The protagonist is the son of a wealthy and influential family, and he’s always had a thing for his older cousin Nodoka. Just seeing her getting lovey with her new husband pisses him off to no end.
Just then, the family head summons him, and tells him that he’s fed up with that husband’s inability to get Nodoka pregnant, and they want you to get her knocked up in his stead!
If she doesn’t want her happy married life to end, she has no choice but to accept your seed, but along the way she might just become your loyal slut…
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does anyone else have an error with this game? the exe file disappeared when i tried to play it
This is why “hentai logic” in this game is so weird, absurd, and stupid. Every characters in this game come from among the rich people. Why they dont use artificial insemination, IVF, etc. Oh well, this is “hentai” anyway…
does she need the seed for medical reasons which are described in a deep, character building backstory? otherwise, not interested.
Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything or I’d have shot it out my nose across the room. LOL… I was only half paying attention and then – I stopped – “say WHAT?… Revvo..” LMFAO…
Thanks man – needed that.
I really thought the title was ‘Need for Sneed’
I need to get off 4chan
Ah, yes. Made by EA.
The title of these never cease to amaze me, I doubt it’s even intentional but still brilliant
Is this a good racing game?
How come the only Norn/Miel games that get translated are ones with busty big breasted women/girls? They make several titles with sweet loli heroines but we never see those outside of Japan.
Feels sad man.
Anyone else feel like the wives in these married woman games always have a bland looking face? Sure they’ll have nice bodies, but their faces are just so… ordinary. I don’t I think I’ve ever seen one where the wife was -really- beautiful.
On an unrelated note, one thing I’ve always wondered is what are the origins of the content on the side banners. It looks vaguely familiar, but I can never put my finger on it.
Read Or Die anime
Finally, a true need for speed sequel.
I’m dying XD
Will there be translation for the sequels ?
Need for Seed: Most wanted
Need for Seed: Hot pursuit