One day, you meet with a trainee foxgirl, who’s in charge of the school club you’re assigned to. The girl, Konko, has no human friends. By hanging out, playing, drinking tea together, and sharing in her hobbies, the nervous Konko will gradually open up, allowing you to grow close through your ongoing communication. Over the days you spend together, you’ll develop feelings of friendship and, eventually, love.
The limitless days go on for forever, so you can enjoy your lovey-dovey life with Konko to your heart’s content. Go on dates, eat at the school cafeteria, give presents, and choose from over 200 clothing options. Plus, as boyfriend and girlfriend, you can hug, kiss, and enjoy bathing together.
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part2.rar – 500.0 MB
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part3.rar – 500.0 MB
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part4.rar – 500.0 MB
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part5.rar – 500.0 MB
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part6.rar – 500.0 MB
YourWaifuFoxgirlKonko.part7.rar – 384.7 MB
I remember droping this because that other secondary female character goes lesbo for main girl off screen or something, like they do lesbo stuff offscreen or just touching, anyway they did something, I hate lesbo cucking
Thanks for uploading this. Apparently Steam removed it from their store and I never bought something on dlsite.
I would support trump and i am all about them v tubers and anime stuff, if anything , i would say the extreme left and pro bidens are the ones that would hate anything remotely fun and outside of their comfort zone, since its all : problematic and stuff” Though i do suppose i hate the “Vtuber”community on twitter. because its both toxic and politicized, I am on the Hololive side of things myself
Coming from another Hololive fan, Vtuber, eroge, anime, etc. is irrelevant to your political stance. I imagine you were prompted by another guy who did it first but still, stop trying associate weeb shit to American politics.
Ummmm… Thanks for the upload admin. Can’t we just be grateful for once? Geez
does this use a 3d model like study steady? please tell me this is not becoming a thing.
creepy as hell.
I always considered myself somewhat weeb, but this whole v-tuber-crowd?.. they belong on a cross.
it does use a 3d model, though this one feels much more natural you still feel that 3d jank from time to time, its definitely not as jarring as study steadys jank but you can tell its there
honestly i dont mind all that much but id prefer decent 2d than badly made 3d anyday, it really feels weird when a girl says something while moving her whole body for no reason
agreed. it looks like they are suffering from tics.
>”Somewhat weeb”
Heh, now *that’s* a good one, coming from you of all people.
You’re easily one of the biggest weebs on this whole site… just sayin.
Given the way you tend to act over VNs & eroge, you’ve… *really* got no business firing shots at V-tubers. Or anyone else, for that matter.
huh really made a name for myself in the worst way possible ey? cool cool cool.
Yeah sorry i’m not really into the “may he who is without sin cast the first stone”-storyline. I don’t think you need some sort of permission to criticize shit.
Seems we have different definitions concerning the term weeb as well. To me it’s somebody who is most into anything anime/manga/moe and makes that his thing online and offline. I’d rather see myself as somebody who has a strong connection the the medium but still thinks 95% is bad – pure trash.
Yeaaahhh, your snide, half-cocked, faux-witty little quickie-comebacks don’t do a thing to mask the fact that you aren’t any better than the rest of the weeb you loooove to criticize so much. And no you don’t “need permission”, but in light of your behavior on here, you still don’t have much in the way of credibility.
The reason you’re so annoying is because, well…
It’s reeeeal funny how you say you’re big into anime/manga/moe/etc, buuuut — truth is, virtually everyone here *but* you can see that you’re burnt out on the medium. And what makes you an even bigger clown is how you clearly lack sense enough to just move on from the medium, or at the very least distance yourself from it for awhile.
Lmfao xD
I mean… I will say this much: I do actually *agree* with you that 90-95% of the medium is pure garbage (and it’s the reason why I myself am more than a little picky with my VNs), but in all honesty?
The way you’ve chosen to deal with that reality up until now, is nothing short of being simultaneously hilarious & pathetically sad.
…Perhaps it’s time you considered the idea of immersing yourself in some other hobbies, instead of perpetually tying that proverbial noose around your neck by bitching & whining on here about how every other VN/eroge/etc isn’t some timeless magnum-opus grand masterpiece.
Everyone has the right to their opinion(s), I’m not questioning that.
However, the way in which you typically go carrying on about VNs, is simply ridiculous. Yes, most things relating to anime/manga/etc tend to suck, but even with that being taken into account — your standards are *still* pretentiously high enough that it’s downright laughable. xD
daaamn boi, you’re making it really easy for me to take the troll route in this scenario (pointing out how much i seem to have rattled you with very little contribution on my part), but believe it or not, not really my style.
your arguments (if you can call them that) don’t seem to be standing on very strong legs anyways. With the little “xD”s thrown in, the obvious butthurt.. doesn’t boost your very own credibility through the roof here.
You spun up quite a fairytale about what kind of person i am and why i shit-talk so much, kind of bizarre tbh. You overestimate how much time shit-talking consumes, i got plenty time left for real hobbies.
Truth is i am big into the medium, still am, since the old mtv days with the very first late night anime airings. But i am well past idealizing anything just because it has *anime* printed on it. And i do not need a masterpiece in any game/movie/whatnot i watch, but i enjoy quality. And even simple stuff can be of high quality. But that is not what the 95% is. 95% is soulless junk mass produced to drawn in the teens that consume anything anime no matter what. And i enjoy hating on it, as well as discussing it, even enjoying this talk. I understand that this might rub you the wrong way, but honestly i don’t really care, i’d rather continue enjoying it!
D’aww~, I see that little boy Revvo is trying SO very hard with his signature half-baked quickie-comebacks… how adorable~
>”daaamn boi, you’re making it really easy for me to take the troll route in this scenario”
Daaamn boi, you already be taking the “troll route” on a semi-regular basis without anyone’s help. And guess what? It kinda renders your above statement moot.
>”(pointing out how much i seem to have rattled you”
Lol. I’m not nearly as “rattled” as you seem to think I am, son~
And lemme tell you something else: those supposed “zingers” of yours aren’t quite the “gotcha” you seem to think they are.
Now, I know you enjoy appearing to be the smartest person in the room, so this is difficult for you to accept — but you need to face the facts: you just aren’t as clever or witty as you think you are.
In fact, your whole stuck-up “anime connoisseur” schtick has gone rather stale by now — and I’m *definitely* not the first person to point your ham-ass out on that.
>”with very little contribution on my part)”
Umm, no.
As it is, you post your comments (which positively REEK of your latent burnout on the anime medium, by the way) on every other link on this page for all other vistors to see (not just me), so your whole bit about “very little contribution on your part” just doesn’t hold water in the long run. You’re already one of THE most frequent “contributors” here.
>”but believe it or not, not really my style.”
Pfffft, *hah!* Now that’s easily the best joke I’ve heard from you so far xD
“Not his style” he says… oh yeah — you’re a regular comedian, bucko.
>”With the little “xD”s thrown in, the obvious butthurt.. doesn’t boost your very own credibility through the roof here.”
…Except that there’s a key difference here, which has clearly slipped your mind. And it’s the fact that *I’m* not the one who regularly prowls around on a site that offers pirated copies of VNs, all the while actively complaining about every other minute flaw and/or shortcoming that can be found within this medium. So far, that’s pretty much been ALL YOU, kiddo.
Have you ever thought about migrating over to VNDB? I’m sure you’d fit in pretty well over there; their forums are loaded with plenty of clowns who act *just like you*, with obnoxiously high standards on everything in the anime/manga/VN medium.
BTW, as for “those little ‘xD’s thrown in”? Yeah, I put them there on purpose, to emphasize how your overall idiocy is something I find amusing. Thanks for showing me that you’re another one of those morons who has it in his head that “emotes = lack of credibility”, all the while *conveniently* disregarding whatever valid points the other person might have. xD
>”You spun up quite a fairytale about what kind of person i am and why i shit-talk so much, kind of bizarre tbh. You overestimate how much time shit-talking consumes, i got plenty time left for real hobbies.”
Ey now, I’m only callin’ it like I see it~
And naaaah, I don’t believe I’m “overestimating” anything, cuz let’s be real: you honestly DO spend quite a bit of time shit-talking about how much you hate 95% of everything in anime, when that same amount of time could prolly be better spent on your supposed “real hobbies” instead… now *that* is truly bizarre.
And I dunno what kinda deluded fairytale realm YOU live in, but meanwhile in the real world: everyone who calls you out on your obvious bullshit is not automatically “butthurt”.
No matter how much you like to think otherwise, that’s not how it works. At all.
Here’s a novel idea: maybe try shelving your ego for longer than 2 minutes, and perhaps you’ll begin to see that [gasp] *you might actually be full of shit*, when it comes to some of your opinions~!
>”But i am well past idealizing anything just because it has *anime* printed on it. And i do not need a masterpiece in any game/movie/whatnot i watch, but i enjoy quality. But that is not what the 95% is.”
Now see — there’s a big difference between truly “enjoying quality”, and what YOU usually tend to do: clown about on this site, all the while pissing & moaning over how that even the supposed “remaining 5%” of the anime medium still doesn’t live up to your own *impeccably refined* standards.
>”And i enjoy hating on it, as well as discussing it, even enjoying this talk.”
The only thing which *that* tells me, is that you’re a sad little clown who gleefully insists on perpetuating your present insanity. And that you sorely need to start doing what you CLAIM you already do: get off the internet and find other hobbies. I get it, most anime sucks ass and it’s “fun” to hate on it. But goddamn, kiddo — eventually something’s gotta give; learn how to invest that kind of energy elsewhere before you burn yourself out even more than you already have.
>”I understand that this might rub you the wrong way, but honestly i don’t really care, i’d rather continue enjoying it!”
Ahahahaha~ “Rubbing me the wrong way”, he says… xD
Nice try, clown. But see, if you *really* didn’t care — then you’d have probably never responded to my callout post in the first place.
You’d have likely just ignored me and kept on your usual bullshit, but noooooo-ho-ho-hooo… you chose to fully engage little ol’ me, in a vain attempt to prove how much more of “mature” and “intellectually/morally superior” you are as an anime fan.
I will give you *some* credit, tho — at least you’re good about maintaining your high level of entertainment value with your comments… by now, you must be well-accustomed to other anime/VN/eroge fans laughing heartily at your expense.
But don’t mind me anymore, you just go on back to tying that figurative noose around your neck by focusing *soooo much* of your “plentiful” time & energy on “the 95%” of shitty anime out there~
yeah… like with most of the rather poorly written vns, you probably adore so much that you take it as a personal insult when somebody points out they are trash, i’m not gonna read all that.
after the first few sentences it became rather obvious you reached your melting point. The troll route is made for people like you. I’m not the one who needs to rely on the “old man talks down to stupid kid”-routine with lingo like “son” and “zingers” to defend a position. That coupled with the smileys and quotation.. yeah like your beloved braindead jerk off fantasies it’s just not worth reading through.
I sincerely hope your lengthy fantasy battle with an imaginary burned out nay-sayer made you feel a little less small, at least for today.
>”yeah… like with most of the rather poorly written vns, you probably adore so much that you take it as a personal insult when somebody points out they are trash”
Exactly who’s “stirring up fairytales” about who *now*, hmmm? You don’t know the first thing about me at all… *son.*
And it’s really quite cute to see how far you’re grasping.
>”after the first few sentences it became rather obvious you reached your melting point.”
…Just like how it’s adorable that you’re much too dense to see that you’ve probably reached your own “melting point” with VNs, years ago.
That you’ve generally outgrown VNs/anime, yet you can’t muster up the nerve to just *move on* already.
Nah, you’d still rather spend your time complaining & nitpicking, or from what you say, “shit-talking” and “hating on” all the bad VNs. When in truth, you should’ve just been ignoring all those and focusing your time/energy on whatever VNs you *do* enjoy.
>”The troll route is made for people like you”
Yeah, says the guy who was foolish enough to take MY ‘bait’ to begin with. If you were really soooo far above me as you claim, this whole “exchange” never woulda happened… instead, you have shown me *your* true colors here today. But nah, it’s fine — keep on deluding yourself if that’s what you really want. Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
>”I’m not the one who needs to rely on the “old man talks down to stupid kid”-routine with lingo like “son” and “zingers” to defend a position.”
Still hasn’t sunk in for you, now has it?
I’m talking down to you like a child, because that’s how you often behave, kiddo. In the grander scheme of things, much of your behavior on here IS rather childish. All that incessant (not to mention, inconsistent) bitching from you about how oh-so terribad every other VN under the sun is? C’mon… who do you think you’re fooling, besides yourself?
And like I said, others on this site have called you out on all this, long before I have.
>”yeah like your beloved braindead jerk off fantasies it’s just not “worth reading through.
Two things:
#1) Here you go again with your blind, groundless assumptions — on top of you revealing once more, just how much of a stuck-up pseudo-intellectual jackass you really are, as a VN reader.
#2) Apparently you *did* feel my posts were “worth reading through”, because… here you are, having replied once more to my previous post.
And to top it all off, the real kicker probably has to be *this* particular line of yours:
>”huh really made a name for myself in the worst way possible ey? cool cool cool.”
…It truly is laugh-out-loud hilarious that you not only fail to see the reality of this, but also that you’re too far up your own ass to understand why this matters. Bravo, buddy… bravo. You sure are a real winner.
>”I sincerely hope your lengthy fantasy battle with an imaginary burned out nay-sayer made you feel a little less small, at least for today.”
Sorry, but once again — you missed the mark by a mile. Try again, clown. 0/10
But before you go back to your rut of despising every other VN in existence, don’t forget to take your door prize~!
Once more, you’re way off the mark with your reply. As if you know the first thing about me at all… heh.
And the absolute best part of your performance, is this line:
>”huh really made a name for myself in the worst way possible ey? cool cool cool.”
…It truly is laugh-out-loud hilarious that you not only fail to see the reality of this, but also that you’re too far up your own ass to understand why this matters. Bravo, buddy… bravo. You sure are a real winner.
>”I sincerely hope your lengthy fantasy battle with an imaginary burned out nay-sayer made you feel a little less small, at least for today.”
Sorry, but once again — you missed the mark by a mile. Try again, clown. 0/10
But before you go back to your rut of despising every other VN in existence, don’t forget to take your door prize~!
What’s wrong with the Vtubing community? You honestly sound like a Trump supporter saying that they all “belong on a cross”… who hurt you dude?
Everyone ignore Revvo. He’s radical weeb trash.
If you want the truth, jump into the vtubing community yourself and find how unbearably wholesome, funny, and friendly the ordeal is.
I actually love Vtubers, I’m just sad they never read my comments about how Trump is going to be my president and lover next election.
It’s him and the KKK that inspired me to make that burn by the cross threat, isn’t it cool?