Ren’s virginity is in danger! His childhood friend Riria was frantically trying to pull down his pants and begging to touch his dick. The truth is that she’s actually a succubus and was embarrassed not having any sexual experience at her age.
He was suddenly pushed into the school’s special dormitory. It was a girls’ dormitory full of ponkotsu (affectionately useless) demons: Yuu, the yuki-onna who was extremely sensitive to the cold; Arle, the mummy girl who is uncomfortable with tightness and loves the feeling of freedom; Emiri, the hopeless angel who has no sense of modesty and who is also his step sister; and, Miyabi, the witch who passionately develops a love drug to bring happiness to the world. The dormitory was built to rehabilitate them and since he was mistakenly moved there, he was assigned as an assistant to watch over them. His happy and troublesome days as a teacher for these cute but incompetent demons has begun.
DitzyDemonsAreInLoveWithMe.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
DitzyDemonsAreInLoveWithMe.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
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DitzyDemonsAreInLoveWithMe.part29.rar – 93.5 MB
While I like this game a lot, I had to open a separate window and pull up sprites while playing because for some bizarre reason it wont show the characters during the game. The CGs and everything else works perfectly fine, but it would be nice to know how to fix this problem since mesing with secondary windows just to make the characters visible in some capacity really drags the whole eperince down. I barely was able to persevere and finish one route (which was Riria’s, BTW).
PLEASE tell me how to fix this problem, I love this game’s story and characters and want to enjoy it properly…
cant save the game for some reason help
Hey admin, are we going to get the fan disc that just got an english translation at any point?
Ok, for fucks sake, use a different downloading site that doesn’t force you to buy a fucking premium account. I came here to get this for FREE goddamn it! Not to pay for it!
Hi There!
Sorry if its a bit late now, I don’t even know if you’d be back to even read this, but I’ll leave the message nonetheless! Maybe someone else can benefit from this information.
You can download every VN on this website for absolutely free, by pressing the “Free Download” button/tab. But the deal is, you have to download it in parts of 200 MB each. It will only ask you for a premium account if you try to download the VN using the singular download file provided under the “Game Download” Tab.
Also, just a side note, once you download all the parts, change your system locale to Japanese and then select them all and extract using any Zip File Handling Software. (WinRar, 7Zip to name a few)
* In most cases, once you extract, you are good to go, run the executable
* In some rare cases, its a mountable file, which involves a bit more hassle. Read some articles on how to mount files using Daemon Tools OR Power ISO or any other application, some outdated information if also available on this website too, but I won’t really recommend it. The Internet has some better information. Go ahead and do some research.
Also, Thanks a lot Admin and any other staff that’s involved, I am so glad that I stumbled across your precious website. This has been my safe corner and escape mechanism from the reality, these VNs are something that really makes me feel good about myself and makes me keep moving forward in life with a new energy.
Thanks a lot, so much appreciation and love for your work, I am really thankful.
Is there anything I can do in return?
Not like I am much capable or anything, but I just feel indebted.
Please let me know, Thanks!
“Ughhh! Minecraft mosaics! My only weakness!”
Seriously devs/licensors, it’s the age of digital exploitation, get your shit together.
If shit from 2008 can be mosaic free, so can this.
The patch doesn’t uncensor anything it restores the adult content. Without it you have the all ages version you need the 18+ dlc to enable hentai scenes and animate them
(walk into a big crowd)
(picks up imaginary microphone)
“check check, can you all hear me?”
(with a serous look on my face) “Yuu is #1”
(drops imaginary mic like a boss and walks out)
(crowd cheers!!!)
(Pokes head back in)
“Miyabi is second best”
(walks back out)
Little did we all know, crowd was cheering when that guy walked out because they were enjoying the VN and was interrupted. But in all seriousness, pretty good one.
1 of the best Eroge i’ve ever play, especially the Extra after you complete the game. Yes this game only has 1 time to choose which route that you want to get unlike others with a bunch of options that can confuse you or totally linear. At first, i thought that this will be linear like NekoPara that ended with harem… Boy i was wrong XD
Seriously, i might buy the game just because i want to get the opening song and i wanna support the artist(Sayori DeBeste~)
The bundle prize on steam is seriously cheaper than i expected so i will buy it next month(The bundle including 18+ Content and the obvious Opening & Ending Theme)…
Not only that the story is quite nice, the art is superb(My bias toward the artist), The seiyuu there are my favorites, and in my honest opinion 1 of the best Extras that you ever get when playing Eroge(It is that nice that i have to mention it twice).
This will be my 2nd Eroge that i purchase after Princess Evangile
Have you played G-senjou no Maou? My favourite up until now, especially if you favour humour and story. This was a brilliant work and iam still confused why this was never made into an actual anime.
The game is not showing the characters and the voice is not coming.Can you tell how to fix this problem.
*Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string*
Then Check This link for the Locale Emulator!:
Download The Game and Locale Emulator.
Install The Emulator and then Go to your Game Folder:
Right Click on the .EXE and select the option “Locale Emulator”
You will need to click on the “Edit the Profile”.
And you MUST SELECT “English US” or “English United States”
Save the Profile and the game will work.
Have a Nice day!
I fixed the string error by changing my locale to English (USA) with Locale Emulator
Yeah Dude it worked So i will try to write a post in here about this!
I know how to fix most of the Visual novels but this is the first time i am running into this kind of “Locale Problem”
most of the time they are much different and you need different tools.
Is there a Patch for the String error?
so just asking.. im reading the comments so is this game has lot of h-scenes that the patched salvage all the h-scenes or some people are just whining because of the mosaics?
The guy who said “you never even see a censored dick or pussy” is DEFINITELY FULL OF IT…
Sorry man – but – what frickin VN you playing?
The VERY FIRST SCENE has it, in fact… man.. what is that guy’s agenda? A competitor or something? Wait until the CGs start showing up..
You can go on the publisher’s site and see sample images – and this has EVERY one that the original has in it.. Why you so full of it man? Don’t want anyone seeing this great VN? (I admit, no mosaic is better – but at least this mosaic is the “minimal” variety — it doesn’t totally warp things)..
I’ll upload ’em or hand them off if admin is interested. You got my contact info man – and ya know I always go for premium servers — even though it’s a whole whopping $17 for as many DLs as you can do in a MONTH… (yes, that is sarcasm, loud sarcasm in fact) well anyway…
This is one that a LOT of moege fans are going to like…
All the Heroines are pretty, and EVEN the subchars have “mini-routes”, which is BETTER THAN NONE AT ALL, like so many VNs do.. Like Rin does have H-Scenes..
Meaning you get to run off and do some ichaicha with Riria’s Mom, Rin and Tama sen-sei. Not a spoiler, those three appear on the menu as soon as the common route is done (though they are only selectable after you complete one route)….
They do almost everything right in this one – naturally if you don’t really go for moe, you may not like this. Still – it doesn’t have nearly the number of “*** GOD I HATE THIS MC! ***” moments as we’ve gotten used to, seriously. Almost none in fact. Like I said, hot girls AND…
believe it or not, the H-Scenes are pretty damn good. It’s not a nukige but… it might seem like it at times – there’s a fair amount of H, not at all like the stingy “afterthought” H-Scenes in so many VNs.
I URGE YOU TO BUY THIS IF YOU LIKE IT. I know, supposedly everyone hates SP so bla blah— well, they did pretty well on this one – and an excellent TL job (I’m about N5 right now..). This is a great VN – in fact, I think some people will rate it higher than Sanoba… maybe a lot of people.
Really want to encourage the making of these titles – if you do too, the $ is worth it for 5 full routes and 3 subroutes (yeah – I like moege that gets pretty hot with the H and leaves off the uber-trajedy… sometimes it’s just what ya need).
Seriously Though…
It’s a good visual novel, but not the best one. I like the artistic style very similar to Nekopara, good songs and good voice acting also a good duration. I do not really like the fact that the secondary characters have been very neglected (well this is a personal opinion) Of all the characters I adore Rin. ahhhhh …. if many other VNs would use the Majikoi style that deepens even the secondary characters
I mean… Sayori from NekoPara did draw this one 😛
Go look it up, if you already haven’t.
really good but i dont like that when you choose a route almost all the other characters disappear
The game have no voice or just my download got corrupted?
There doesnt exist a patch file as it, it is included in the game as one whole thing, in short you need to redownload the game (buy it because the guys that craked or pirated it dont see worth in cracking it again so there will not be a new version here on in other sites, just like hapened whit Maitetsu) so just buy the game if you whant to play this game so badly.
Can anyone give the Fix Patch link for the “Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string” error ?
Thank you very much.
@ Jackson. Thats what was corriged in the latest patch and not becsuse the game is faulted but because SP fucked it off as always. I dint have that problems (sometimes you dont see the intro movie or events are cuted like you say or worst, the “Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string” error.) I sujest you to downmoad the fix patch.
Where is the patch tho?
I was all yahoo a game with Sayoris design and what I get? H-scenes reduced to one picture and you never even see a censored dick or pussy. During the climax of the H-scenes, you only see the Background image. No visual cumshot. No visual Bukake. Only in a short dialogue afterward, you can read that they indeed had intercourse (it’s because of this “pillow-talk” that you even know that you had your way with your loli teacher) I’m disappointed really. Nekopara is still Sayoris best work.
This game have JoJo reference
10/10 best eroge ever
Dude, its easy to find that patch, afterall all patches of steam are stored in a google drive archive, just search it the patch you mention is the version 2.It still has mosaic but greatly reduced.
No!! Why there is mosaic on those cute girls!? Can someone post the mosaic uncensor patch please?
Man, LOL. This game is great, its so funny, I never laughed like that before, Ill be honest that I had my doubts but man I was wrong. It’s really great.
can you get the MILF or it’s onlyin the fandisk?
would have to check but satori, the artist of nekopara did have some pictures of demon girls posted alongside her nekopara art. and i did think these girls looked familiar.
They released a full game patch to resolve these issues.
An email was sent to all who brought it to say you only need the patch if you have any of the following issues:
“Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string error.
Various fixes with Japanese text in menus.
Stand Gallery black backgrounds fixed.
Alignment problem with a single thumbnail.
Fixed grayed out full screen options.”
@admin you may want to get the updated version.
Got “Cannot convert given narrow string to wide string” error.
Anyone know how to fix ?
heavily reminds me of nekopara, mainly due to similar artstyle and the behaviour of the girls
so this has mosaic censures or not?
We need more VNs that have no childhood friends as heroines… -_-
Eh, tack on 5$ to both those numbers, I thought the game had standard pricing.
@OneUglySunuvabitch Because it is a 30$ game. Without the patch it is 20$ to compensate for the cut content.
YES, finally! Wooohooo! Thank you very much, admin. Appreciate it!
I still have NO idea just why the fuck they’re charging for an UNCENSOR patch on Steam, given it’s new policies on allowing said content on Steam without much issue, seriously, just wtf… :/
At any rate, thanks SOOOO much for uploading this, really stupid that they’re charging money for a freakin’ uncensor patch, really… -_-
So, based on the comments, this one has mosaics?
Damn, that’s a lot of downloading… Have anyone played it already? Is it good or is it just another dumb nukige?
mosaic censor means that its pixelized, just plain censored means the scenes don’t appear at all. Most VN’s are mosaic censored, meaning everything is still 18+, except there will be pixels in front of the no-no parts
So is this censored or uncensored? I am alittle confused by the comments
29 parts… damn…
Most visual novlels have mosaic censoring, and every visual novel posted here is 18+ uncensored.
Can we have a “mosaic censorship” tag from now-on and a uncensor patch please? Thanks!
Thank You So Much Admin!
Thank You Admin!