My name is Tachibana Yuuji, a regular student with no particular plans for the future – until my parents left for Hawaii on a business trip last fall, leaving me in the care of my uncle in the wintry countryside of Hokkaido.
Small-town life on Japan’s northern island didn’t have time to get dull, as from the moment I got there I was reunited with my cousin and childhood friend Saki. She’s pretty demanding, but when I’m hanging out with her and her school friends I don’t mind; as I get close to them I feel like I’m finding meaning in life that I didn’t know I was looking for.
Legend says there is a flower that blooms here in the depth of winter… as the twilight deepens and a snowflake melts in the palm of my hand, I stand with a beautiful girl by my side. Will we be able to uncover its mystery in this fleeting moment?
my first vn i play is this years ago
and i like the story a lot
still remember it
I remember playing this as my very first vn too! I was like 18 or 19 back then, when this first came out. Good feels, good times…
I’ve seen this game having a lot of good reception. In my opinion much more than it actually deserves. I guess it can be understandable, because the game itself ain’t really that bad. To some it might be even good; unless you played Season of the Sakura earlier. It’s not without matter, cuz’ I’ve seen Snow Sakura being marketed as a spiritual successor to Season of the Sakura, therefore it’s very hard not to compare both.
Sadly, everything that Snow does, Season does much better. Firstly there’s the setting. Snowy mountains immediately bring to mind a lot of adventures and possible events, yet this potential was left completely untapped by writers. On the other hand Season managed to squeeze an interesting circumstance out of practically any setting it found itself in.
Next we have the events themselves. Story in Snow revolves pretty much about our heroes going to school, getting back from school and hanging out at the bar owned by one of the character’s parents, while having meaningless, boring conversations that rarely add anything to the story or deepen said characters. In Season every conversation takes place in a different setting under different circumstances and carries some of the characters’ emotions, traits, background info and is just generally fun to read.
As for the characters, I find those from Snow pretty boring, flat, even one-dimensional. The protagonist is dull, passive, hapless and always dissatisfied. It’s really hard to identify or empathize with him. He heavily contrasts with full of life Saki, who is definitely the most interesting of the bunch, probably because of her tsundere nature. The rest of the group makes for a bland, forgettable background. At the same time while Season’s characters’ basic design may be “stolen” from other realms, in Season they have their own nature history, motives and depth.
Let’s check out the storylines. Snow’s is pretty straightforward for the first half of the game, untill we need to take an obvious branch choice. Next half of the game features some overdramatized events revolving around the protagonist and his character of choice. That’s it. Season’s branching is less obvious. It’s possible to end up with almost any of the characters. Through the storyline we have a lot of opportunities to get to know the main heroines or discover other paths, before making an obvious choice at the end or taking a hidden path at some earlier point.
So there you have it. While Snow may feel like a good game, when it comes to competition against Season, it falls flat on it’s face, being the sore pretender that it really is.
Wow just wow I played through all the routes the first time I played this and I have to say the route I enjoyed the most was Saki’s it was really good. Now that I re downloaded this I only play Saki’s route because I don’t like the other routes great game too bad the sequel was never translated to english great game!!
There is only 2 things bad about this vn 1 no full screen 2 artwork is outdated (but not as some others Ive played) It’s been awhile since I played a vn that made me actual feel something. I was starting to lose hope i’d find something good. I have played most “recommended” vn’s now and I only have a few left. I was starting to get disappointed. Everything was either too light hearted or too dramatic or tried too hard to be funny. This was genuinely good and I hope the last few ones I intend to try are close to the same. Otherwise I have to wait for the lengthy translation process for new ones…
you forgot “the little shit who wishes your relationship out of existence”
Normally I stray away from playing these sort of games, but this game really changed my opinion.
Does anyone know where to download Hatsuyuki Sakura? I had been searching it for so long
I think it have the eng patch already
thanks for your hard work admin 🙂
Nice Visual Novel Much Hentai Scene 😀
you shouldnt jugde a vn by its H scenes imo but everybody has their own way to enjoy these games 🙂
Very nice game. Breakdown- Uncensored hentai scenes, very nice story line, contains slice-of-life and comedy scenes (laughed quite a bit), draws you in and makes you attached to whichever heroine you are pursuing. Definitely a recommendation of mine.
Is this version with windows 7 (and higher) support? I know they released such version in Japan since on some windows (yep 7 and newer) there was no character voice…
well it works fine for me and im using w7 right now
can u upload again the one click link?? please is down
thanks 🙂
how to install this game?
Dammit, this is a good game. The endings are not as good though, not bad but not good either. Those endings were not comparable to the awesome story of this game, especially Misato’s ending, I really thought Yuuji would be transferring to Misato’s school as a new teacher since one of the conversations pointed out that he wanted to be one and not act on his impulse and transfer there going even as far as displaying his affection in front of his new classmates, again making the same mistake as before.
Spoilers! Seriously?!
got halfway through that comment and sensed the spoiler and noped my way the f**k out of there
Sorry for asking this stupid question….but is the main character we are playing with boy or a girl ???
Because i’m playing Boy’s protagonist games.
i cant extract this game >,<
how will i install this game? its my first time to play this kind of game so i really need help. my laptop cannot read the iso file. how how how?
Hi there. In order to install the game you’ll need to download daemon tool and that’s just all you need actually.
As for how do you use daemon tool to install the game, you can find it in the FAQS in this site.Or like me you can search tutorial on youtube.It’s not really that hard to deal with all this so don’t worry. You’ll get it done in no time. (-:
Hey the other game that has comedy like this one but a minimum of h-scenes is Kanon, there you can change you name and everything and there is a girl for everyones personality, mine is mai.
I don’t think it is sexual in nature, I have not completed it yet but it appears to be a comic story. I like it though, but I downloaded for its tag, 18+. hehe. But I am not disappointed as it is a good novel and reader/player wants to continue.
Its me again there is no problem what so ever i again give my thanks to the adm for this wedsite ill be rooting forr you so keep it up
Thanks for this awesome game but i have a problem i already installed it but it says that there will be no sound becouse the sistem does not support ADPCM files and its says that there something that says ( CODE = 0:0 )
O and everybody i hve new there is a secuel of this game called Saki no Love Love Honeymoon and it seems that the secuel tells the story of yuuji and sakis honeymoon lol it seems that the incest route is the canonical xD
Ihope that everyone enyos this game and thi exelent wedsite thanks adm for making this possiblean sorry for the long comment xD
how to download Part3. I already Download other 2 parts. but I cannot proceed into Part3. Someone help me… give me Correct Link
3rd part is not working 😛
just 276 kb left lol that was unexpected =(
guess will if i can get it with bitTorrent.
good luck.
3rd part works just fine for me. Just downloaded and extracted all 3 parts with no problem. No errors popped up during the extraction.
part 3 missing or broke =( any chance of it being fixed?
Thanks for this! Wonderful game !!
Among the lot, I like Saki’s route the most! Kawaii !!! And a Tsundere who actually has some skills, instead of just being an idiot.
Unlike the main “heroine” (Misaki), who, I honestly felt went over the top with her route. >(
hello ive never played a game like this and im just starting the download now but well i think ill really like it so please can someone recommend me more games like this
anyone,please tell me another visual novel with lots of comedy like this ?
thanks for mediafire links! you rock! ^_^
Someone reupload plz.
Opposite. This should be called a Romance Visual Novel. The Saki and Misaki routes are the easiest and the best routes. Quite trick at the middle or you’ll end up a “virgin”.
Works with Daemon tools and mines windows 7
I chose this VN as the first I ever downloaded to play, because it has such good reviews everywhere.
I found it very disappointing.
The storyline in general was fun and funny… it’s when you manage to snag a relationship that things go wrong.
As a person who believes that ‘no means no’ I found it very disturbing that every H scene was full of the girl saying NO over and over without any effect… very upsetting, and kind of makes me hate the Yuuji character… not to mention the flat-out rape scene with the teacher storyline!
Also, while the girls were very different in their body types in the regular storyline, in their CG’s they were all standardized. Characters that seem small and others that seem busty were all exactly the same once their clothes were off.
which was a bit of a disappointment.
If THIS is one of the best VN’s… then I guess the genre just isn’t for me!
thank you admin!! this is the first visual novel i’ve ever played in full it has great storyline. ^_^
Absolutely one of the most stunningly beautiful eroge I have ever played! I reccomend it 100%!
Thanks for all the hard work admin, love what you’re doing for us all XD
This the best VN I ever play,…!!!
Thanks for upload this game Mr.ADMIN… @v@
I played it about 1 and a half years ago and it was the best. I still think it’s really good but there are rival titles that weren’t so popular because of marketing. I heard there will be some really good games coming out in 2012, but i don’t remember what company was publishing them…
i just need to extract and play rite?
no need to change locale rite?
Hey Admin! Thanks for uploading this.. I didn’t download this coz I already bought the CD for this game, but I still want to thank you for uploading it anyway. This game brings back memories coz this is the first Eroge/VN I’ve played, and definitely one of the best! To those who have just started playing VNs and Eroge, this is a great one to get started with.
umm… anyone knows VISUAL NOVELS that are not HENTAI??? i’m a visual novel hunter… please give me some titles that can be found here… thanks
It may be a little bit late but if you haven’t tried Clannad yet then i defenitley recommand it, it’s one of the better Visual Novels that you can find here with no H-scene in it.
Yeah that VN is also so funnty….
ohhh… it worked..
Thx a lot
i’ve downloaded that 2 part and extract it, but there’s only one “SnowSakura.iso” file…
What should i do to play this game?
can someone help me please..
This is cd image. see “faq” section of this website for mounting instructions.
filserve server isn´t working proberly 4 part-2
currently 10kb/s – 20kb/s isn´t realy nice but i can handle
bigger problem is the interrupt after some time …
could you please reupload ?
never mind, maybee i hit the rush hour …
anyway the alternative download file is deletet.
downloading this game now, but i’ve played edelweiss, edelweiss fantasia, Guilty the Sun, Brave Soul, Lightning warrior raidy, x-change alternative. Among others….
but the one that surpasses all of them by far is
“Yume Miru Kusui – A Drug That Makes You Dream”
the Aeka storyline tugs at your heart and you’ll be crying from beginning to end.
Strong recommendation to anyone who likes a good story with a fair amount of H scenes.
Post other recommendations for me ;P I played many but not kira kira, since i thought it didn’t contain much (if any) sex.
~~whats the point of an Eroge is there isn’t any sexual appeal here and there.
Thanks for the recommendation crazymonkeh ill have to try it as it seems quite good
When i download the both files and try to extract the ISO file to a folder it says file is corrupt.
i get these things when i extract ! C:\Users\******\Downloads\SnowSakura.part2.rar: CRC failed in SnowSakura.iso. The file is corrupt
! C:\Users\******\Downloads\SnowSakura.part2.rar: Unexpected end of archive
download it again
Great and hilarious game, especially when Tsumiyoshi or Misato get drunk. I played in winxp and runs just fine, except for the voices. Fixed it with this archive: “IMAADP32.ACM” which was copied in the windows file. When changed to win7 I just couldn’t overwrite the file anymore, so game is voiceless now. Haven’t found a fix yet, just letting you guys know in case anyone can find a sollution.
Still, great game.
ah why does the download site says that I’m downloading something even though I’m not. I can’t download the game please someone help me, thanks
thank you admin for posting this novel this is one of my favorite even though there is some new novel out there i will still give time to play this novel and i will cherish it
Hey I really need help with this game
it would help if you could tell us your problem in detail.
when i first played the game i thougt nothing can beet it but after Edelweiss i think this game is nothing in comperrison to it. Still this game is good and i will never forget how i got the bad ending in my first try, it made me really depressed. It is a good game for beginners and some of the storys are really sweet i will never forget Saki she was the best girl in this game;)
Have you tried Kira Kira? It’s also made by overdrive and I thought it was really good. Haven’t tried Edelweiss yet, but I have it ready when I get around to it.
Not know but im going to play it after im finishd with edelweiss, i can only review edelweiss like this
Story: -A (Great Storys)
Humor: +A (see for yourself 🙂 )
Art: +A (Most butiful Art i have ever seen in an h-game)
Music: A (Always fitting for every mod)
Sex: -B (sweet and romentic but almost none existing)
Yust as a tip dawnload the ad on too its worth it 🙂
And thanks to the admin for this awesome site.
Loved it, thanks for the share 🙂
A+ Eroge excellent story even if it was an E rated game i’d play it over an over no matter how bad things may seem or how down you are it will always perk you up if youre down give it a go it will heal your soul 🙂
This is the kinda comments i like to see on H games, need more people like you in this erogey erogey world
It´s really moe. I went for Kozue first, because she is funny. Good game
Yo! Somehow this little game is eating up my whole cpu. 1,6ghz pentium, 1,5 gigs of ram, and other goodies, should be more than enough to show pictures and play speech quality OGG! Please help me find out what’s going on. Also, I play on english winxp pro sp3.
umm i downloaded this successfully and its working all good its just thaat when i try to put it full screen its taking shape of the windowed screen but the outer edges are black
WTF it says the fire (part 2) is corrupt what do i do please help me!!!
i can install the game and play, but during the game play there seems to be errors not being able to load the music file such as MP01.OGG.. this keeps happening for the whole game play… help….
please and thank you~
i got a problem for some reason ican’t start the game i extracted the file then there is only a blank file any ideas?
thanks in advance
When i played in this game one year ago i thought it was the best. Now after i played some better titles like: edelweiss,princess waltz,kira kira and others i think it’s not interesting and kinda boring.
when i try to extract archive it says that it’s corrupt.Please post a fonctionning link =( i was really looking forward to this game
i have the same problem like you until i realized what was wrong it was the name of the parts
Weird, i’ve played this and i think it’s very boring.
Yeaaa, its the most beautiful eroge.
I like all scene and story, also i really like that Misato.
lol thanks for the game, i hear ppl saying this is one of the best eroge that came out but idk, reading the description i get a feeling this is for girls ^^
I loved this game. It may be just a normal visual novel (nothing but stury relate choices), but I trully loved the storylines.
the story is pretty good it has a lot of comedy but if it was made for girls it would not be an eroge with heroines unless it was yuri. it is more like a shounen romance comedy
its the best visual novel game that i ever played. i love the story line 😀