After a rough day at work, you decide to walk a different way home to try and improve your mood. Walking down an unfamiliar street, you stumble across a bar named Audire that seems like it has a nice atmosphere. Unsure of what to expect, you open the door and find a group of high-class older men. What awaits you at Audire?
Hi there ! It works well on my laptop, thanks from France ^o^
how can i install the game? i downloaded the two rar files.
hello!! ty for the game admin it works perfect i dont know if you are stil uploading games butif you are can you also please please upload(Chou no Doku Hana No Kusari: Taishou Irokoi Ibun) and (seifuku no ojisama) please admin prtty please U_Uand ty for your hard work!!!
The game only gives me 6 save slots, does that happen for everyone else? 6 save slots is hardly enough for a game with this many storylines…
Works perfectly on my laptop! yay 😀 thank you !
The game and the file are virus-free is just because it’s a cracke game so the antivirus does not know. Do not worry, just put the file block in exeption And everything becomes normal, the game will work perfectly ! ^^ ( sorry my english is very bad >< )
Hooolllly crap!! I could play this without a pay wall!?!?!? Oooooh my gooood I really hope it works!!! Ohmygoshohmygosh!!
The fact I could play this for free would be amazing TwT
Yep. It works!
Please also upload “My Butler” Also from the FR series TwT
the game wont run because it says “steam must be running to play this game (SteamAPI_Init() failed).” any help please
same happened to me 😐
I wonder if it’s because I have steam apps and it knows I didn’t “download” the game from there?
well, so apparently for the “Steam_api.dll failed” thingy, I just watched a tutorial on youtube and download the steam_api from some dll library, and copy it to my Windows folder.
Although it led to the next problem with “Steam init failed” and I just downloaded another steam_api.dll (now pack version) and copy the whole thing to the game folder.
Also I moved the game to my steamlibrary folder beforehand. So I dunno if it actually affects thing or not ^^
is this game complete or is just the demo??
Thank you so much for the game Admin. Can you please upload “is it love?gabriel” game as well.
To anyone receiving SOUND INIT FAILED
I was browsing through this website and saw a comment from Ariolle who kindly suggested the solution to this, “Kindly update your direct X with the latest version *Direct X 10* It should work afterwards with Windows 7.” xo
I can’t play it. I don’t know why but when the game starts I can’t do anything, not even change the name or click any button.
It happens with My Secret pets! too. So I want to know what is going wrong. Should I upload another app to play or I just can’t play this kind of games?
I need an answer, please.
Same problem here
I also get the error “sound init failed” unsure what i need to do to get it working.
See this https://support.survarium.com/index.php?/en/Knowledgebase/Article/View/109/32/sound-initialization-failed
This worked a treat can now play on my laptop 🙂 thank you…your a star
still the same even though directx was installed.. Can’t play, any alternative? thanks
couldn’t get it to work on my laptop, but works fine on my PC 🙂 thank you admin
Same here, for some reason my Anti Virus deletes the .exe file. Has anyone found a solution yet because I’d really love to play this game
I Mean the game doesn’t work in my laptop 🙁
help me
Admin, sorry for telling you this but your files in this game have malwares and my antivirus removed them…
This is a false positive – I’m manually checking every file before posting it here. I assume you’re using Avast, as it’s the only antivirus that reported problem with the .exe file.
You’re right.Thank you..
Hi! I’m also using avast what did you do so you can play it? When I open the .exe it always says ‘SOUND init failed’ . Please help me!
I have a heart attack! Thank you for uploading!!
Could you also upload The men Of Yoshiwara: ohgiya?
When I load they give me error msg . I even disbale my anti virus . Help D:
Awesome! Thanks so much, admin! Works great 🙂