In Sakura Swim Club, follow the story of Kaede, just your average high school guy. Upon transferring to a new school, he meets two beautiful girls in the swim club. Things haven’t gone well for the swim club lately, but with Kaede’s help, that all changes.
Mieko & company = Thicc & cute
Mc = Crybaby teen whining over not being understood by his parents. Fucking hate him!
@DemonKnight – these files are made to run on Windows OS. They will only run on Windows machines. Your best bet may be a Windows phone/tablet if you don’t have a PC to play them on.
If not, you can try the Wine app for Android. It’s supposed to install a working frontend of Windows 7, so you might be able to get around the problem that way. Keep in mind these are older games and may need to be run in compatibility mode which may not work properly on an emulated OS.
Good luck.
My device is android pls help?
When it finished downloading i clicked on it and it said cant open file some help?
How to decompress this on android it always error
Right click it and press ‘ Extract here ‘
Usually all you need to do is get rid of all files but game/ folder, and run it within a SDK provided by Renpy.
Or download any free renpy game from 2015 and swap game/ folder – works too.
Have the voice pack ?
this is the version with voices?
if not so, you could upload the version that brought with Japanese voices?
It was okay, I feel like K was a bit of a simpleton. My favorite personality was realized in H. But other than that ehhhh. Sex scenes were okay~ No shame in saying that. Overall, it was an okay game all together.
Does this one have voices? If not where can I get a voice patch?
I am unable to start this game..?
When I click on the “Sakura Swim Club.exe” nothing happens.
Please somebody help me1
You could always just grab the patch from Winged Clouds patreon page, it has hentai and the japanese dub.
It only has the uncensored patch.
Admin have you got the voiced version of this?
MangaGamer added a Female Only Voice Patch to their copy recently, Not sure if theirs an Denpasoft’s copies are the exact same as far as Dialog an stuff goes ect… Admin here would probably know though.
there is now a japanese voice dub patch, will the patch be posted here?
Can anyone make a complete walkthrough for this game?
why there is no voice in this game? is it just me?
*sory for my bad english
Me too
awesome game
Wont work for OSX 🙁
I really hope you noticed it was an .exe file before trying to open it. But if you didn’t notice, or already did and tried to open it anyways, I have no more words for you.
*slowclap* sakura games in a nut shell
how do i download it ? can anyone teach me i am new here
Pretty nice game, its their first adult game but its pretty softcore only few “standard sex” CG
It doesnt have any routes , only choices that doesnt affect the outcome
Its pretty short aswell
I would like it to be more complete with maybe more than 1 route, a bit longer and more / maybe more hardcore sex but it got a pretty nice “mood” about it so its enjoyable just for the story telling Imo
“Not enough Hiromi”
100% true. Between the two, I liked Hiromi the most and she only got one sex scene (that titjob doesn’t count) while Mieko got three. D:
i already download this file SakuraSwimClubUncensored.rar – 116.2 MB
and i don’t know how to play / install this game can someone help me ?
yep yep yep yep yep yep
can somebody upload a 100% save
The game isn’t that long. 2 days tops and you have unlocked all scenes (or even 1 day if you live alone and don’t have to care about unwanted peeks, which isn’t my case). If you don’t even want to read, just put the game on “Skip Everything” and in less than 5 minutes you’ll unlock all scenes.
Which I don’t recommend. This was actually a good read. Short, quick and even simple sometimes, but it was good. The romance wasn’t top notch, but hey! It is still a better love story than Twilight. 😀 (I had to make that joke)
then after finishing I found out that I’m missing the very last 2 CGs
do you know which path or whatever should I do to unlock them?
*captcha is My Beating Heart. I was ‘doki doki’ waiting for Hiromi…
Before the second H-Scene with Mieko on the rooftop, you have the option to have vaginal sex or anal sex. The last 2 CGs are for the anal sex variant. 😉
Captcha: Up and Away. Kind of fitty. Kinda.
This is… unexpectly very tempting. I mean, I was one of those people who downloaded Sakura Spirit thinking it was a full fledged eroge (not gonna lie, I suck at info gathering). The art was superb, the sexiness was indeedly sexy and the story was a big “MEH”, so when I found it was an all ages VN I was dissapointed. That high quality art (and all of that tease) and no snu-snu? COCKBLOCK! So yeah, after that I ignored all of the Sakura series. And don’t know why but I clicked on this one and saw the magic words: +18 DOWNLOAD. It feels like live has once again regained meaning… I know, I need to get out more. 😛
PS: captcha was ‘count your change’. Thank you for reminding me that I’m broke!
It seems the girls weren’t virgin. You just have this time in the rooftop while the anal sex \it’s my first time by behind\.
I guess the other way was not the first x). Not that I care
Considering they didn’t bleed, you are probably correct.
Maybe she said that because their first time was in the front and on the rooftop was really her first time anal sex.
some hentai artist never draw blood like Distance for example.
I’m pretty sure that Mieko was a virgin. She says something like “So that’s how it feels” or something after her first h-scene. Hiromi however probably wasn’t, the MC comments on how she isn’t as tight as Mieko but she knows what she’s doing.
Not all artists draw blood for virgin sex, like Sei Shoujo doesn’t for example.
Well, the teacher mentions right off the bat, they have a rather infamous reputation, they probably didn’t just spring into action just because of MC
I never tough i would live to see a Denpasoft 18+ game.
Makes me think all previous games where all ages just to boost this one popularity
I’ve been completely ignoring this series because it just seemed like amateur cash-grab Ren’Py non-H fluff that was getting dumped on Steam. I may have to check it out now.
Is there any connection to the older games? Do I need to play them to know what’s going on in this one, or is each game stand-alone? Thanks.
There’s no connection my little kitten
This game is a bit unbalance on the CG scenes. One girl gets more than the other… how unfair. I actually liked the other girl better
Will you be adding Sakura CLicker? Just asking…
So this is the first game of Sakura series that has sexual content?
Damn i like this game a lot. I think, i’ll buy it someday 🙂 and the sakura games got better 😀 my hopes became true! finally there is an adult sakura game ^^ and kaede is not a completly idiot like seiji in sakura beach…
ummm./.. how could you get the two last screen in extras… the two on page 16…
Assuming you mean page 6? One of the sex scenes has an option for vaginal or anal sex, the last two is anal.
I am unable to start this game..?
When I click on the “Sakura Swim Club.exe” nothing happens.
Please help 🙂
At last. a true 18+ not just a cock tease like past games.
Now I want them to add adult content to the past games. I hope they do it or maybe future title also have adult content like this one.
thanks admin, i can´t wait to play it
another sakura title but they delayed the sakura fantasy that was to be release last month :v
btw admin are gonna upload fault milestone 2?
^^^^ I came here just to say this
Can’t believe there’s only one meh threesome scene.
Wow admin, really quick with this upload, thanks.
got tricked >.<
download the all ages first the i read below the 18+
oh my quota is limited…
it's rare to see this one have 18+ version
*Sigh…Yep, I went through the whole game with no sex scenes. Could have sworn I clicked the 18+ download but clearly I was mistaken. Time to download the other version and skip all the previously read stuff.
Makes me wonder… current All-ages to Adult-only downloads ratio hovers around 1:40 – how many of those were downloaded by mistake…
i downloaded the uncensored version but it doesnt have sex scenes
This game makes me think that the rest of Sakura Saga was +18 but got censored…
Nope. It’s their first adult-only title. Previous ones had to be “almost all-ages” in order to be available on Steam – Winged Cloud, their creators, didn’t have established brand, and their best bet to gain some market share was to piggyback on large market that the Steam is. Now that they established themselves somehow, they can try other sales platforms. Note that the steam version is still available, but they offer additional content (h-scenes) on different publisher site, which gives them bigger cut from the same purchase price.
Well, i hope they keep this up… The art is so good…
Unfortunately that’s all that’s good.
admin do you know anything about sacura fantasy uncesured patch? it is listen in vndb
Yo admin, I posted the uncensored Sakura Fantasy files ages ago in a comment on the Sakura Fantasy page, go update that one.
You know every time I play one of these games I wonder if it’s by the same people who made Go! Go! Nippon!
They released an uncensored 18+ patch for Sakura Fantasy months ago, well before this was released so this isn’t actually their first 18+ release.
OMG OMG OMG Exams, tests, appointments, dates, everything must wait til i finish this… masterpiece…or at least exciting eroge
Pretty sure you were right the first time lol!