Walkure Romanze’s story revolves around Mizuno Takahiro, a student studying at an academy with jousting as its main focus for sport. Takahiro acts as an advisor to the riders of the sport. Takahiro goes through each day tediously until the time of the annual competition draws near. Due to some odd circumstances, his childhood friend Kisaki Mio is enrolled into the competition. She has never even ridden a horse before in her life, and Takahiro senses the fear in his friend and becomes Mio’s coach.
WalkureRomanze.part02.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part03.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part04.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part05.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part06.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part07.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part08.rar – 500.0 MB
WalkureRomanze.part09.rar – 108.1 MB
Keeps telling me i cant unpack it because it has no content or it is damaged
Sadly its not working for me , when i start the exe file and I choose some filter it starts up and shows ????? , what should i do next?
You need to change your system locale to Japanese – check site’s FAQ for instructions.
I had the same Problem changed the Locale to Japanese put the problem still happens but I can see Japanese symbols do I have to change other things?
I fixed It I had to Change the resolutions to Highest then it runs normaly
Okaeri-nasai Admin-san!
Hope you are well, especially since the long time gone! Good to have you back!
How do you save in this game?
YES, my favorite eroge site is back. I hope you are well admin 🙂
oooooh and I thought the website was dead, good thing I kept it on my bookmarks. Okaeri admin-sama!!! Lets keep the vn community alive!!
WELCOME BACK! I’m so glad I never gave up hope. Thanks for everything admin.
Welcome back admin we really missed you so much I am about b cry 😭
Welcome back admin~! 🙂
10 months out!