On the surface, Ryoko Sumeragi seems to be a dedicated teacher at a private academy, but in reality she’s a nymphomaniac who loves to have as much sex as possible, from morning till night!
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
NymphoSenseiRyoko.part09.rar – 99.2 MB
Some scenes are completely invisible.
Has anyone encountered the same problem?
Is it possible to solve it?
Well I tried searching, but did not find any walkhthrough and save. So I wonder if I can do it using the savedata from the JP version and oh boy it works. Now, as I do not know whether it’s ok to post link or not, please delete my post if I breach the rules.
go to:
then search 皇涼子のBitchな1日
by codepink, click the blue link on the second column
Hey, thanks a lot!
did not work for me 🙁
Still no walkthrough?
Does anyone have a walkthrough?
Admin, this game is not on download list.
PS: thanks for this and all other games!
anyone have full walkthrought ?
failed to save system data 🙁
I posted a fix for that last month guess ADMIN didn’t notice it.
Save Game Fix:
Just Create a folder called “Save”
in the root directory (same place where “Nympho.exe” is)
I can’t find a good number of scenes. I somehow got a scene that I didn’t even do, yet was in my scene selection. Anyone got a full save file or walkthrough?
Can anyone post a walkthrough?
Just looking at the cover makes me want to leave. Is it the glasses? Or the teacher theme? Nope, just doesn’t click.
horny teacher with glasses theme!
theres a new fully fan translated bl “Phantom thief Jade” if you could post it here
Help Plz!!! Why does it say “It’s lacking in a file necessary to star. Please check the object-time error of installation and the folder abnormality which starts, etc..” when I open the .exe file of this game??
Anyone got walkthough of some kind of flowchart?
I would really appreciate it
admin, some scenes are not showing, there is a black screen instead of the CGs, could you upload a patch or something.
I’m kind of curious. How much yuri is in this game? Is it just like one scene or are there multiple scenes? And how good are the hentai scenes? Sometimes they’re well done, but other times it makes you regret trying the game. XD
Thanks for the upload Admin! As always, you’re the best!
Don’t mean to bite the hand that fed me but this entry is utterly awful, even by Nukige standards. At most this is a 5 to 10 minute game depending on your reading speeds, absolutely no story, and has a price tag. People if you like a teacher in your Nukige then try Amorous Professor Cherry/Artificial Academy 2. And of course if you like the game pay for it to support the industry. “Jast not this one!”
Five to ten minutes? And it has nine parts? What the hell, is it entirely animated or something? Sad!
It’s just “make your own adventure” kind of thing. A single playthrough is short, but to get all of the scenes you need to do multiple playthroughs.
Thanks for those recommendations, Artificial Academy is the most fun I’ve had with an eroge in a long time.
Thanks as always, admin! (y)
does changing the download wait timers on ani.me still works?
tried it on latest chrome version and i cant change it
Save Game Fix:
Just Create a folder called “Save”
in the root directory (same place where “Nympho.exe” is)
Okay this game is weird. I just realized the sex scenes are random.
Why are there some scenes not showing in the game? I was in one where she was supposed to be giving a student a titwank or blowjob in the P.E. Storage room but it wouldn’t show. I know there’s a sex scene there because it’s in the ‘Extra’ gallery. When I load my save at that point it’s solid black with nothing but the text and voices.
it have nice art but unfortunately im not into group sex, there is other game by same art Sweet Home i wait for that one
Finally its here
Thank You Ivan
Everything looks good…but that scat tag is putting me off. I really wanted to play this too but bleh.
Scat?.. Bummer. 🙁 Was somewhat excited about a secretly slutty seductress too.
It’s actually just 1 scene out of like 52
Thank you for the upload, but there is an error box poping up saying “failed to save system data”.
Also forgot to mention that you can’t save.
One of the archives was corrupted after checking each of the archieves. It is fine now.
just put a “save” folder in the directory with the executable and it’ll be gravy.
Thank you admin, i love you!
So I have to download every part separate and then wait 5 minutes on top of the 100 and so seconds? Im confused why the host doesn’t just upload to mediafire or megasync?
We are getting to play this for free. Just be grateful for that and not whine about the time needed to download it.
so what do i do after i download all the different parts and then extract all the stuff from the files. cus they’re all still separate, what do i do with them? do i have to combine them or something? and if so how do you do it. sry im not tech savy.
Use 7zip or winrar and select all the files and press extract and it will extract them all into 1 folder that isn’t corrupted
Because most filehosts are rabid about deleting this sort of stuff and there are always dicks who report it. At least this host is reliable, pretty sure you can go back to stuff uploaded years ago and it still works.
Because with those – and most others – the files will be removed within weeks or even days. These tend to stay up – always. And unlike others is not just one file per hour- you can have 2-3 going at once fine.
But mainly it’s that they stay up. With hundreds of games on the site – you think the admin can keep re-uploading them all every couple of weeks?
I’d rather they always be up thanks.
Funny you say that… I was using mediafire few years ago, before switching to downloadani – they removed all my files due to “excessive bandwidth usage” – took me over two weeks to get everything reuploaded again.
Just so you know I’m not trying to bash you in any way when I say this, it’s just I see a lot of these sorts of comments and it really kind of gets under my skin.
There’s no big deal in the wait, even if it was 20 minutes between files thanks to Admin I have access to a lot of stuff I wouldn’t have had access to before, and this site opened a door of a whole new world of games to me that 2 years ago I didn’t even know existed, but have since grown to love. He takes the time to do this when he really doesn’t have to do it at all, he doesn’t owe you anything. However he can make it happen you really shouldn’t complain, it just screams entitlement.
Seriously, think of what you’re able to get here even if it does come with a hassle. If you buy it you can get it in one very quick download, so choose time or money, since in the end they are one in the same. There’s an old saying that goes “Never look a gift horse in the mouth” and this is one of those moments you might want to take that saying to heart.
Just use jdownloader..that will save time..
It’s reliable and the waiting time isn’t too bad.
Usually takes a few days to download something bigger if you download the parts every now and then and if you really want to have something big, or have a lot of games fast just buy a month of pro-membership.
Did so for the rondo duo thing (which was just gigantic) and downloaded a lot of other games for a decent price.
YES YES YES YES! Thank you~!
…I really hope this is finally the kind of game I’ve been waiting for. One with a woman who’s naturally slutty without needing to be broken or controlled in some way.
I should just stop bothering with hentai games. Lately they all just turn out to be a (huge) disappointment. Can’t remember the last time I played one that didn’t annoy or piss me off in some kind of way.
I recommend trying the last sovereign it is a western rpg hentai game but it’s mature about it and it’s very well done, it’s still a work in progress but already has over 30 hours of gameplay.
Best thing would be to look up games from companies you already know and trust. Especialy in these times when they try to drown us in child save steam games here that make me wonder if the uploader forgot on what site we are.
Awww, HELL YEAH!!!
Is this uncensored too? Cause I can’t see it in the tags.
I also would really appreciate having an uncensored tag on these games. Half the ones i get are censored.
Try to see after game by MangaGamer, i think all their game are unscensored one, and kinda good, you can find all game of this developper by tiping Mangamer Vndb in your browswer ^^
This game is mostly uncensored. It has only one scene I’ve seen after two hours of gameplay. By the way, this game has a good amount of sexual content.
It’s an eroge with Nympho in its title. There’s no way for it to have low sexual content. :3
I’ve been playing these kinda games since the 80’s you’d be surprised. Some were advertised as ” a sexual romp” only to have about 3 cg scenes per path. We suffered so you don’t have to :P.