Galaxy Angels are from the “Special Guardian Division” and they work closely with the “Imperial Special Guards” and the “Satellite Defense Teams”. They are the guardians of the White Moon, the sacred planet of the Transbaal Empire, and the personal protectors of the White Moon Goddess Shatoyan. The story begins with Prince Eonia attempting a take over of the Transbaal Empire with the aid of the mysterious Black Moon, counterpart to the White Moon. To counter Prince Eonia, the Angel-tai along with their flagship the Elsior are placed in the hands of the kind and ever-capable Commander Takuto Meyers.
GalaxyAngel.part02.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part03.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part04.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part05.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part06.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part07.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part08.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part09.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part10.rar – 199.3 MB
GalaxyAngel.part11.rar – 134.8 MB
it says incorrect function when I mount cd2.any tips?
need help pls i install the game but they have music and white screen help pls
Can anyone here give me a translation of the option of the game?
Will this game work on Windows 98SE or Millennium Edition? Or is the english patch only working on newer OS?
did any one ever fix the text on the right side not showing properly? if so could you let me know how
Windows 10 user here (unfortunately). I tried everything, but I can’t get the setup to run in JAP. I changed the locale, used a locale emulator, etc. I get the menu ok, and the first two windows, then it’s just lots of simbols. I can keep going until it asks for Disk2, but it doesn’t accept it when I click next.
Solved. I’d changed only the locale, but I had to change the “language for non-unicode programs” too.
Sorry first for my bad English cause i’m not a native speaker
This game is old but it is quite a good visual novel to play so to day i will make a full instruction for how to install Galaxy Angel
—-Install the game—-
– After axtract all files you downloaded, there are four iso files form CD1 to CD4 (but fear not :D)
– Use programs like: “DAEMON Tools” or “UltraISO” to mount those iso files above
(Personaly, I refer UltraISO more cause it easier to use)
1st: Mount CD1 and start install Galaxy Angel
Go here for more information:
2nd: When it ask for CD2, unmount CD1, then mount CD2, press Ok
(Repeat that step for CD3 and CD4)
3rd: After installation nearly complete, it will ask for CD1 again to complete the installation.
(it not a bug or anything just do as it say)
4th: Install Patch 1.1
—-Install English Patch—-
1st: Movie sub
+ Extract 2 RAR files
+ Copy all of them into game directory\Dat
+ Overwrite all
2nd: English Patch
+ Extract RAR file
+ Copy all of them into game directory and overwite all
—-Can’t see game text fix—-
– I have a same problem like that and this is how i fixed it
– The cause is that you don’t have the correct fonts the game need
(That is Consolas fonts)
– Download it form here
– Extract “Consolas.rar” and install all the fonts
(Just copy all the fonts to Wndows\Fonts would be the easiest way)
anyone found a fix for the low frames rate?
you need to copy CD1 and change the somethingsomething.txt in the directx folder on cd1 to お読みください.txt he’s requesting that file from cd1 and can’t find it because the name is not correct on your cd1
Well, it took me a long while to get it all downloaded, installed and everything else, but it was worth the minor issues as I got it all working in the end.
I love this game already, I shall have to play the next two when I can.
Oh and I love all the Angels equally, I can’t pick a favourite. 😛
So I’ve been trying to play this game again after a few years but I can’t seem to make it work on my new computer. I either have no movies (black screen with sound), or movies with subtitles but the fps for the entire game is absolute crap.
It was fine with my old computer, it had movies and played smoothly, any suggestions?
I’m getting an error when I try to install the 1.10 Update. It shows an error message as soon as I execute it. Anyone knows what to do?
Alright, I just had to re-download it. But I still have another problem. After I begin a New Game it plays the intro video and the trailer, then it crashes. Any sugestions?
anyone having trouble downloading the files? trying to dl the Movie files but the second part doesnt load
Works fine for me, just checked.
I find myself really enjoying this series. I really like all the characters (which is rare, usually there’s at least one I can’t stand) and the story’s pretty good. I’m currently playing the third game. The romance is very innocent, which is the way I like it. There are no immature sex jokes or fanservice moments. It’s just really heartfelt and cute.
The space battles may take a little while to get the hang of, so here’s some tips for beginners:
1. Always keep watching the Elsior (your mothership) on the radar and map. If it gets attacked by multiple enemies at once it won’t hold out long, so make sure it’s far away from the enemy hordes. A good idea is to move it to an empty corner in the beginning of the battle.
2. If enemy reinforcements appear out of nowhere and start attacking Elsior, order all Angels to come and attack those enemies, and order Elsior to move away. Never order Elsior to attack unless there’s only one or two enemies attacking it.
3. It’s generally not a good idea to send an individual Angel in one direction, because they’ll be overpowered by numbers and won’t have time to be repaired if they’re too far from Vanilla (the healer). Always send all Angels to the same general direction. Sometimes they scatter around by default, so you have to order them instead of just watching them go kill themselves. The most effective way to wipe out enemies is to attack individual units in groups of 2 or 3.
4. When there are only a few enemy units left, order all to attack them at the same time to destroy them quickly. At this point you don’t have to care even if your units are low on energy or HP.
That’s all. Have fun. I sure did.
PS. Mint is the best girl. ^_^
Hey for anyone on windows 8.1, and having the problem where video will not play on full screen. Go to the GA application right click go to properties and under the compatibility set it to Windows 7. This solved all the issues I was having for the game and I was able to run it full screen with the videos playing full screen. You will know immediately if this worked for you if the Broccoli screen displays when you first start the game.
Sorry I ment to say videos will not display you can still hear the video, but you can’t see anything.
I did that and the broccoli video showed up bu the the main screen would load incredibly slowly it’s been five minutes and it still hasn’t finished
I think I got it I ran the starter one with compatibility for windows 7 under resolution 1024 and full screen and it works so far
The fix seems to be temporary and I have to restart the game every time and I get an error message saying exception access violation
Since it would have helped me if someone had done this, I will write out all instructions.
First download all the parts, the english patch, and the movie subtitles.
Once downloaded extract the parts into ‘Galaxy Angels’ Folder and mount the first disc image with a program such as MagicDisc, press next etc etc.
When it gets to about 25% a thing will pop up asking for disk 2, unmount disk 1 and mount disc 2, repeat for disk 3 and 4, after it’s completed mount disk 1 again.
For the english patch, install consolas font and then copy all of the .dat files from the folder into the BROCCOLI Dat folder and select ‘copy and replace’. Do the same for the Iks2DGrp.dll.
You can unmount it and play it now!
also after all file instaled put ( after u go through cd1 until cd 4) the last time put back cd 1
I have windows 7 and have a problem with the disk 1.
in the installation the program display an error at the moment of change to disk 2, and then I have no other choice but to stop the installation of the game in the beginning
please help me
i can get everything running just fine theres even subtitles during movies but there is just no text in game its just blank but only after i install the english patch
please, I’m having trouble to install this. I’m installing disc one with daemon tools and applocale, and then some message shows up, I naturally think it’s requesting the disc two, so I change the disc, but the installer keep requesting the disc. it’s possible to install it with daemon tools or you have to burn the discs for it works? the weird thing is that when the installer requests a disc, it’s saying something about disc 1(ONE), this happens at 24% of the installation. I can’t figure what is written because I don’t know japanese.
i managed to install it but i cant hear the voices and instead of the movies i get black screen
I think DA-Free Part 3 is broken or something.
All I know is that I cannot download it when I put in the captcha.
Someone please fix it. 😀
Actually never mind, it was my bad connection.
Thank you though for the game. 😛
Weird, before when i played this, i had no problems with it running fullscreen, but now after reinstalling it i have to play it in windowed mode for movies to play, but the fps drops because of it…oh well, still want to beat this game and start the sequel.
Ok, reading the comments there seems to be alot of hate with getting this game to work, low fps, etc. Is it or is it NOT worth the time to download and install on win 7?
For some reason i cant get the english patch to work or when it does no sound and it doesnt play the game can anyone give me some help?
Anybody know how to get the English sub on the movies? Ty in advance, by the way if anyone wants to see videos about this game then search name I used here at youtube. Also, any one know how to make the texts at the right be readable?
For anyone having trouble with movie subtitles on windows vista/7 you need to run GA under administrator.
Thanks to your comment I finally saw the subs for GA and GAEL, now all I need is figure out again how to fix the missing text problem to the right, any idea how? I remember solving it before but now I forgot how.
GalaxyAngel.part09.rar is broken. “File not found” is the message I get.
Well, setting this up was way more trouble than it should have been.
First, the installation wouldn’t progress after the first disc until I switched my locale to Japanese (one day I will understand why this matters).
Then, it wouldn’t play movies in fullscreen, and animation effects were super sloooow in windowed. What a pain.
Fortunately, I figured out that the animation bug goes away when the window is out of focus, so it was reasonably easy (if still annoying) to work around.
All that said though, I loved the game. Combat was simple but sweet, and the writing was sometimes touching (even if it was impossible to take seriously most of the time).
*hugs Milfie* <3
I’m having that same problem how did you get around it?
i downloaded the game installed it and put all the patches in but when i try to play it starts but as soon as the beginning movie end it turns off and i go back to the game and it keeps doing it how do i fix this?
That’s what I have now and sadly I’ve had no help you may have better luck else where…
Okay dose this site need more moderator or something?
Nevermind after a LONG fight I put all the pieces together myself thank you I hope I can help someone else who may have a problem like mine one day.^^
One last thing I tried opening another file called GAPatch98 and use it’s add but I got a System Error with that saying.
[The Program can’t start because IksBase.dll is missing from your computer.Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.]
Where can I get this file?
great upload, i wish i noticed this site before finishing GA:ML (chinese version).. now that i finished the prequel, left the sequel =)
I dont know what i can do anymore… problems in trasnference, unzip and install:
First i got the problem with the download of the of the part.07, after 3 times, i did it…
secon, the unzip told the files were corrupted from the origin, but somehow,i was able to open them and tranfer everything to a new folder.
AND NOW, when i strart the download, from the Galaxy Angel CD1 (DAEMON file) the installion go to 33%, it stops, and ask me for some tipe of code, like:
” l: ”
SInce i didnt know what it didnt mean, i cancel it, and this hapenned:
Windows – Volume Incorrect
Insert GA_DISC1 in unit I
Another strange question to me, but even worse, neither the opcion Cancel, Try Again or Continue did not worked, so i was obligated to restart my pc, with the install and files of the Galaxy Angel still open…
So, what i can do after all this?
If i am not mistaken, i guess u had reach the part “inser disc 2” which the “I:” means the disc drive (normally this is the part where the installation prompt where disc 2 are located)
since u had already extract all the 4 discw with no problem, try undock or unmount the drive and replace it with disc 2. press enter later. should work this way
this is marvelous.. now i can not even begin the install
I start with the GalaxyAngel CD1, like i did before, and is just shows a Error, with a lot of codes that i can not understand, and it closes everything.
e que maravilha… ao interromper a instalaçao o pedido, fiquei com isto: Windows – Volume Incorrecto, onde me pedia para inserir o volume GA_DISC1 na unidade I, onde nem a opçao Cancelar, nem Tentar nova, nem Continuar funcionavam, vi-me obrigado a reuniciar o pc, com a instalaçao a meio, e com os ficheiros ainda abertos…
Man, this is so nostalgic. I used to have this game when it first came out. Thanks so much for the quality download.
This game is friggin’ awesome! Wouldn’t work on my laptop but got it working smoothly on my desktop!
This is one of my all time favorites. It’s so funny!
No problem here … work perfectly^^
sorry..can i ask u something??
when u extract it…it must be 4CD or 3cd??
what’s the purpose of the Movies Subtitles Patch and how do i get them 2 work??
Extract and put it in the Dat folder…
Part 3 of the game download not working for me. Do anyone have same problem?
Same problem here.
You can’t have more than two downloads.
Extremely Poor Performance from this game for some reason.
It goes at like 1 fps no matter what i try to change, anyone know what might cause it or how to fix it?
Well, when I extract it, the 2nd CD was corrupted ! I need help here, it says, that I must download it AGAIN ! T_T
The file that corrupted is at 9 or 10
i got same problem….when i extract it just give cd1,cd3 n cd4….it is just like that or it has 4 CD??? please respond!!v.v
does anyone knows where can i find a full walk, i only found those from masterwind
I’ll make a walkthrough for you. It’s pretty easy as long as you save before every decision and listen to that chime.
crap. . .how do i get the subs for the movies? i tried replacing the .dat files but the movies remain un-subbed?
i replaced the dat files and it worked just fine. remember to replace it in the c – program files – brocolli – galaxyangel. have you installed the consolas font and patched the game first?
@kraytor have you tried reinstalling the game?
3 times. well i found the cutscenes on youtube already, at the most i’ll just watch those when im supposed to
need some help here, i installed everything on jap locale, patched to 1.10, english patched, then movie sub patch, but the movies just dont show, im running windows 7 and using avast as my antivirus
i thought it might have been the avast autosandbox thing that caused me problems in kamidori but its not the case, anyone can help me with playing the movies?
the rest of the game works fine though, with no lags also
Cool, I didn’t know Galaxy Angel was a VN!
Learn something new everyday.
Ok removed it. I thought it was an H-Game. Haha. But still it worked for me but the only problem I got was the text getting cutted off. Thanks. I should have read the older comments first. Thanks again.
I installed it and some text are not shown on the right side.
Can’t install it. Would the English patch work on the installer too? I see nothing but bunch of unreadable codes on the installation windows.
You need either applocale or HFApploc to install it
(and thus use the mentiones tools to install it in japanese as administrator)
phew got it to work had to get the files from the english patch.
hmm is this an h game or a all age game?
Look at the tags, says all ages.
dont works
voices could download or no
Is this game really an eroge game(H game)
Alright, having trouble here. I’m on Windows Vista, already have locale and such set for Japanese, so I’m covered there. My problem is this. After I mount the image for disk 1 on Dameon tools and run it, getting the start up window for GA, I hit the second button, which I was told was the “install” button. Nothing happens. Nothing at all. I hit the first button, and it throws up some error, none of which I can read because it’s in Japanese, and then closes. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix this problem?
The battles are rendered with direct 3d. You might want to load up AGTH or Aggregated Translator and insert the process into the setup/options program. This will let you see how to change the graphics settings, as it translates the Japanese windows into English. Otherwise, you’ll have to experiment with the display settings. The program should be named GA Starter.
There’s also a consolas font that should be installed, for proper word breakage. For those looking for technical help, go to seiha org’s website, as that one is the translator location for GA series and the english patch.
i installed the game and everything works just fine, but everytime the game loads to start a bettle it crashes. Could someone please help me?
I downloaded this and can I ask a question:
Is it playable on Win7 32-bit OS?
I’ve the same problem as angel dude, but installing in the default folder didn’t solved it.
It installed normally, I updated and patched it, but when I try to start it it shows a japanase error and closed.
Does anyone know what’s happening?
Hey you never guess what happened IT FINALLY WORKED, i dont know what i did differently but i remember it wanting me to install it again so i did i updated and patched it and it finally worked. :] ( I remember now before i was trying to install it into a folder on my desktop for convenence sake, but the second time i just let it install into it’s own folder maybe that’s why i was getting an error when i tried to start it up). recap let it install to its default folder, it doesnt matter about the start menu location thou
help me i finished downloading it and installed it, patched it, but when i try to run it i get an error in japanese, if it is in hiragana i will try to translate but until then any suggestions.
(current status: admin, locale: japanese, OS: XP )
admin, is there any way to make the game show the text without installing the “Consolas” font? because i get a problem when trying to install it saying that i need to install “Visual Studio 2005” first, and I am afraid installing that will totally mess with my Office 2003.
never mind i ended up installing those things anyway, and I just finished the game for the first time (Forte route, subbing mistake in one of her movies btw, just a random thing i noticed :P). Now all I need to do is finish it 4 (6/5 if there is a “you suck”(no girls) and/or an all the girls route(s)).
Btw if the sequel has been (fan)subbed, will it be posted soon? Cause the story was awesome, and I really wonder how they could have continued it.
What’s the english movie pack for?
could somebody help me? i have a problem, every time after the movie when i start a new game it crash down. i dont know wath the problem is, i download ervy thing, i installt the patch 1.1 and consolas front, changed the local to japan, but still it wont work
So I got it to work, but everytime the cg changes, it lags, like when it changes from one cg to another, thats when that huge lag occurs, takes about 10 seconds to change to next cg.
Text works fine though, any suggestion?
Thank you very much for providing all these on a single site. This is an amazing visual novel. I absolutely love it.
Just wondering, since the translation for Moonlit Lovers seem to be finished as well, is there any chance of it being uploaded in the near future?
I cant download GA..
right now im downloading Yume Miru and it works fine..
nvm i was able to install it by copying all of the data information from the CD into my computer and was able to install it but it looks like the patch vids wont work properly at all after updating the game maybe the animations need an update as well like the game patch (O_O)
cant seem to install regional setting and trying it with applocale but still wont work (Y_Y)
and last time i played it i could not install it as well my friend who wanted to play it asked me for a copy and installed it in his and after that he just transfer a copy of his installed program to my computer and i was able to play it before (Y_Y)
Same here i can fill in most gaps but its still very annoying is there any way to fix this?
Same problem as earlier, It’s working but the tail end of each line is cut off. Is there a way to fix it or should I just deduce what they’re saying like I have been?
Fixed it you get Iks2DGrp.dll in the patch you use it to override the other one in its program files and that should fix it.
Just finished installing. It was quite a surprise that the japanese language pack gave a ”extra” choice in the installion .. Kinda strange that it isn’t possible to install it without the language pack.. But no matter.
This really is a great site, and I will give my appreciation to the admin. As I can’t use torrent download, cause my dormitory net has blocked all torrent downloads..
I managed to get the game working and all but part of my conversations are cut off.
Could someone help me with this?
Admin could you check your links for parts 1, 2 and 5. I think they are down. Thanks for the great game as well
Is this 18+ ie H game?
no this is an all ages game check the tag
hey admin are you going to upload the second one Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers? i hear the patch is already done
I thought moonlit lovers was already done
ok I googled it… all ages >,<
huh? is this all ages or 18+? I don’t get the above posts….
admin, ignore the idiot who was ranting about the virus, it’s just his pc messed up prob, poor douche. haha…
files arent on hotfile.. please re-upload k thx
We don’t happen to have Galaxy Angel: Eternal Lovers do we?
the patch worked but I have no sound, please help.
Is this an all age? or 18+? ^^
tags sayz all-ages, so…..yeah 😀
I ran into the same problem as Marcokotaro: during the installation setup reqests Disc 1 (which is already in CD drive).
The link posted above doesn’t mention this problem, does anyone know how to get around it? (I am running setup through AppLocale).
good work admin keep them coming.. i feel like u the only 1 who can get us these games lol thx alot man
i have a question about your surveys… they seem to be plagued with virus site links whenever i try to take one and so far i’ve lost 2 of my excess computers to the surveys just so i can get the game faster and remove the infected file could you plz set up diff surveys or something viruses are not easy to find yourself and remove
Personaly i’m getting pissed off too – i’m removing such surveys on daily basis, but ad companies keep adding new ones. I already contacted my affilate manager to have all such “offers” removed – if this won’t help i’ll drop this company and go with something different.
Basicaly – if it asks you to download something then you should close this one and choose different offer.
This is tha original “Galaxy Angels” series which is doesn’t include Chitose Karasuma, because she’s from a sequel series of “Galaxy Angels”.
ive got it to work but the text is always missing some words or letters at the end of the box.is it norm or did ido something wrong or missing something?
Does anyone know which galaxy angel this is? i mean is it the one with Chitose Karasuma (i think thats her name, the one with the darker-blue-then-mint hair)cuz she’s my fav char. Thank you!
Ok, downloaded all parts. So do I just move the movie and eng patch to the folder with the crack in it or do I make a new folder then put the crack and the eng and movie patchs in it?
the english patch doesn’t work
First install 1.1 patch , then eng patch copy to game dir, and install. Movie pack (unpacked) just copy to ‘dat’ folder in game dir
how do I use the english patch and movie pack, can anyone give a step by step instruction? Ty in advance.
I just installed this game, and It’s working without problem. The same with patch. So I will give some hint , I’m using Win7, set on administrative language “Japan” , I mount cd with daemon tools, and setup.exe i ran with Admin rights. And then only patch left “read readme” important things for game to be working properly 😉
Nothing works.
My pc is already in japanese, I swear. And the link the admin posted is for people who bouht the game, so it’s kind of useless… And I can’t ask for help there since it seens like the admin of that forum hates people who download the games.
Ok, maybe if someone manage to answer this my problem can be solved: what should I do when it asks me to chenge CDs or something like that? Again, I downloaded all the 6 parts, I don’t have the CDs to change…
is not normal that there are no voices and sound? or is this just at the beginning silent?
I am using Win7 and was also troubled by the installation.
At first i didn’t geht some of the choices mentioned in the thread above and got stuck at the disc-exchange.
After i changed the the system location:
->Control Panel\Region and Language\Location AND
it worked without problems (and was finaly readable, althrough i dont know japanese^^)
hopefully my comment was usefull
Yeah. I’m getting the same problem as well. No matter what set up you choose on CD-1, it’ll ask you to imput another CD, but no matter which iso you open from here, it won’t continue its installation.
What problem do you have? Try to be more specific if you want to get help – do you get any errors during installation or just installed game don’t run? Most of japanese games’ setups require to be ran using japanese locale.
I’m havin a problem instaling the game.
Is there anyone who can help me, please?
As I haven’t seen this as an official Release and there is an eng. Patch, I suggest you change your System Location to Japanese. Some translated Games require that.