In Sakura Nova, join Mikage, Kaguya, and Arisa as they train together and experience life together in academy life. They all have done trials individually but when the sergeant told them to work together as a team all hell breaks loose! Will they ever become proper knights?
Admin pls help anyone
How do you combine part 1 and 2? Any help pls? Or does o
It need something like es file explorer or somethin else
Make a new folder and put both files in here. Extract with 7zip or peazip, use part 1 to extract it. You probably will get an iso file.
Either burn it on cd/dvd or mount it with deamon tools (see faq how to do that)
Make sure you have both parts in same folder, then just start extracting first one with your favourite archiving software – it will automatically pull data from following parts.
I don’t think I have a posted .iso file in like a decade. With advent of digital distribution, most of my releases are extract and play – no need to disc images.
umm… as everyone yells over the visual novel being trash or good. did no one realize there are something things missing from the game… like a whole patch went poof… the swimsuits and like 2-4 sex scenes aren’t included…
Some serious discussions going on here. Even strong worded sometimes.. ^^° I don’t think it’s worth yellin’ about other opinions. Just accept them, even if you don’t agree.
Speaking of opinions…
I’m a big VN reader and have a lot of reading time in a whole variety of them. While I enjoy more complex and dark stories such as Fate/Stay Night or Kara No Shoujo for example, I have to say the VNs from Winged Cloud are some kind of a guilty plessure. They’re something easy and incomplex for in-between that you can chuckle about without putting to much thought into them. Kinda like Visual Novel fastfood. It might not be complex, it might not be to fullfilling, they might be very teasy and rely on eye-catchieness but they’re still a fun, silly read for a snack to cover the waiting time on the next big and complex storie.
You can totally disagree with me, but that’s at least what I think.
In that regard I’m happy about this release here and I know I’m going to guiltilie enjoy it, yet again. x D
If I have to speak my mind, it’s does not convince me. I Prefer Light Novel where the heroines are virgins, and there are stories of love. But still, very acceptable
This is just a random thought on this game but I don’t really understand the name because I have yet to read it. However, Sakura Nova sounds like it should have something to do with outer space or science fiction not knights in training. I know they already made Sakura Space but, I just don’t get it.
Sakura * aren’t the greatest out there, but they aren’t the worst.
I won’t turn my nose up at them
Admin, if you please upload myth mangagagmer adult vrsion of course
This game is amazingly absurd, a modern city, that means they have technology, and their means of defence are knights with swords? I know its a game from UK but come on, its ridiculous.
Are you really that dumb??
If you could conjuje Infernal Fireballs with wave of your hand, would you waste your time by carrying handgranades in your backpack??!
And even fireguns arent exactly trustworthy:
Main characters encountered very versatile enemies and I dont think you would be able to stop Slime monster or Water Spirit with handguns!
Bullets are not capable of stopping liquid, you know.
Its whole issue of science vs magic:
If you have decent ways to kill your enemy, then you dont need to research entirely new and different guns (firearms), you just improve your current weapons.
On the other hand you can always live more comfortably, so people tend to make more modern houses.
Well, not even a blade can stop a liquid
Someone reported that the part 1 download page is unsafe. can’t download from that link. Please fix it Admin if you can.
that someone must be new to stuff like piracy… i downloaded it and now enjoying the game.
Great release, thanks for this Admin. The sex scenes too seem a bit rushed and forced, but this is a Sakura game after all.
Now, just out of curiosity… I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but has anyone given you a copy of Busty Maid: Creampie Heaven! yet?
What surprised me ist that this one is actually voiced. In japanese, no less.
Admin could you please make a tag or disclaimer for western eroges?
Hmmm, I would like to buy it, but then I realized there are no loli, or even DFC.
And I read that the game play is actually rather poor as well…
It’s a H-VN, there is no gameplay.
well.. have you tried playing the pirated copy? you can donate depending on how much you enjoyed it instead…
I bougth cheap and played on steram there’s a uncensor patch on the game’s steam discussion board.
You are a part team of novice knights alongside two hotties.
Keep in mind It has decent to art and plenty of sex but the plot is very much on the thin side. The pretense of combat is very poorly implemnted.
Thanks for this game. We wait for mangagamer MYTH
i was the one who posted a request on that in the forum xD
Too very waiting.
No Yuri, no dice. Just the way I am towards the Sakura series is all. 😛 I’m grateful for the upload regardless, really. 🙂
I am glad they didn’t make this yuri tho.
you guys talk like most of the sakura games are yuri.
Only the ones that could be described as “good”
Bleh, another fake eroge by an american company. Not worth the bandwidth or time to download.
They are actually from UK.
its not really fake you know. It is erotic game with ero scene enough to be called r+18. I mean ero game is eroge as long as it has eros.
Wow, porn snobs–talk about being entitled.
Not everybody reads visual novels for the porn tho. As far as that subset goes, Winged Cloud games are really really boring.
Then again, I’m pretty sure that still applies for people strictly looking to get their rocks off, unless you’re just entering puberty and get excited over any indirect reference.
Absolutly true. I personally love many of them for the story. I don’t dislike H-Scenes, but in many cases they are kinda disturbing the flow of the story, so I wouldnt mind to have games without such scenes.
“I wouldnt mind to have games without such scenes.”
And I wouldn’t mind admin building a wall to keep your sort out.
Trump, is that you?
Make eroge great again!
“The Donald” would Build a Wall to keep out VNs. But if his daughter Ivanka was in them, he would ” “Play” the hell out of them! “
Uncensored ?
Of course.
admin what s the difference of a part 1 and part 2 and how to combine them if needed ~? thanks
‘Sexual Content’ tagged under a Sakura game?
This is highly suspicious!
It’s legit. Not usual Steam cock-tease.