Taimanin Asagi

Taimanin Asagi

The game stars and takes the viewpoint from a female ninja who is said to be one of Japan’s greatest warriors. She’s part of an elite ninja squad called Anti-Demon Ninja that fights in the name of justice. The main enemy in this story is the OFA (Oboro Forbearance Army) lead by another female ninja who is also said to be one of the finest in the land. These two female ninjas go at it until one of them is captured and trained/transformed against their will into a sex slave.

It’s important to note here that the game takes place around 2050 in Tokyo, so technology has become relatively advanced. The world itself seems to be VERY grim. It’s also slightly fantasy based as it seems many different races inhabit the world, including vampires, orcs, and various types of evil spirits, which are the demons or “evil influenced” people that are making the world so corrupt. The ninjas also have special, beyond human, abilities as well.

56 comments on “Taimanin Asagi

  1. Great post! I’ve been looking for information about Taimanin Asagi and finally found a reliable source. The download links are super helpful. Can’t wait to dive into the game!

  2. I constantly get an error message…

    Iunzipped all the files, but when I try to run it, I recieve this error message

    (syntax error, unexpected T_SYMBOL, expecting “)”) at line 4073

    does anybody know a solution? seems to be asked quite frequently here….

  3. Iunzipped all the files, but when I try to run it, I recieve this error message

    (syntax error, unexpected T_SYMBOL, expecting “)”) at line 4073

    can you help me please?

  4. I’ve downloaded (im premium) the game but everytime i try to open it, some japanese-worded error pop up shows up. need help!

  5. The third part doesn’t seem to be there. I have tried downloading it several times but it can’t be reached.

    1. i dont know whatcha mean but i’ve just download the third part just fine, well try download it one by one separately again, dont altogether, you know what i mean right?
      *im not english, be kind

  6. I have a suggestion for the admin.

    Maybe you can work with the hongfire guys to get an uncensor patch made for this game. If you request it someone might be interested there. If they accept, pass along that I would like something for the videos as well :).

  7. How do i download this? Do i need a premium account? It says on the download site, that i need to upgrade to premium to download a file bigger than 200 mb. It can’t be that everyone here has a premium account?

  8. I’ve gotten an error message when trying to download the third part. I’ve tried downloading other games afterwards and the website seems to be working fine, it’s just that this part in particular has gone missing. I’ve tried several times already and the problem doesn’t seem to be changing, but I will try again later. Just wanted to put the word out there that there’s a problem.

    1. Nevermind, frustratingly enough it seems like this is just a standard error you get when you try to download more than 2 items at one time from the host website. I thought that might just be the case but Chrome was giving me a weird message that I hadn’t seen before. Oh well, problem solved I guess.

  9. I found the solution, just go to settings and language and then in the window that says “administrative”. there go to settings for non-unicode programs. then change the “English” in Japanese. and go with it worked perfect. although the game itself does not like me. hehe. that I do not like the ending and they are both raped too many times.

  10. I found the solution, just go to settings and language and then in the window that says “administrative”. there go to settings for non-unicode programs. then change the “English” in Japanese. and go with it worked perfect. although the game itself does not like me. hehe. that I do not like the ending and they are both raped too many times.

  11. Heya, could someone tell me the other Lilith english translated titles, and it’s okay if it’s only partially translated; thanks!

  12. Same problem on a 32 bit xp system. I tried different unzip software, but that didn’t help. *shrugs*

  13. I’ve downloaded the DA-free version, but now I don’t know how to make it work since I’m not really adept at using these stuffs. Can you help me?

  14. I’ve been meaning to play this. Really loved the anime version, and I’m sure this’ll be just as hot.

  15. I guess I found one good ending, I mean if you consider be violently raped multiple times and then having to kill some dude you like to kill that crazy chick and then killing your boss good, so sort of good, I think.

    1. Well, that WAS the ending the anime went with, so that’s probably the best ending.

      I like how it’s sort of “and the adventure continues” sort of thing.

      You mean she’ll get raped again? HOORAY! :/

  16. interesting fact their is a hentai of this hahahaha i have it on my hard drive so i am quite happy to see a game

  17. I have switched my system local to Japanese as advised and the game does come up and play now, however it is all in Japanese! A game in Japanese is of little use to me as i cant read Japanese what am i doing wrong?

  18. Did you restart your PC after changing language local to Japanese? Must do so for changes to take effect.

    Be careful guys with that 3rd Mediafire link my AV software detected a trojan as soon as that webpage loaded. Also got a message from that webpage telling me that you’re computer is infected with viruses. Obviously the page has been hacked!

  19. I can’t make it work.. i keep getting an error when i try to open it.. i tryed going into my controll panel and change it to japanese but some guidance could be awsome 🙂

  20. So,is this female lead this story or else ??
    I would like to know ( usually my eroges favourite is male lead, haha)

  21. I have a big problem. I downloaded this game, it works perfectly. But my virus protection program blocked the game because it contained a high level trojan. Am I the only one with this problem? Can it be fixed?

    1. Send the program to your antivirus to get it checked and remove false positive. All downloads posted on this site are clean.

      1. Never mind. I guess the threat was false, Its completely gone and works now. Apologize for the confusion

  22. Is there a good ending in it? I was checking it out before and found only, well, “awful” and “even more awful” kinds of endings.

    1. Well, this game is from Lilith and by my experience with it, I’d say a Bad ending is the “best ending” you will get, from that, they go to Terryble endings and Freakingwhatthehellwasthat ending

      Hope that helps ‘-‘

      1. Hahaha, I agree. 1st time I played Shion, I was like, how in the world is that a good ending? Then when I played the harem route, I was like, okay, no one died but it still ain’t a good ending.

    1. Ok, how does the story with Taimanin Asagi, really go? I mean with the game, the other character and the h-ova as well. Edwin Black as well, i just don’t understand where everything is coming from. So basically i think i’m asking for like a timeline summary sort of thing. Something for someone who wants to make sense of all.

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