The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on a holiday to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city where gambling and the sex industry are legal.
However, his holiday plans are laid to waste after he gets involved in a kidnapping; to make matters worse, he ends up getting turned into a vampire.
As a vampire, he can no longer leave Aqua Eden; so with nowhere else to go, he decides to enroll in a special school for vampires on the island — and thus, his new night life begins!
DracuRiot.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part15.rar – 200.0 MB
DracuRiot.part16.rar – 29.1 MB
Extract into game directory, overwriting files. Game requires Japanese locale to run (see FAQ).
DracuRiotx64patch.rar – 87 KB
Extract it into game folder, if you are receiving “Authentication failed”/”Unrecognized kernel module” errors on startup.
how do you get past the syntax error thing?
i am also having this issue, no matter what i try (yes im on japanese locale, yes i have all the patches isntalled) i cant seem to get it to work
I bought the premium packet but it says the payment hasn’t been done even though it took my money…I want a refund
Does this game work on Windows XP?
Yes. If it’s in japanese you’ll have to switch your locale to Japan, otherwise you’re good.
Hey everyone! i manage to fix the problem of everything be on japonese even with the english patch installed. if is your case follow the guide bellow:
1- download all parts of the game, included the english patch.
2- extract all parts, except the english patch.rar
3- extract the english patch in the folder that Appeared when you finished the extraction of the other parts of the game, overwriting the files if the option appear.
4- open the folder dracu-riot!
5- open the folder DracuRiotEng
6- Select and cut the files(DO NOT CUT TRANSLATION NOTES):
7- go back to dracu-riot! folder and put the files that you have cut here, replacing the files.
8- open the game in dracuriot.exe and enjoy!
dude how can we overwrite it ?
So I cut the English patch into the main folder and I get a syntax error when starting up the game. Am I doing something wrong?
Has anyone come across the infamous kernel32 module error? I can’t seem to fix it no matter what I do. I’ve tried downloading the version.dll that most people recommend but it doesn’t seem to work any longer. I previously had it working as well but now I can’t play. Very unfortunate.
does this game have no problem when starting up
Finished! Man, I liked this one. Each route seemed to have its own way the world could go, with a few things, like Motoki, which never change… all the plots were interesting enough.
A few translation notes slipped through qc and there were a couple of typos but I’ve seen way worse and it wasn’t an issue. I especially liked the nod to Miu sharing Grisaia’s Amane’s voice actress (as well as her long wavy red hair). She seemed to be the obvious main heroine, but nobody got really shafted in terms of route except Bonus Girl, who was my favourite -.-0 I wish that route could have been as well-done as the main ones. I really expected to adore Elina, but her voice at the crucial moments put me off… way too much vocal fry. Shaaame.
Also warning: Rio is LOUD. If you think she’s coming on to you turn down the sound. Your eardrums will thank me 🙂
Impressions of the game:
This is one of the few eroges with some decent story and action, every route has a diferent story and explore diferent things so i liked this the best. That aside the Mc is still too whimpy, even more than usual.
Miu’s and Elina’s have been the best routes so far.
Rio revelead the most about the Mc but had a romantic and showed the most about the nature of the MC’s power, but has a disapointing ending in more ways than one.
Azusa’s route was the worst route, had a great potential but self-destroyed the potential almost as soon as it started to appear. It was wrong in too many senses. I really would have rather if this route hadn’t existed.
Nicola is just a bonus route so is pretty short and fast, neverless i liked it. Specially the H-scenes, she deserved a more complete route, more than Azusa at least.
I’m disapointing that there were no route where the MC at the very least started to work with Sayo to become someday the ruler of vampires or helped to guide the vampires. It would have been awesome.
THe H-scenes were pretty decent though the number and how sudenly they started to appear were a little unbalancing for a eroge witch stronger point should be the story.
Sountrack/sound effects: Don’t expected too much of this, but is not too bad.
I would have loved a route for Sayo.
Conclusion: A pretty decent eroge if you forget Azusa’s route even exist. There are few Eroges with some good action and interesting story like this thought the story part had some potential that wasn’t explored.
Score 8/10
You want a route for the evil loli granny? 😉
Yes, very much!
A pretty good game with great heroines, that aside the wimpy protagonist infurate me more than what others wimpy protagonist had done. And thought i like Elina i can’t belive the amount of nonsense parts is in her route to the point i would like to step in the world and slap the MC and tell him why his kind actions are bringing more bad than good.
English patch download is off
Can’t download the english patch
Too bad there is no Sayo Route, it’s rare to find genuine mature loli. most of them are moe/childish/mature acting but childish loli.
I installed end patch, and i have locale on japan, why the game is still in japanese? the menu and all is english but the writing is in japanese
Hey everyone! i manage to fix the problem of everything be on japonese even with the english patch installed. if is your case follow the guide bellow:
1- download all parts of the game, included the english patch.
2- extract all parts, except the english patch.rar
3- extract the english patch in the folder that Appeared when you finished the extraction of the other parts of the game, overwriting the files if the option appear.
4- open the folder dracu-riot!
5- open the folder DracuRiotEng
6- Select and cut the files(DO NOT CUT TRANSLATION NOTES):
7- go back to dracu-riot! folder and put the files that you have cut here, replacing the files.
8- open the game in dracuriot.exe and enjoy!
hey i have a probleme when i lauche the game it say ??????(sintax error) and i dont no why. i have done all they say in the desciption.
sorry for my bad english.
You need to run with with jap locale
This game was really good. Since I don’t know Japanese (yet) I feel like apart from some minor errors the translation was really good even though it didn’t go through QC and editing.
Is this fully translated? A bit confusing as it is in both the partial and regular download section. Plus on VNDB says only partial
Hey im kinda new to patching and stuff where exactly do i put the patch? and how do i install it into the game so far all i have is the patch sitting in a folder in my DracuRiot folder thats about it any help would be appreciated
Downloaded the english patch, but the game is still in japanese. Help?????
Pretty happy now that Sekai Project announced they’re translating this 🙂
Anyone know how to remove the mosaic (the blur on the genitalia to cover things) from the H-scenes in this game? 🙁
So I understand that this is not the official translation but one that was release without the others members permissions. I understand that it is ok even so. What I want to know, is there anything missing? Like a route note translated? Anything, that in the final translation, will be added.
And yeah, is the translation really good? because if it’s just ok I will wait a bit longer (but will go all out once I start:)) )
Set your computer’s system to Japan.
And I do hope you did start to install the eng patch
Any news about the original translators having finished this project? Is this still the leaked version? If yes I would like to wait for them to finish.
helpppppppppp how do i translate this game into englishhhh
Downloading the english patch that’s listed above helps wonders.
Hey, I downloaded all the .rar files for the game, but when I extract it I get a folder that says DracuRiot with a ton of files inside. There’s only two .exe application files, one SupportTools and then DracuRiot. No install application. I tried the DracuRiot.exe one many times but it just keeps coming up with a syntax error thing. Someone help please? I can’t install anything here, and I have tried to put the files in my program files manually etc. and still no luck.
Yeah nevermind, I figured it out. Turns out my computer switched its system locale back to English for some reason. Maybe updates? Idk. But now it’s back in Japanese so we’re good.
Can I ask you how you fixed this? I am currently having the same problem
Hey, I downloaded all the .rar files for the game, but when I extract it I get a folder that says DracuRiot with a ton of files inside. There’s only two .exe application files, one SupportTools and then DracuRiot. No install application. I tried the DracuRiot.exe one many times but it just keeps coming up with a syntax error thing. Someone help please?
So to be blunt, I’m pretty new VNs and this is my first one to be honest. So, I was wondering, I have seen uncensored h-scene images of Dracu-Riot! before and was wondering is there a patch to uncensor it or what? Because like myself I’m sure there are a lot of other people who loathe censorship and I cannot find any sort of patch or anything. :/
A cute game that goes on far too long. I like that the protagonist can hold his own and gets some ability. Unfortunately starting around chapter 5 he seems to spend most of his internal dialogue trying to convince himself to not give the girl(s) what they need and talking himself out of sex. Once he gets over that, the rest of the dialogue is so sweet that I got diabetes.
I actually liked the parts that don’t focus on the cheesy romance and was genuinely interested in what was going on with the characters as well as what was going on with the protagonist’s vampire virus and “L.” The Dr. is great.
Also, there wasn’t enough crazy driving like the beginning of the game.
6-7/10. Give it a go.
I just thought I would post a walkthrough for the game that I made for the current English patch. If anyone is interested.
Choices during H-scenes do not effect the story.
Go with Miu
It’s all about the shape
Maybe not
No choice, so just do it
Do it
Offer to apply sunscreen for her
Go with Mera
Bigger doesn’t mean better
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
Have Mera help out
Go with Mera
Go big or go home
Ask Rio out as thanks
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
I’ll be fine alone
Then I’m counting on you, Inamura-san
Go with Miu
Girls aren’t just about their breasts
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Do it
Don’t say anything
Then I’m counting on you, Elina
Bonus route (must complete at least one other route first)
Go with Mera
Go big or go home
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
Have Mera help out
Then I’m counting on you, Inamura-san
Ok, for some reason my game wont allow me to save anymore and I installed everything correctly, can anyone help me?
It says that it cant save because its read only or the file is read only, dont know how to fix that
Go to save file location and change save file attribute from read only
Thanks for the help, it’s working now
Loving the Rio route! Rio has just adorable sprites, and her route is heartwarming! Best heroine without a doubt.
I think it was just Miu, I am now up to my third run and so far I have enjoyed it a lot more. The Miu story was good but her character was not for me.
I am finding this painful to read and its not due to the unfinished work.
I am doing the Miu route and the whole romance and being shy over and over is starting to do my head in. It’s like reading the same thing over and over where is the development in this. Maybe I just had over the top hopes for this VN.
The main story is rather good but the romance of this route is rather poorly done.
I’m into chapter 8 of Azusa’s route (1st playthrough) and the unfinished QC work is showing.
If you can’t tolerate any typographical or grammatical errors, please wait for the official release.
y cants i has everything for feeee
Ummmmm…… for some reason I can’t hear anybody speak. And it’s not my volume. Anybody know how to fix it?
Agreed w/Jack in full. Its free, and when u fin downloading it, you’ll probably 4get the pain you went thru dl’ing it.
Host it somewhere else, this 200mb parts is fucking stupid.
Just relax and realize you’re getting something for free.
If you want easy, the paid route is very easy and fast. 😉
gets for free and complains…
who needs you here.. don’t download then.. nobody pushing you to download this… there’s only 2 choice.. download or don’t.
hentai nazi
Downloading this, just in case they decide to just stop translating it entirely, be it because of this patch leak by one of the members or for some other reason. I’ll wait until we get some news from Staircase subs about this/until the end of the year because we’ve been waiting long enough to read this.
so i downloaded everything and when i hit the exe to start the game i get a ??????? (syntax error) message. i have jap localization and win 8.1 any ideas on how to fix?
try this alternative,
download and install applocale…
after installing it, a new menu will show up on your right click…
Dont! double click the exe of the game… right click it and,
“run as japanese local administrator’. that menu shouldve been added after installing applocale..
hope that works… i never did that localization thing…
You helped a lot,i was having the same issue and you saved me
is full tranlasted of what?
It’s fully translated. It was leaked before having quality check but i have been playing for some time and didn’t have any problems understanding anything.
-Yarai Miu
Go with Miu
Well-shaped ones
Maybe not
No choice, so just do it
Do it
Offer to apply sunscreen for her
-Mera Azusa
Go with Mera
Small ones
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
Have Mera help out
-Inamura Rio
Go with Miu
Big ones
Ask her out as thanks
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
I’ll be fine alone
Then I’m counting on you, Inamura-san
-Elina Olegovna Obeh
Go with Miu
Well-shaped ones
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Do it
Don’t say anything
Then I’m counting on you, Elina
-Nicola Cepheus Bonus route (must complete at least one other route first)
Go with Miu
Big ones
Maybe not
I can’t possibly do that
Find some other way
Have Mera help out
Then I’m counting on you, Inamura-san
Thanks for that!
I never seen any ad on this site and there’s not even a donation link. What is this? Some kind of charity work? How do you even afford to maintain this site?
For those confused about the 2nd set of choices (if you are looking at walkthroughs), they have been reworded but if you read them closely you should be able to discern which is which.
excuse me.. there’s an “Syntax error” on the D-R!’s part..
what should I do?
go to control panel>region then change unicode language to japanese.
After restarting your pc, if you put all the files in the game’s folder it should work. hope it woks, it worked for me.
still won’t work…
what should I do?
Any one that has finished all game is hidden route finished as well
ive played all route including bonus too and overall no flawed translation
Thank you kind samaritan
Best to get this and not wait for some patch. Last time I believed a group would finish their translation they ended up selling the translation to Sekai Project. Never again will I trust another group till it’s released.
From a response I made above:
The person who released this version of the patch did not have permission from any of the other group members. They didn’t want to release this patch and playing this version of it is tantamount to spitting in their faces.
Wait until they release a patch they’re happy with, not some half-finished patch released without their permission.
And they’re not going to license the translation because half the work was done by a different group entirely. They’re just editing it and retranslating bad parts because the translation was shit.
“Wait until they release a patch they’re happy with”
good luck with that, judgind by their speed of “checking for mistakes” (everything is translated already!!) you will see the patch next year, perhaps
people waited for translation of this game for 4 years, you shouldnt blame them for running out of patience
That’s not the fault of the group. This group is doing this on their own time to make this patch good. The reason it’s taken so long is because the translation itself changed hands and was found to be absolutely terrible in quality.
This new group has been working on the patch for less than a year and has already completed a good 2/3rds of the game in terms of error correction and editing.
Their speed is *excellent* for a group doing this in their freetime.
Yes, though you can also understand him for being doubtful, since we’d be having a full translation of Little Busters EX already if not for the translation group trolling everybody on purpose by going making backstage deals months if not years after the translation status reached near completion.
So while what he said is certainly an exaggaration, it’s still a fact that there are groups that sit on their stuff without saying anything for a very long time then kick you in the face by announcing they sold their translation to Shitty Project or somewhere else, further delaying release by another several months or years.
People do have a reason to get pissed, even if it’s not for Dracu-Riot’s patch.
i think we are missing something here, before we go hating…
lets take a pause for a moment and think, pick a choice…
game gets translated years or not at all….
people sometimes forget that this game is getting translated by others while you complain because they can’t masturbate on untranslated porn and doing nothing to contribute…
“people sometimes forget that this game is getting translated by others while you complain because they can’t masturbate on untranslated porn and doing nothing to contribute…”
Is on a eroge website dealing with 18+ material the majority of times and has contributed to what exactly?… I hate hypocrites like this guy.
he doesn’t contribute but he doesn’t complain though…
and you also can’t call him a hypocrite, because you also don’t have the right to call him hypocrite because you yourself have done nothing.
@patuwee, man… your discussion is long. your kind is also disgusting lol, what a hypocrite
@helvetica Your comment makes no sense. Brush up on your vocabulary. This guy projected “hating” as a complaint when there wasn’t any. Up to this guy the discussion was on point with everybody who added 2cent whether they agree or not. This wasn’t enough for that guy so he role-played as a holier then thou wanting to put in a jab by writing “masturbate on untranslated porn” while supplying rhetoric of not contributing to said project(s). So unless you know this person or he is involved with this game’s TL, he just made himself a hypocrite. Especially posting to a eroge 18_ website wrought with visual stimulation.
@nenavita231 My kind? What does that even mean? I’m human, surely you must be as well? Disgusting? Not much thinking is there? You did realize writing that it’s disgusting when you’re on a eroge 18+ website? Get your parents permission to visit this site.
1) don’t behave like a 14 year old fat american virgin..
2) you are not entitled to complain..
3) don’t make it so obvious that you are new to the vn translation community and is shit.
why you fuckers talking about morals while browsing a piracy website, get out of here for gods sake.
Silly billy, this is piracy. There were never any rules.
If they happen to release it down the line that’s great especially those who wait. I won’t be however but will be happy to upgrade to it if it’s released. Whoever released this, many thanks, hopefully others will do the same thing so that others can read and appreciate their hard work.
I get to the part right after you beat kouya and are back at the dorm, the MC says he’s going to do his best then I’m kicked back to the main screen. Why is this happening?
Sounds to me like you didn’t hit enough flags to go down any of the girl’s routes. Pretty sure what you just described is the ‘common route’ ending, which should have then segued into one of the girl’s routes if you made the right choices.
If I already have the game file, I dont need the whole rar file right? only the patch
Is that bonus question? (Of course you don’t need that rar file anymore just download the patch and done, satisfy?)
thx admin, Dracu-Riot is exactly as good as I have imagined it 😀
“Why does she want to tease others to the point where she embarrasses herself? Was she born with this fetish or something?”
oh god, this game is killing me 😀
plz is there anyone that can solve the voice.xp3 problem i get from extractin part 12 and video.xp3 from part 15?
download it again
i have downloaded those parts 4-5 times still the same error
what do you use to extract those files??
try WinRar or 7zip
had the same problem i deleted all the parts and downloaded all of them again and it worked for me
You do know they have not finished the patching at all right? and the Final patch won’t be done anytime soon as posted an stated by Oxford Subs on September 8th.
Well, apparently they said that whatever patch comes out first from the point of their 2016-09-08 statement would not be proof-read and stuff but should work well enough. So with the patch that IS now out the VN should at least be playable.
And the person who released this version of the patch did not have permission from any of the other group members. They didn’t want to release this patch and playing this version of it is tantamount to spitting in their faces.
Wait until they release a patch they’re happy with, not some half-finished patch released without their permission.
That really sucks and they should be ashamed of themselves -_- I’ll hold myself back and not play it in this case.
Been playing this game and the translation is solid. Don’t worry about it and just play it.
hi, i have downloaded this game before it was fully english translated… i applied the partial patch to it.
do i just reapply this version of patch again?
will it no cause problems?
so i downloaded everything and when i hit the exe to start the game i get a ??????? (syntax error) message. i have jap localization and win 8.1 any ideas on how to fix?
the games not working for me iv got jap local but i keep geting error, and im on a windows 7 any help?
First of all thxs for the post second is the hidden route translated as well as just the four main ones?
How to fix voice file corrupted part 12 help
redownload part 5 – part 12, works for me
so i will start again at 5 to 12?
It’s happen to me too i fix it with re-download part 12-15 again and video file work but voice file corrupt instead . ;..;
When I was unpacking the files a pop-up said that some video file in part 15 was corrupt. Did anyone else have this problem?
I can’t see the 18+ scenes, and i have already tried all the options. Is there any option in the game configs to turn off/on the 18+ scenes?
You have to use your choices to lock on to a character’s route or you end up going to the common route
You mean common ending. 😛
But yeah, the only novels where you can just pick whatever are nukiges, so you might want to look a bit more carefully before choosing one of them.
Anyone can tell how much the translation needs some fixing? I’ve heard the leaked patch is unfinished, so if it has glaring unedited text or non TLC’d routes I’d wait for a proper release.
Having played through two routes, it’s mostly finished. There were a couple things, like a swab of dialogue where someone’s name was consistently missing a letter, or occasional moments where translator notes were stuck in the dialogue (eg ‘That line was originally such-and-such, but that sounded weird/didn’t work so this is what I put instead’ and such) that obviously aren’t going to be in the final release, just notes for their fellow teammates and such. Other than that, it’s going fine. Not release-quality, but I’d say it’s definitely in the touch-up phase, so if you’re impatient, nothing completely ruinous that I’ve found.
this patch is fine.
Translation from Japanese is well done, though there are some occasional typos and some leftover translator’s comments in some route, nothing big.
version 1.20 or 1.10
praise ye admin
Now that Dracu-Riot is finally out~ YAY~
So Irotoridori no sekai When ~ T^T
the tags are great again 😉
i want to be clear on one thing, there isnt any problem with it installing in windows7 is there? thanks
Yeah no problem here.
Azusa sound like Nepgear
People with syntax error go to control panel>region then change unicode languaje to japanese.
After restarting your pc, if you put all the files in the game’s folder it should work.
wow….I remember working on an application years ago, was trying to get a position as a QT for this VN. SO damn happy its done!
Ok so I had the Authentication Fail problem as well but fixed it I don’t know if it will work for you but what I did is I download the Patch and the Compatibility patch as well so first I extracted the game then before you put in the English patch put in the Compatibility patch first it should be all the plugins and so put in the game folder and replace all the files and then put in the English patch the it should work I did it and it works now So I hope this answers peoples problems so good luck everyone and lets enjoy this wonderful story 😀
Admin it shows me an error on the voice file how can i fix this or anyone else who can help me with this i can play the game but without voice -.-
got this error too, i just redownload part 5 – part 12 and i can play now
whoops, wrong reply
FOR THE Mr/Ms.TL-san , ありがとう
Thanks a lot but how to get rid of the little black screen on the bottom of the textbox ? It’s pretty disturbing..thank you.
No fucking way.
Holy shit the translation for this actually finished? I thought it was hopeless when the people translating it cherry picked character routes and only did those.
Goddamn. Bless be thee.
Thank you for your hard work.
it seems the 12th part is corrupted thats why i cant hear the voices of the chars
Does this game works smoothly with windows 10, 64 bit ?
I really hate it if I cannot fix it, knowing that it has a good content plot so can anyone tell please..
I’m not really good at fixing game paths and installments so If there is someone I really appreciate it,, advance thanks,,
The patch fixed it for me!
Thanks Admin!
Am i in heaven?
Cant believe Oxford Comma deleted patch links, guess once you release it to the internet, it stays. Thanks.
oh yes!!!
just wait for yosuga no sora now
great, can finally finish reading Miu’s route now, she’s my favorite heroine in the game.
YES! finally some good shit.
You are the best
Admin, I think i love you !
Jokes aside, you’re the best ! I love this game, like all the others.
i’m confounded, this full english or not ?
the patch was post on other site then remove
Hey admin has anyone ever told you that you have a fat cock?
wow, is this really a full patch?
thank you very much
Wow, Theres much time i’ want play this game complete, before i’am played the version incomplete, much thanks for upload the complete game translation ^^
ooh awesome the tsundere finally got her route translated
Dont get ur hopes up, as much as i love tsundere girls her route isnt as i expected to be. Elina is still best.
Awesome, I only played Elina’s route as well until now, and heard about the translated Miu’s route that was in .text form. I’ve been waiting for months if not even a year to continue this game. Elina’s route was great and the game’s story, idea, animations and voices are awesomely placed together.
Thanks a lot, it really made my day 😀
…Im about to cry right now ever since i finished Elina route and couldn’t continue the game anymore…i was broken hearted 🙁
Now…i can finally celebrate!!!
It ain’t no dream no more ;_;
it is finally here… i can finally do the other routes 😮
Ah nope, this isn’t the proper first patch. This patch was released by one person, without consulting the rest of the team. Still needs a bit more work. Let’s wait.
Its just needs a bit more editing, but the translation is 100% finished.
I’d normally suggest to wait for the best version, but since I’m currently already reading it, I’ll keep reading. Who knows? Maybe the true full patch will be released before I get to Miu’s route.
this patch is fine.
Translation from Japanese is well done, though there are some occasional typos and some leftover translator’s comments in some route.
whhhaaaaaatttt, am i dreaming? the translation got finished? thank you admin !!!
Haha!! Two days ago, I was bored, and downloaded the Dracu riot partial patch and began reading. Now today the full patch is out??? What amazing timing!!!
I downloaded it a few months ago, so glad it’s finished!
Am I dreaming from overworking?
This isn’t a dream is it? I’ve been waiting for this for years.
WOAH, this thing actually got a finished translation. thanks for the Hard work admin.