At the beginning of the true love game, you must name your character and choose what type of guy is he: Normal, Intellectual, Sports Guy, and Playboy. Depending which one you choose will determine what kind of women you can get. When you wake up in the morning you get three options you can choose from what to do in the day: Morning, Evening and Night. Mornings are usually reserved for you to go to Collage but on weekends and holiday you choose what you want to do there, while the other two options (Evening and Night) are open for whatever you please.
Some of the activities you can do are: Sports, Art Learning, Shopping, Work and Pleasure. Whatever you choose will contribute towards your Statistics Bar. On the Statistics Bar will have your qualities such as: Passion, IQ, Strength, Appearance and Art but depending on what you choose to do for the day some stats will go up or down, so be careful. A quick note: When you go to the shop you can buy items that will grant you more Stats or better luck with women or have unexpecting things to happen, example: If you do things right, sometimes right before you go to bed a god/goddess will grant you special power that will contribute towards your Statistics Bar or give you better luck with a certain women.
Now here is the tricky part, getting the woman you want. Like I said there is several women in the true love game, when you talk to them it is sort of like “choose your fate” system. Depending on how you treat them you can end up in bed with them faster (or slower in some cases…..), also when you learn more about them purposely try changing your Stats for the guy they want.
Remember you get ONLY three months to find your woman, but don’t seem like it is rushing you. (It took me hours to beat it the first time.) On the very last day, you are able to choose what women you want from the game, just choose the one you have been trying to get the most. (Otherwise if you choose someone that you aren’t close with then they will dump right off the bat.)
1. Execute truelove.reg
2. Play The Game
This brings so many great memories, the music, the graphics and for the most part: this warm sense of longing of this one special summer, the girl at the beach You’ve met and spent hours walking and talking, she liked You, You’ve kissed…And screw (pardon the pun) the h-part, naked girls are nice but, this game is unlike any other, it is the ONE, like the girl from the past, You idealize her in many ways, You are nostalgic about her but You’ll never get to her bacause she suddenly had to fly home with her parents to europe and now she is only a childhood memory.
This is fine.
Aww 😉
For those that get the registry error even after merging the registry file:
Double check that there is a save file in the directory, my .rar came with only a “save.bak” file. Removing the .bak or creating a new file called “save” fixed the problem.
This says that there’s a virus/malware in it. Why?
True Love is hands down THE best date-sim GAME (yes, it is a game where you have to do stuff to win). The story is plausible and the game is well-done and fun to play. Excellent writing and top translation. Mini-games inside too. Just overall awesome. Use a Virtual box to play.
Ps. I want to once again thank the creator and maintainer of this site and for bringing awesome date-sim and visual novels to US gamers. Thank you! ^_^
That said…. Have you tried using Oracle VM VirtualBox (virtual machine)?? It is free, by the way, the games runs any older game or Japanese game perfectly. I love playing an old Date-sim called “True Love”, which is one of the best date-sims ever made (and closest you will ever be to Tokimeki games *sigh*) in English. I use Oracle VirtualBox and run “emulation” inside Win 7 of Windows 98 with the True Love game inside. It runs perfectly with sound, no glitches, no headache. 🙂
Everyone: the best way to run old games in this awesome site is to run a VirtualMachine (emulator that runs inside Windows XP, Win Vista, Win 7, etc, and run an “emulation” of an older Windows version – like Windows 98 or whatever, so you can run old Japanese translated games).
The best FREE one is: virtualbox.org and it is easy to use. Works beautifully and much easier to use then DOS-Box, which even for a DOS pro like me, is a headache to use. My 2 cents.
Truelove works so slowly at my computer. It works fine with my Pentium III 700Mhz, but Intel i5 2,5Ghz its slow than….start game and 30sec and its continue… everything happen so slowly.
Have you tried using Oracle VM VirtualBox (virtual machine)?? It is free, by the way, the games runs any older game or Japanese game perfectly. I love playing this old Date-sim called “True Love”, which is one of the best date-sims ever made (and closest you will ever be to Tokimeki games *sigh*) in English. I use Oracle VirtualBox and run “emulation” inside Win 7 of Windows 98 with the True Love game inside. It runs perfectly with sound, no glitches, no headache. 🙂
The best FREE one is: virtualbox.org and it is easy to use. Works beautifully and much easier to use then DOS-Box, which even for a DOS pro like me, is a headache to use. My 2 cents.
The problem is your machine does not read midi smoothly. Download virtual midi synth or a similar software. It solved the problem for me.
can someone explain this further? I downloaded the program but nothing happens, it needs more files and configuration and everything is the same, and the whole point of this is not having to use a virtual machine to fix the slowdown when every track changes.
Maan Thank you so much for this!!
its work for windows 8!!!!
Me neither
No wonder it’s a classic. Thanks, Admin!
night hawk i tried your method but not working..is there another solution for register information is not correct”-error.
here is a possible fix for the users getting the “register information is not correct”-error.
my problem was that I run a 64 bit OS, and long story short: the file config.nt does not exists op a 64 bit system.
so make a empty textfile, and rename it to config.nt and put it in c:\windows\system32 (or what your path to windows\system32 is)
As a followup to this — if you’re on a Windows 10 64-bit machine (I mean, I guess you COULD have a 32-bit version but…bruh), you can simply double click the registry file in your explorer and Windows will ask you if you want to allow the registry files to be logged.
The game will launch and work like any other program after that. Saves you the trouble of emulation or merging files.
How can I download the spanish patch?
I have played this many times, and always find myself just playing blackjack.
I want to download.
I want to download
In Windows 8: Edit truelove.reg and replace (change directory if you put the game somewhere else) with:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
“Title”=”TRUE LOVE”
“DataDir”=”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TrueLove\\”
“SaveDir”=”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TrueLove\\”
“VoiceDir”=”C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TrueLove\\”
I got the game to start, but it ran slowly and when i got to the point where you first meet chiemi the game crashed and when ever i click continue i get “abnormal program termination” any advice on how to fix this? I run windows 7.
It only crash when meeting with that especific girl? I would assume it is a MIDI problem or something. Try to run the game without music. Yeah, I know it sucks but I slightly remember that happenning to me years ago. Or some other problem very close to this.
oh and as for resize just use f11 for browser fullscreen and ctrl+ + for zoom 😀
Huwaw such comments on one of my favorite old game…..
I’ve been trying to play this game on DOSBox but I keep getting a “this program cannot be run in DOS mode” message. It isn’t a registration issue, because I have managed to get that in just fine. I’m not sure what else there is to do. :/
I have tried to play the game regularly but it just ends up messing up my computer and freezing. The only way I can play it is through DOSbox but I can’t get it to play. Please help.
You cannot play this is dos mode as its a windows game not a dos game
double click reg key
right click true love icon
comparability mode select windows 2000
and you are off and running
Nope. Still doesn’t work no matter what I set it to. I’ve tried all different compatibility options as well and the most I get is a black screen for a second and then back to my usual screen.
I agree I’ve scrolled through the comments trying everything and I can’t get anything i have windows 7
I’d like to know if there’s a way to fix the resolution issue, too. How do I get to play it in full screen?
Is there a way to change my ingame resolution? it loads up 800×600 and i cant see some of the screen
For those who can find the control panel for their video driver. Scaling mode should be set to no scaling and “perform scaling should be the GPU and NOT the display itself. That should fix the problem and you should be able to view the entire screen.
OMG dude wtf is wrong with the neck of the girl at the left!
Very good game . There’s actually a great walkthrough for this game that will allow you to get all but the rich girl at the end but it takes a lot of saving and loading for the chance encounters.
how can i get a walkthrough for this
Running it in Windows 7. Without a problem but the problem I do have is that it is not resized to the full screen any ideas on how to do that ?
Uhhhh….am I missing something here?
First of all, I don’t have a .exe file in the folder. And when I open the registration entries, it just opens a notepad file with this
“Title”=”TRUE LOVE”
It doesn’t ask me to change anything…
Do you have the sequel at all?
Is there any voiced version of this game?
The very first H-game I ever played. At least, the first I can ever recall playing. Before this game I’m fairly certain I was unaware of dating sims and I was still a bit of a “green” anime geek. Anyway, you always remember your first and this one is one of my favorites!
anyone got a clean save file?
Open the game folder. Find the file named SAVE. Copy it to somewhere else, so you’ve got a backup if you need it. Then open the file in a text editor (like Notepad). Highlight the entire page and delete it, then save the file. You now have a clean save.
If you want to empty out the CG gallery, so you can unlock all those scenes on your own, do the same with the file named END.
I don’t know why it doesn’t work I did everything right like it was explain and the application doesn’t open ! ;(
Mediafire link is dead.
Definitely, one of the best game on this site. T
You play it, you love it.
… What are you doing reading this, download th game alreaady!
This was one of the first eroge that i played, including True Love and Slave Pageant. Because of Slow connection back home, i can only download low memory files (I found slave pageant at my cousins’) and I didn’t regret at all. I love this game! I love eroge like this
Hey, I registered the game and it opened fine, but the text just shows dots. Does anyone know how to fix this?
this game showed me how eroges/vn are awesome and made my depression go away
How nostalgic… This is the first VN/eroge i play.
At that time, i don,’t even know what eroge nor VN mean.
I got this game from my cousin and he say this is a manga like game with hentai. (i bet my cousin doesn’t know what eroge/VN mean either):D
Thank you Admin for making this site and upload all this amazing games.
This was my first ending… And I was shocked to find out that my first playthrough I ended up with Anze, which is apparently the most difficult person to get due to the incredibly narrow windows you get for her. She’s also a cat girl when you actually do things with her.
Ahh not ending, I meant eroge. Though my first ending in my first eroge was still with anze, so I suppose both are correct.
Great game, I succeeded in getting most of the endings, cute characters for the girls.
I hope my PC can run this smoothly, the graphic resemble the one from Divi-Dead…
anyway, good job admin, for uploading and maintain the site…
I would like to download all of your game when I got to College (abusing my university Internet of course 🙂 )
DosBox said “this program cannot be run in DOS mode”.
So, what should i do?
you have to search “regedit” in your windows, then go to file, and import, then pick the file truelove.reg in the folder you installed it. hope that helps…
Damn; It was one of the first, if not the first, eroge I ever played and it doesn’t even work on my actual computer!
I deleted it many times on an older one, each time searching it again to play “just a little more”…
When i download it, no problem: i extract it, i do the register thing, all is good before that. But after, everytime i try to launch the game, the same thing, again and again: my screen, exactly as it was before. I tried to wait, some seconds, some minutes, but not even the slightest change occurs.
Damn. I hated Windows 7 before that, but now, war is declared.
This game came out in 1995, meaning it’s over 16 years old. New systems have really hard time running it.
Try some compatibility modes, and if it doesn’t help install DosBox emulator.
Ok, i’ll try this.
Ah, and it worked, kind of. At 4 am, it do something: not totally the game, but still… It seems my computer need to “load” the game about 2hours, perhaps more, before understanding i launched it.
I tried to use DosBox, but it doesn’t worked.
Perhaps i just made a wrong manipulation, but i can’t figure out what i did wrong.
I am using windows 10 and it really isn’t working for me can you walk me through it if you can it would be greatly appreciated
True Love is a quirky game to get working. And even when you actually get it working, the game suffers from two major problems when using recent OS’s (XP, Vista, Windows 7):
1. The game uses MIDI files, and they freeze the game temporarily whenever the MIDI changes music, at most about 10 seconds or 8.
2. It’s a pain in the ass to get working on recent OS’s, and it’s meant to be run in either a Virtual Machine, or an actual computer with an older OS (Windows 95, 98 2000, etc.)
It IS possible to get working in Vista, from what I know. However, be prepared to be bored and frustrated when the freezing and pauses annoy you to high end.
The freezing doesn’t happen on the older OS’s, it’s just that XP, Vista, and Windows 7 can’t handle MIDI files that well anymore.
The first eroge I ever played and after this one I am hooked on the eroge game since…
Ps. Thank you to Admin of this website for all the great games that I wouldn’t know it existed.
This one was my first as well.
I’m trying my hardest to get all games ever translated to be posted here.
My handphone ringtone is the opening of this eroge…I love this game very much…I play over and over so I can get all girls with one play although actually I only get 9 from 10 because there are 2 heroine will encounter each other on the last day T_T
For those who are experiencing speed/loading issue’s just turn off the music and it will fix it
Okay first you,
1)Extract TrueLove.rar
2)After that you open the new folder TrueLove
3)After that you open the file truelove — Not TLOVE
4)It then asks if you want to add information, click Yes
5)It should then say that the information has been successfully registered, click OK
6)Now open T_LOVE95, it should have an icon in the shape of a heart
~Viola, you should now be able to play the game
I’m looking into if it works using an emulator. I’ve heard it may work while using Dos Box. I’ll update soon.
extract the unpack file . after that rename the folder without spacing. open folder then click the register (file with .reg) if u get warning message click ok. then enjoy the game. works on 7
is there a way to delete the save file??
i wanna play this without any spoiler
If you want to play the game from the beginning, i.e. without saves and with the CG room all at 0%, you should delete the files called SAVE and END. After deleting these two files, create two empty text documents and rename them to (yes, you guessed it!) SAVE and END. It doesnt’ matter that they are empty, the game still needs these two files in the directory to start.
unknown’s suggestion works except I didn’t change compatibility or whatever that means. I’m running Vista
Use windows 2000 combatibility. 95 and 98 is no good.
Where can you find the registry file?
important addition to the install instructions:
delete the space in the folder name. this game does not recognize directories with more than 8 characters.
so after extracting the game from the RAR file, rename the folder from “True Love” to “TrueLove”. Then add the registry file, use windows 95 compatibility, and you’re good to go.
the first visual novel i ever played…. how nostigic… liked them all, the rich girls storyline was a bit of a stretch but meh it was fun anyway.
yu hav 2 extract the reg. file..2 like go to it and click extract…and then click it..it’ll say loaded or wateva and play the game…
I got the same error than ellen…
I tried to play the game in windows XP and after adding the info of the .reg file… nothing happened when i clicked the .exe!!
help please!!
but then, after i added info with the register editor thingy (file truelove) when i clicked on the application it stopped even showing me these error messages!!
i have the same prob as anonymous.
mine also says “register info is incorrect, pls reinstall”
I cant get this game to work on windows xp.I tried to check all the compatibility boxes and yet nothing happens when i click the exe file.The screen goes black for a second like its ready to load the game ,then it just jumps back out again.
Any ideas people?
Okay this has probably been figured out now but for reasons best know to wiser men then I under windows 7 and xp the game will only play if you run it in compatibility with windows 2000 (due to it being based on windows 95 nt)
Hi, when i try to open the game it says:
‘Register information is incorrect, please reinstall’
How can I fix this? Please help me admin!!!
Thanks in advance!
I’m not sure what computer you have, but I have Windows and the same thing happened to me. When I tried to open the application it said the same then. Then I went to the ‘truelove’ registration entries. Selecting that should make the application work now. The game ran fine on my computer after I did that. Good luck.
**Sorry, meant Windows 7
yeah i have windows 7 too and it took me awhile to get it to work first i had make sure the folder name is a max of 8 characters, then extract the registry i had to restart my computer after that in order to get it to work hope that helps. oh yeah and i got to registry error when i tried to run it in compatabilty mode but it worked fine when i ran it normally hopefully this helps