tried to play it today my save is gone its weird cause my save files are there it just doesnt show it in the game can anyone please help me
Why can I not save?
me too!!!
Make sure you’re running the game with administrator privileges. That’s the number one reason why game saving usually doesnt work.
And if you’re asking why you can’t save at the start of the game (prologue/introduction part), that’s because there’s no save option during conversations.
are you gonna upload daitoshokan when is fully translate? i love the anime and i really wanna play that game ( sorry bad english ) :3
Once again i have to say… Admin you’re the best! <3
Anyone finish this? is there more than one ending route? i have not used the “Go to surface* option i got yet i trigger a big event with “Miguel” so im kinda wondering.
what is renown for in this game? don’t ever remember getting a explanation for it.
For increasing your rank and from what i can tell it also triggers some events.
How do you use cheat engine 6.4 to find skill points? I can find everything except that and exp
Everything i have found is either byte or 4 byte.
first of all, ty admin for this great game (: … the next is, i got a question and is… how do i unlock new equiptment on rakia store? i’ve been adving quite a lot, and i havent see any new equiptment in a while, nor new monster who wish to join me :/ even tho, i found some “new” on the dungeons, do i need to spend money on rakia so she gimme more items? or need to do something else?
about the equipment you just have to complete quests and recieve a better rank, you dont have to buy anything at all, i never buy things becouse you have a random chance with the chests. I obtained items for free like heros boots and good items.
well, am floor boss since some time, but i havent got any new equiptmen since grunt general, so, that’s why i as asking as i keep piling more and more muney :3
YO so this game running really laggy for anyone else? most of the game is fine but whenever amessage comes up, I move my party around, or in certain dungeons it goes super slow.
I’ve got some lag issues as well. When I choose a dungeon it takes about 25 seconds to enter the dungeon, then another 25 to load the dungeon itself before I can start moving.
Moving the install folder from my external to my computer’s HDD fixed my lag issues.
i struggled through the install but finally got it installed but i keep getting an error
can i get some help
I stared it after few years on Windows 10 😀
and had the same problem.
I had to set Antialiasing – Mode to Off in NVIDIA Control Panel to make it start. 🙂
Ugh, this game. Kicking me in the balls harder than SMT ever did. Heck, I think it is kicking me there harder than DARK SOULS even did. Shoot, might as well call this game Dark Souls: H-RPG Edition.
Yet I still like it despite my growing frustration.
And that is proof of being a hard-core gamer.
It really is only hard at first. once you get a few levels it gets super easy, I swear. to make things easier, you get uber characters towards the end even. You can level especially easy when you can search/do missions in demon areas+some nice gear and you’re fine. just run some healers, and some characters that complement.
some signs it gets easy:
(the second image is a slight spoiler for characters, so don’t click it if you don’t want to know about characters, but this is my current team):
You’re going too far with the Dark Souls analogy….Dark Souls will fuck you till you love it….:D
Those having problems with installation saying something about not enough room on disk, run it with win 7 compatibility and it will fix it.
Is there actually a way to capture people you fight? I remember Raksia explaining collection, but I haven’t gotten the option at all.
When you unlock the prison you will have a chance at battles, with luck you will capture them, im thinking about trying to fight solo without demons and see if it increases that probability.
Mostly pretty enjoyable… but trying to find Cass/Ayaka after you defeat them is really frustrating. Is there a trick to it or do you just need insane luck/time commitment?
They are random yellow encounters in dungeons. I had great luck in finding them in the ice caves dungeon and higher.
I don’t think defeating them does anything since I defeated Cass and Ayaka a few times and nothing happened.
hi, just wanted to ask if there is a spoileral file for this game? i used it when playing kamidori and saved me a lot of time. so wondering if this agame also has one and can provide a DL link for it pls.
look above a few posts where someone mentions CE 6.4. Google it and follow the instructions of the above poster. If you need more help, ask and I’ll break it down. Its pretty simple so you shouldn’t need any additional help.
can u please gave me a step by step or can gave me a link im a noob when it comes to CE
nvm got it to work
ok found a way to make the game a whole lot easier. this only involves using cheat engine and will only apply to money and skill points (found this a bit useful for me) fo those who knows how to use cheat engine then good cuz its very easy. bump me incase anyone wants a full detail on how to do this
Seeing as people are having problems with the start i will try to give a few clues:
-You can actually start fighting if you start hiring 2 werebears and put them in the 1 line with the \hero\, it will increase resistance a lot (i recommend at least clena 1 time so you have 3), if you want to do so then you will have first go to your room and learn recovery magic, you will only be able to use the spell 3 times before you have to go back. I actually dont recommend learning recovery magic.
-If you want a good start then you will need to clean a bit, like 3 or 4 at least. You need AT LEAST 5 werebear and 1 slime with recovery magic. The ability of the werebear is that the front line increases 6 resistance against enemy attacks, having 5 means +30 resistance to the front line.
If you dont know about the stats in this game then i will tell you quickly:
-Strenght: Increases damage dealt to enemys with weapons
-Intelligence: Increases damage dealt with magic attacks or power of the recovery magic
-Endurance: Reduces damage dealt by enemys (just with weapons)
-Resistance: Reduces damage dealt by enemys (with magic)
The game as you can see has an easy start becouse all enemys will do damage with weapons, and the werebears will increase your resistance to them, this and recovery magic (your monsters will have 3 or 4 uses nothing more) will help you a lot at the start, perhaps you will even find it easy.
Now lets talk about \what to level\. I will be clear, there is NO OPTION about that, you should start leveling \charismatic\ you have to max it the sooner the better. When you have it maxed you will unlock 3 new skills that you can max:
-Inspiring leader: Increases party damage
-Enduring leader: Increases party defences (endurance and resistance)
-Enthusiastic leader: Increases party speed
If you play in high difficulty this is a MUST, and in lower difficulty it will help you a lot.
After you do this you will be able to play without major problems, you will still need to grind, i cant lie you about that.
Other things to know:
-If you need money it could be good to max master of unlocking and appraiser, it may be hard but they will give you a lot of money.
-You should start thinking what type of hero do you want to be, use magic?, use a weapon?, support type?. I would say the most usefull would be a mage with magic attacks and a bit of recovery magic (the ia isnt very smart -.-).
Nothing more, i will desire you all good luck, dont worry about me, im trying to win with the difficulty of abandon all hope! (i started it after i became level 40 in the difficulty deadly to the touch)
how do i get CE 6.4 to work on this game not sure how to do it if someone can please gave a step by step thx this novel is good just too hard
Go to rakias shop, select items, click on your weapon, pay 1000 and lose weapon.
Thats all XDD.
thats to uncurse
can someone plz post a save file. i keep getting knocked out thanks in advance.
For everyone having trouble with certain skills (Appraisal, Remove Curse) get the quickfix here.
have a prob with arrow at map..
hard 2 see where 2 go..
sometime the arrow will be seen but mostly i cannot see it
anyone got the same problems?
can someone tell me how to remove cursed weapon?
i got cursed sword from chest and then i can’t remove it
it keep drain my hp evertime i battle
I have the same problem, and the remove curse spell/skill don’t go for it.
hi,im new here..i alrdy download all of part
how to make it work,just extract it or what?
pls help me
Can somebody explain the ID-Skill to me?
I have no idee how the skill is working.
On the Battlerfield its scans a enemy so far as i understand it ( not sure never tryed it ) Outside u can identify things with it. U get sometimes drops like Cloth?,Hat? etc ( from magic boxes too ) and u need that id skill to identify what item that is.
But when I activate the skill I can cast it on a ally or myself, but I can’t identify a item.
Get the TRanslation Fix from Seiha Translation Forums.
There were a Problem with thoose Spells. Its now fixed.
Is it just me? English patch always hangs midway for me. Any solution for this?
“bunny.exe has stopped working” when I launched the patched game. But when it’s not patched, it works perfectly. I tried every compatibility in the properties menu. Any solutions for this?
I had always hoped to see this translated. Thank you for posting it, Admin!
anyone know how any cheats or how use cheat engine for this game ?
Just used C.E 6.4 works Fine ( Tryed only Money )
Scanned for 1000 ( The Money u have at start )
Buyed a Sword for 300. Scanned for 700 and only one Adress were left.
nice info..ty
Yeah I tried CE 6.4 for money, skill points, and exp. The only thing I can’t get to work is the base stat modifier but, the exp modifier makes life easy since you can boost to level 99 in one battle.
It’s pretty easy to get the stats altered on cheatengine. Here is how I do it:
Step 1. Scan for your stat number
Step 2. Buy item that alters stat number, start next scan for the altered stat number, unequip and equip while scanning untill left with one address
Step. 3 Alter address to any number (maximum seems to be 999 in-game) and clicks the checkbox under the “Active” column. Your stat should now constantly be at 999, and if you do it for all your stats, you’ll take 1 damage, and pretty much one shot everything. 🙂
I’m pretty bad at explaining, but this should be pretty simple.
Ok I see. I had to add that code the address bar first then click the box for active. It sucks that it keeps resetting otherwise but it is only a minor inconvience.
How do you change the exp? i tried changing the current exp, but darx wont level up anymore at all.
The level cap is 99. Also make sure you don’t add more than 1,000,000 exp or else you won’t level up.
Are there any cheat tables to use with cheat engine because i have no idea how to find what i need without those? plz and ty.
I’m getting Aplication Error when i try to install the game 🙁
Solved it extracting the content, mounting the iso, and then installing through the extracted install.exe
If anyone has trouble with saves or other problems in general, don’t forget to try playing in Adminstrator mode. That could solve what issue you might be having.
Anyone knows why the Game is flickering so much ?
While Text is \playing\ ( dont know how i should discribe it im not native english speaker ) it stops. When Text finishes its heavy flickering of whole screen.
same here, not just text but menu and some animation too
do you have found some way to solve the problem?
Yes i did. The Problem lies in Display Drivers. If u have FXAA globally enabled that leads to the Flickering. I just disabled it in the Control Center of my Nvidia Card and now it works just fine.
I have downloaded all six parts and extracted them into a folder. All that is in the folder however is a mdf file a mds file and a link to this site. I have downloaded a few games from here before and there is usually an install option for the game. What am I doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
use a mounting program like daemon tools or such and use it to boot up the cd image, once that happens, you can just run the installation as normal.
Thank you very much! Your solution worked perfectly.
Anyone manage to get this game working with saves and eng patch?
yes there are no issues 😛 did you pass the prologue? you can’t really save before that, but after that all tends to be just fine
Either something is wrong with the program or is this game way too hard (I’m pretty sure I chose the easiest difficulty)? Completed a few battles and am still at level 1. I’m pretty much getting owned by most of the early quests/jobs. Also, having your party members permanently dying (and thus wasting that much needed money) is completely ridiculous. Another major problem is how I’m not showing up on the minimap, so it’s difficult to know my actual position, especially more so with teleport traps.
OK, first not showing up on the map is not a bug. Its a skill that some of your team mates can grant you. I think a lot of the difficulty issues people are experiencing is something that you’ve come to rely on and its completely wrong for this game. You are not a raging badass. At least you won’t be for quite a long time. Your team is much more important than your gear. you’re monsters now, not heroes. go for the cheap ass slimes, use them to heal. gang up on weaker enemies/when you out number them, if they are hard or larger than you, run. don’t invest into a high cost mob until you can adequtely support it or have it support you. having 2-3 healers is really not a bad idea. Be sure to look at your team’s abilities.
Yes this is a difficult game. Welcome to how the Japanese play, a lot of their rpg’s get watered down when they get imported, its not bugs or any kind of error in coding, its just a bit more work than usual. honestly, if you want a solid team, go for healing slimes/werebears to start, then when you unlock them, shadows are quite useful. things get a bit easier on your end if you can get your team to around five-ish, there will still be hard battles but you can actually survive some of the simpler jobs and start stock piling money.
Thanks for the tips! This game is seriously too hard for me. I don’t mind challenging games, but I don’t want my hentai game to be this challenging. I hope someone makes a walkthrough for this or even just finds an infinite money cheat. I would love infinite money.
Anyways, if anyone knows where a walkthrough is, I’d appreciate a link to it very much! Or a save file, although I’m not sure how good that’ll do me.
Unfortunately, this is… ultimately a hentai game and they’re usually expected to be of simple/easier difficulty than other RPGs like Final Fantasy. Getting owned 5-6 sidequests into the game simply because you haven’t repeated grinded the earlier sidequests is ridiculous in normal difficulty. Am I supposed to clean those goddamned graffiti multiple times to progress? I suppose I can give it another try with your tips in mind as I really do like my eroges with some RPG elements like Lightning Warrior Raidy or Tears to Tiara.
hey man, just wanted to let you know that I’ve been using the tip of having more minions rather than buying items for myself. I started with 3 Goos and 2 Heal Goos. Finished a mission and got two more goos to put in the spots right next to me and eventually got a 3rd healing goo. I had enough money so at that point when my goos died, I left one of them dead and switched it out for a werebear. I’ve been doing missions and I’m even able to do ones that aren’t cleaning up graffiti!
As for my skills, you start with 5 skill points to spend, I learned the healing spell and an offensive magic spell. I think the healing spell is vital while you could just upgrade your melee attack if you don’t mind attacking only the front row with your slash.
With this setup, sometimes some of my slimes die, but usually not more than 2 of them and I haven’t died yet. Also, the healing goos are kind of expensive to bring back so I try to keep those healed if they happen to get hit.
I’m not sure how the stats work just yet. In one of my plays I was using a couple antmen, their stats are better than the werebear’s stats, yet my were bear seems to do better. Maybe it’s just because now I have more minions than I did the other game…oh well.
yea i figured this gameout now too.another important thing:
if u farmed the cleaning missions so much that yellow mobclouds
appear, go for the scouting missions. they are much easier since there are few more mobs, but mostly red clouds.
the 2 stars in difficulty were fooling me a long time.
you shouldn’t really be cleaning the grafitti at all really, at least not as much as you seem to be. take quest one star quest> kill stuff until you are about lvl 2-3 (going home after each battle if you have to) then take 2 star quests, get up to level 5. After level 5 things become simpler, and actually at level 10, it becomes “final fantasy” easy. if you take my werebear/slime suggestion, up until 5, you should be able to get fairies/ant. after level 5 you can gear up your hero, stick him center with an ant behind him with a couple heal slimes/fairies backing him up and he can bust things up easy.
additional tip: your magic boxes, yes, sometimes they have amazing stuff, but they are so common, just sell them. they are 250 gold each and are basically your bread and butter outside of completing the quests. don’t just rush your way through the quests. Yes you are going to have to stick out the first few levels before it gets easier, but once it does, it really is simple there after.
well i put some points in lockpick and open 3 chests every round for free. if u want u can reload since the item/trap doesnt change. so u never need to buy items.
also i forgot : in addition to the frontslimes and the healslimes, 2 of the 450g frostdmg minions are nice at start cos they do max dmg to pretty much all start enemys.
Putting a point in lockpicking helps, like he/she said if u reload wen u get one wrong u’ll get an item ez(listening to ur teammates help). the good part here is, u can appraise them at the shop for 100g and 90% of the time the item u get will be worth 5x and above the amount u appraised them for racking up more than the 250g for just selling them(unless u get an item u REALLY wanna keep, though u shouldnt be doing that at early levels in the game) This is how I rack up gold pretty fast, besides the missions using this method will have being well off before u know it
Really not a user friendly game and especially not to ppl who only have little or even good experience on dungeon crawlers even on lowest diff it starts dropping insta kill enemies after something like 5 side-quests and there are numerous bugs that will force you to shut down the game and restart.
Great Game, thank you Admin ! i´m just having big problem
with the gameplay, can´t beat yellow cloud mobgroups, when there are like 8+ minions in. so i make zero progress. tried different things, new games. there must be a huge mistake in
my game understanding i don´t know. anyone got any tips ?
thank you ! ( yes it´s lowest difficulty )
Go to Rakia’s shop and hire some underlings, go to your Room and learn the skills that attack multiple tiles on the battlefield, that did it for me.
Hi all,
I’m having an issue with the game the screen shifts after each click, not sure if that’s normal, and an error pops up every time I try to save. it also pops up randomly during text. It looks like to be an error code for saving. Needless to say the game doesn’t save at all. This game is going to be put on hold until I can figure it out or if someone has the answer that would be great.
Sincerely Lufia
Install the game somewhere that isn’t program files that fixed the error messages for me.
HI all,
Thank you… someone?
I did that and it allowed me to save but I’m still having it jump every now and then. It’s playable now, and just a tad annoying.
I think of it as a success, so thank you again and admin… Thank you again for bringing these awesome goodies to us.
Sincerely Lufia
Thanks Admin!
I finished Miyako and Momoyo routes and now i´m playing the side-route of Chika, next is Yukie route 😉
I have math test next week and this game got released today…
Avast is picking up the patching of the .exe as a malware generator Win32:Malware-Gen is the reason for deletion of Bunny.exe following a vpatch.exe file I assume the patch is making in a temp folder. Does anyone else report a similar issue?
Nevermind, page failed a refresh to update.
Update: I’ve turned off the file shield for one moment while patching is being done. Managed to finish, turned the shield back on and while running the game: Avast immediately tells me that the Windows/System folder is under attack by a malware-gen. Yeah, no can do on this patch.
Go access the Virus Chest and right click the bunny.exe file and click on “restore and add to exclusions”
Just add the file path in the exception folder of Avast and it will work
I use avast too, I generally do not have the file shield on though, I manually scan anything I download. I also have adblock plus, so no chance of getting a virus via an ad like I heard happen to some. Its actually pretty amazging how much bandwith you can save with that + disconnect. I’ve seen pages where like 90% of the bandwith used on that page was because of the ads and other shit it loads on your browser.
Say, why am I missing the “alphabetical…something” button to search all vn’s
Never mind, I just discovered the “downloads” button
Thanks for this one, i was waiting for it ;P
I had the same problem, and it was because of Avast, so just deactive your antivirus.
Using the patch deletes the .exe file for some reason.
I can install and play the japanese version so the issue doesn’t seem to be the game.
It’s your antivirus automatically deleting the exe
So when I install the game and run the patch the patch nukes bunny.exe. It properly patches all the other files but without the exe it doesn’t really mean much. Any help?
And now to wait for the translation of the two sequels XD
This is why I hate finding game series I enjoy that aren’t complete
Releasing this game a couple of days after majikoi proves my theory that admin wants me to be held back a year in school.
to which i say: If it means i can play these games,no problem sir!
I had no idea this was even being translated O-O
Thanks, Admin! Been looking forward to this!
Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to install it. I’ve read a ton of VNs, so I’m not making newbie mistakes like locale, etc., and I can usually navigate my way through a Japanese installer, but after choosing the installation directory, I hit a wall.
The button that looks like it should be the “Install” button (big one on the top-left of the window) prompts me to select one of two options:
1. “HDD[Japanese text]2100[Japanese text]”
2. “HDD[Japanese text]1500[Japanese text]”
No matter which one I select, and no matter whether the install directory is changed or the default “Program Files” directory, hitting “OK” pops up a Japanese error message, and that’s all I can do. The other buttons on the installer don’t seem to do anything more productive, and I’m at a loss.
Can anyone help???
If anyone else was as lost as I was, I think I figured it out.
I bypassed the installation program completely. When you open the mounted disc, there’s a folder called “bunny” which contains the bunny.exe file along with (hopefully all of the) other game files. Copy this whole folder into your preferred install location, and that seems to pretty much install the game. I copied the English patch into the “bunny” folder, and it recognized the game and seems to have patched it.
I’m on the first screen now, and it seems functional.
Thanks again, Admin!
Have the same problem here.
The wall pop out say that “There is not enough space for your Hard drive”, even there’s still a lot of space for me to install this game. Just wonder how does this error happen.
Anyway, thanks for your solution. It works! 🙂
I used the method that you recommended and it worked to make it playable, but it doesn’t save for me. I beat the game in one sitting, but when I pulled it up to play through to get the cg I missed there was no data, not even the cg of my last attempt.
Thank you, I was in the same boat.
Thank you, Admin, as well.
Just start the installation in windows 7 compatibility mode
thanks , that works
Now this is unexpected. Thanks
dungeon crawler game XD
Wondering if this game is good as Kamidori
Still love that game ^^
Now downloading…
Got to finish some other games
before i can start playing this one though :3
Majikoi > Princess Evangeline > Harajuku > and then this XD
A dungeon crawler game which does look quite good and is marked as long (30-50h) gameplay time!!!
First? 😀
Thanks, this was a game i always wanted to play, now i can
But first, to finish Majikoi XD
you haven’t finished majikoi?
i already did and so i get to play this game first muahahaha…of course in order to do that i had to give my mat teacher a test with nothing but my name in it.
Really? you’ve finished all the majokoi routes? I’m having a hard time finishing.. do you have a walkthrough for it?
just googling you could get the majikoi walkthrough easily
I have everything done except….I’m missing that one Shinna CG T_T how the heck do I get it? I never get the bonfire CG trigger…