The unceasing Rain──
The 『sealed city』,
abandoned 30 years ago after a sudden biochemical warhead strike.
The uninhabited ruins,
ruled over only by autonomous battle drones.
The man came to this place,
finding shelter inside a tall building as he grew exhausted,
and there he came across
a planetarium,
a room that once filled the hearts of men
with the wonders of all the stars in all the sky.
And there, he met a young woman
whose name was 「Reverie」.
A member of the planetarium’s help staff
who had continued to wait for customers for over 30 years;
a broken robot──
Entreated by 「Reverie」,
he lost track of time as he repaired
the nonfunctional planetarium projector.
The continuous Rain.
Those quiet days spent with 「Reverie」.
A long-lost nostalgia that began to arise in the man’s heart.
What will he think about this sky of manmade stars?
And what is the fate of this 「Reverie」 of a little planet?
So how come everyone seems to be able to read Japanese ??
I’ve got the game running fine provided that is you can read Japanese!
Last line in English is “after 10,000 days” and then everything after that is Japanese including all menus (have worked out how to save and load but that’s about it!)
Jap locale installed and also installed on multiple laptops (Win10 + XP)
OK, found the issue. Totally forgot to check the “FREE DOWNLOAD” tab which is where you find the english conversion patch
Finally got the game to work after doing the following.
For Windows 10/11: if you are STILL having problems with the game crashing after the intro…
Go under non-unicode settings, set for Japanese, and UNCHECK, “Beta: Use unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support.”
Hope this helps 🙂
If anyone is having problems running the game please try following these steps. I had trouble the first few times, specially with the game freezing right on the first line.
(Also try running all programs with Japanese Locale and maybe as admin)
-Install the ‘PlanetarianRetail’
-Install the english patch (make sure it’s going to install on the same folder the game was installed)
-Copy the crack exe to the game folder and run it once, it should add a few files.
-Change your PC language for non-unicode programs to Japanese (this is what fixed the game crashing right at the beggining because it’s trying to load text)
-Try running the game, if it doesn’t crash when at first line (the one on the first image, NOT those lines in the black background)
then copy the files from the Voice Patch (KINETICDATA) to the game folder with the same name.
You can also run the game directly with Kinetic.exe
this VN made me cry for a whole night and the next morning
can you please upload the Steam Version?
i can’t play it because the patchui keep making my pc freeze
Thank you very much
Admin, I’m seriously stumped lol.
I installed everything in the following order:
1. Install PlanetarianRetail.exe
2. Copy the planetarian.exe crack into install dir and run
3. Install the english patch into install dir
4. Merge the voice patch into Kinetic folder in the install dir
5. Run Start.exe, StartJP.exe, Kinetic.exe
But nothing seems to be working. An error box pops up saying something in Japanese which I don’t understand at all. Exactly what am I missing here? I only got the menu to appear but every time I click on Play the error box pops out.
Have you tried installing it in Japanese?
My AppLocale for non-unicode program is already set to Japanese, and the setup PlanetarianRetail.exe runs in Japanese. If you can get it to run please share how. I’d really appreciate it 😀
PLS HALP. It tells me to buy the game for some reason when I start the game. The font is in some unrecognized unicode, and i have already changed the applocale to japan. PLS HALP
something has lost from my heart…. :'( uwaaaa
Hey admin can you upload the sekai project version of planetarian (from steam) it has professional grade translation.
if you all don’t cry after playing this, you don’t have any soul.
Thank you, I finally was able to play this.
I first saw this two years ago and attempted to play it, but I could never figure it out. Then I came back, read this and was finally able to play it. Thanks
Ok so I had some trouble downloading this so here’s how I got it to work.
1. Download the first file and run the retail copy with Jap locale to install it.
2. Download the english patch and move it to the same folder you have the first file in, and run that with jap locale as well.
3. Find the “planetarian” folder in your program files, and copy and paste that into your folder with everything else so far.
4. Take the no dvd crack and move it to the folder you obtained from the program files and run with jap locale, this removes the error asking for a key
5. to run the game, run either “kinetic.exe” or “start.exe” in jap locale
Hope this helps as I saw people were having trouble
forgot to add but to get the voices download the voice file and merge the “KINETICDATA” folder with the one of the same name in the “planetarian” folder you obtained from your program files
My install notes from Win 7
-“Region for non-unicode programs” MUST be set to Japan, then restart. It’s not enough just to change the language. big frustration for me at first.
-Download and install Sazanami-gothic font. It may help with a known issue. Available from a variety of places on the ‘net
– If you don’t cry at the end you have no soul. You were warned.
I didn’t because I can’t seem to figure out how to download this. I can download 35 other VNs without a problem but not this one.
it,s not ‘tanah air beta., it,s ‘ibu pertiwi’. the op based on hym what a Friend We Have in Jesus by Charles Crozat, you can read in wikipedia…
Can’t play it. After the first image apears, the game freezes. It doesn’t closes itself, but is stuck in a “No Response” state.
I had the same problem as leon999 but couldn’t solve it, if anyone ever even reads this any help would be appreciated
long time ago i “played” this novel and i havnt think about the name miss jena…. and i have to lived 20 years of my live in this town jena in germany and also i knowing “carl zeiss” to know that such thing in in a japan novell make me very happy and i never will forget this novell
enjoy it when you reading this its a wonderfull story
46 mb? it is very short game ,right?
sorry for my english
This isnt the full version, its a RIP missing the voice track.
i from indonesia.
i have playing this game.
actually i already read a review this game, and when i playing this game in at beginning,
i’m already cry about what will happening to that girl robot. i’m enjoying this game very much, and at final chapter i’m really sad.
i’m still thinking that girl robot will happly life with that Junker. why this game dont have multiple ending?
but thanks for this game.
somehow a opening music look alike from my country, “tanah air beta” that a title in my country.
it,s not ‘tanah air beta., it,s ‘ibu pertiwi’. the op based on hym what a Friend We Have in Jesus by Charles Crozat, you can read in wikipedia…
Okay, Okay, okay
I managed to solve it …
all I had to do was change the location …
japan needs to be in place to exit the screen that hangs …
btw ….y the english patch is not working always error.. but the japanese version is ok i can play it?? and i follow the instruction correctly?
how’d you do it again? i mean what did you mean japan needs to be in place>
Yes, I changed the location to in my settings to Japan. But it didn’t do anything.
So what did you do that made it stop hanging?
I do like to correctly install this novel
I install the game icon gray, then pacth with the translation, then the crack
but everytime i try to play, it opens full screen and hangs the first image after the screen appears saying that the program is not responding …
can someone explain me how to do?
need to do something different (AppLocale or change the location for Japanese)
this is already the sugnda time I find a novel that interested me and that I can not play … ¬ ¬
HERMERGERD. I can’t seem to install this. D:
I downloaded both files. Extracted them (separately). When I try to run \PlanetarianRetail.exe\ (the grey icon) — nothing ever happens, I tried checking my Task Manager, nothing is listed.
I tried:
-run as admin
-run normally
-run in compatibility mode (WinXP SP2)
-run in compatibility mode (WinXP SP3)
Nothing happens. Please help me. D:
P.S. I’m using Windows 7 Ultimate (64-Bit Edition).
Although a little tricky to install, this VN is most definitely worth it. Took me roughly 3 hours to finish it but man, what a story! Don’t forget to change your system locale to Japanese manually! The game only runs when its done manually and not through AppLocale.
how can i run the game
Is the voice patch Fanmade, or just didnt get carried over properly for the release? Also if fanmade is it good?
I got it to work.
First, take that file in the root called: PlanetarianRetail.exe and run it. Choose the directory and all that.
Then, run the english patch, using the same directory
Move the file [under ROOT:\Planetarian\Crack]: Planetarian.exe into the root of the main install [ie ROOT:\planetarian].
Run it. You should see a yellow exclamation mark.
Then run Start.exe
That should work! Good luck! I haven’t played it yet, I was just hoping I could help some of you out 🙂
iDIn’t cry itech
It does not work for me, as at start when you hear the first line a girl says in Japanese it stops working. Where did I do it wrong? Or it means I need Voice patch for it to work?
I have the same problem any help?
I’m gonna write a quick guide for those who are having problems with the buy/get problem and general installing (as I just went through this).
As usual you will need to extract the planetarian.rar into a folder. But before you start using the PlanetarianEnglishPatchSetup, go to the extraction folder and run the PlanetarianRetail application. You will follow the steps and make sure to send the information into your extraction folder. From here you now need to run the PlanetarianEnglishPatchSetup follow the steps, and naturally, add it to the extraction folder.
This is where the buy/get problem arises if you try to use the Start application, basically there’s no way to play the game at this point as you’ll just loop between loading screens. However, this problem is easily remedied! In your extraction folder you will have a folder called Crack. Inside the Crack folder is a application called planetarian with a purple and yellow icon. You need to move this application out of the crack folder and directly into the extraction folder. Once there you need to run the application and press ok. Now you have a item in your extraction folder called Kinetic.OLD! Congrats! You can now click the Start application, press play, (and after you close what appears to be an error box) the game will load!
I hope this guide helps, I don’t really check these forums after I play the game, but I might in the future. Best of Luck!
i did all of this, but my game freez at the first image, but i keep hearing the sounds, im using windows 7 so i dont have japanese founts on my computer :S and im not being able to find anything on the internet, maybe that the problem?
From that response I can feel pretty certain that your system locale is not set to Japanese. The process behind that on windows 7 is to open your control panel, then select Clocks, Language and Region, the select Region and Language, Then open the administrative tab and the second selection will be your system locale, change that to Japanese and restart your computer. Should be good to go, but let me know if it doesn’t work.
That’s worked for me thanks:). And i want to add a side note. Game doesn’t work with applocale. After i opened game via applocale, whenever i click font options or reach first background, game crashes. But that will not happen if you set your system locale to Japanese. Thats first time to me a vn not working with applocale actually runing if you change your locale to Japanese.
ha… thanks. you solve my problem.
It worked for me. Thank you very much! :)
This was made by KEY right. If so then it is a must play
can someone please put up information on how to download,I dont speak japanese so i can understand why the hell it wont install
this VN made its way to my favorites even though its so short. Beautiful in every way, i think this is my favorite, even beats steins;gate in my favor. made me think about stars, how there everywhere, but no one really takes the time to look up and realize the beauty. ending was sad though……
I knew 20 minutes in that it would end badly and after that I just shed countless numbers of tears throughout the whole story. This is why i absolutely hate stories in the hopless future. They always make my cry. Saying that it was a good story would not be enough but sadly the sadness and remorse make it impossible to express my feelings in any other word. It was a good story.
After i install it there a get and buy and get button.What should i do.Some one please tell me how to install it correctly
That has happened to me as well.
and your reply helped the situation
I installed the game and the English patch but when I try to run the game a window pops up with Japanese text. I have tried extracting the cracked .exe to the directory where the game is but whenever I do I get an error message saying: Cannot open file.
I have heard this VN was good and I really want to read it. I have tried the solutions that other people have said but none of them have worked.
Need to add some information. When the Japanese text pops two red boxes pop up as well. I click on either one and click on the choice below and it brings up a progress bar. After a few second the bar goes away and a Japanese text pops up with a red X. I have tried using the crack and even put it in the same folder where I installed the game.
It doesn’t work. Any help would be appreciated.
firstly got problem with the buy and get… then when i used cracked its run fine…
So does anybody else have problem downloading this??
Sorry if double post.
Is this link dead?? I keep getting error downloading. Can somebody reupload this?
I really want to try this one
When i start it up it freezes on the first scene, did i do something wrong?
when i start the game there’s a massage window with a red x on it. it start anyway. is this normal, or is it only me?
Harrowingly beautiful… I guarentee this will make you cry either manly tears of sympathy or of sheer sorrow of the purity of the girl who waited, who was abandoned… who’s life ended after fulfilling her purspose to simply show people the stars and make them happy….If you don’t cry for poor Revire and her devotion to stand out in the rain for years on end to call customers in from the rain, to give her bouquet of scrambled parts, and give her last show to her precious customers, then your heart really must be made of stone…
Try right-clicking and choosing “run as administrator.”
this game made me cry… manly tears
crack exe not working how did you guys specifically install this?!
1. open the game
2.click play, the buy and get appears ignore them
4.minimize the game
5.open the crack file
6.click planetarium, then something install
7.u can play now….
better u placed the crack in program files where u put planetarium files…
yep…a truly beautiful story with a tragic end….but still I enjoyed most of it….
show how stupid a war is….
My shit-tastic monitor strikes again.
I can’t even start because the monitor’s shitty resolution crops out what I assume is where the main menu is.
I heard that this game was made by KEY, aka the same people who made Clannad, among other things. The comments already point towards that being true, but can anyone give me a definite answer?
Yes, it’s true.
>Made by Key
Ok, I HAVE to read this now.
do you know that the opening of this game (piano) is an indonesian song? i wonder if Japan payed for it.
It must be your imagination btw im curious do indonesia make eroge?
its a good story. around 90 minutes worth of reading.
anyway yeah, the opening~The World of the stars composed by Charles Crozat Converse is taken from indonesian old song. You can google it and see it for urself.
i mean those old song is taken from Charles Crozat Converse. The real title is “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” from 1868.
Thanks for the reupload admin.
yo filesonic’s down
I read the review about the game and… I can’t play it…it’s so sad.
Hey there for those who do not know how to get past the buy and get screen what you do it this.
1. Load the game
2. Hit play on launcher
3. Open that buy/get screen
4. Use the crack.
It should let you play the game after this.
Not to sound rude, but that doesn’t really explain HOW to use cracked.exe. I’ve been struggling with this for months and it is very frustrating. Where are you supposed to put cracked.exe to allow you past the buy/get screen?
Just transfer the planetarium.exe file from the crack folder to the game directory
Yeah? I did that and it doesn’t work. Still gives me that screen.
WTF am I doing wrong?
Did you put it in the game directory? As in, the place where the program files are housed. If you installed it to C:\Program Files go in there and drag it into the planetarian folder.
just listened to the drama cd that brings planetarian to a final close, a bittersweet ending
is the patch compatible with the Memorial Edition(which includes the voices from PS2)?
If your game crashes at the first picture, with or without voices, try installing this font. http://haeleth.net/dl/sazanami-gothic.rar
It worked for me, thanks
The font link doesnt work, could you post a working one game keeps crashing at first picture. 🙁
I can’t figure out how to use crack.exe! D: When I click it, it just pops up a message with the file directory, where the crack.exe file is located, and then does nothing.
I can start the game, but at the first screen and after the first spoken line the screen doesn’t change and all I hear are car sounds.
Can’t figure out what is wrong. Please help.
Also have the same problem,don’t know whats wrong with it.
Same here! And a year after! HELP!
I have the same problem! I need some help
Very good story. Thanks to the website for making it available to us!
so i am reinstalling this game, but i didnt need to use the crack. I used the launcher, cancelled the run on administrator, get the error message and it still runs. Is that wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know how to use crack.exe? It doesn’t seem to be working on my computer.
For some reason I keep getting a message thats apparently not letting me play. It says something like “buy,” and “get” on the two pictures that show up on it. This is really frustrating. Can someone tell me what the problem is?
You need to use cracked .exe
How do I use it? I assumed it had something to do with that, but nothings happening so far. Is there a place I need to put it?
Can you please tell me, i’ve been at this all morning with no progress.
I got around the “get” and “buy” by going into the installation folder and running the Kinetic.exe instead of the Start.exe. If you still have problems, move the Planetarian.exe file from the crack folder over to the installation folder as well. (not sure if that did anything but it shouldn’t.
Did I screw up the installation somewhere? Every time I click play I get this http://i54.tinypic.com/2s84gp1.jpg
I can click ok and it seems like it still plays fine though.
Yeah I noticed that too. Administrator, any way to translate the message and see what’s up?
Short but sweet – this game will make you cry manly tears of sadness 🙁
For some odd reason I keep remembering Muv Luv Alternative while a play this game.
Is this really the full game? The file says it’s only like 40 mbs
The game itself is quite short ( few hours of reading) and unvoiced, hence the small size.
I played this game a while ago… and it is one of the best VN ever to be made…
This VN was really good. The ending almost made me cry bitchtears.
Ok so after a thousand years, I can now play it.
But what happened to the voice?
The prologue part has a voice, but after that, their voices suddenly vanished
try to install the voice path, “Yumemi Hoshino” (unless I’m mistaken) or “Reverie Planetarian” will be fully voiced
@ sol
Did you extract it at the same folder as the japanese one?
Because for some odd reason while you extract the english patch, it will take you to some other folder. Just make sure that you extract it at the same folder as the japanese one
The new upload probably left less room for me to screw it up, and it’s running now.
A really good game…
A must play…
Realy asome story! A bit tragic in the end, but it helps you think about stars