The second entry in the Chronicles sidestories series. Includes a continuation of the “The Day After” scenario featured in Chronicles 01, “Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles:Aspiration” (a story set in The Euro Front), a special episode of Radio Total Eclipse, and other bonus material.
MuvLuvAC2.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
MuvLuvAC2.part15.rar – 137.2 MB
Copy afhook.rpo into
Copy afhook.pkg into the main game folder
Hope someone will published Vol 3 and 4.
Both are already posted here.
I am sorry but I cannot find Muv Luv Chronicles vol 3 and 4. Can you give me the link ? Thank you very much.
Thanks admin, as always. 4 of Muv-Luv games will need some time to read while waiting for other translation projects to finish.
Do any of the muv luv vns actually have gameplay? I’m still trying to decide on whether or not to go for them but I can’t seem to find a pc version.
I started muv luv with these 2 and loved it, I didn’t like Alternative Chronicles Vol.1 as much as this one, killing off the entire cast except one unlucky survivor was harsh, heck at least give us a scene with Mel!
Anyone has any idea when the translations for 3 and 4 will be out?
will you guys upload the muv-luv altered fable? i heard that there’s an english patch, though i’m not sure if it’s fully translated.
thanks for the upload.
can’t wait for the vol 3,4
onii chan it is the short version like vol 1?or?
For the Tightsuit!! here i come~~
Thanks Admin
Thanks a lot admin….
but, could you upload Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.3 & 4 too please ?
Not translated yet. I only post fully translated games here.
gods bless you, admin!
Admin it works for windows 8.1? thanks, i tried but i cant install the game aparaently the last version that can install the game is ” Vista”.
I’m testing all games on Windows 7 Professional x64 and this one ran without problems.
Gosh… I don’t think my heart could manage another muv-luv novel. I’ll have to consider this one if it’s worth the sacrifice.
Will you upload Go! Go! Nippon! 2015 and Divine Slice of Life soon?
Can anyone tell me how you properly install and play this game? I could install it but when I run it I get some popup window (jpn of course) which looks like it’s asking for the dvd or sth.
I had the partial patch for MLA chronicles 2 which was just those two files. Can I just replace those old ones with these new ones? Has anyone tried yet?
Yes you can
FYI Chronicles 2 (TDA01 only) was already translated quite awhile ago (around may last year). But it lacked the QC and editing, because the translation was contributed by a fan (forgot his name) and has many errors. I’ve read it till the end before and for me it’s perfectly readable and understandable. Alternative projects then fixed the translation and release the final patch that also included aspiration.
Would anyone recommend this series? I have been reading the title “Muv-Luv” at least once per year, but I don’t know absolutely nothing about it. The same happened with the manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and when the last game came I got interested in it, gave it a try… and now I love it. Maybe the same could go for this. I see 4 games on this pages. Are they long or short? Should I start from the first one?
You should start with original Muv-Luv Extra series, a comedy-drama visual novel. If it’s a pain for you, then at least finish Meiya and Sumika routes to unlock Unlimited, where MC finds himself stuck in a parallel world where mankind is on the brink of extinction after battling against alien invaders known as the BETA. Finish that and then pick up Alternative, one of the best VN’s around. That’s the main series. All these Chronicles are side stories. Even though you might understand them without the main story, your enjoyment will be far greater.
Thank you so much admin for posting this!
I just started downloading Volume 1 and that’ll take a while. But has this inspired anyone else to play through the previous two (or three?) Muv-Luv stories? To be blunt I’ve wanted too for a while but I never had the balls to play Alternative again. First story I cried over since I was a child. It didn’t help that I was buzzed when I got to Marimo’s CHOMP.
Dude, I feel you. I don’t think my heart can take it honestly. I’m still scarred from Marimo’s CHOMP – I’ve never gotten over Sumika’s alien torture scene…
Unfortunately, this series isn’t for the faint of heart like myself. 🙁
grow up kid it’s just a game
Get a life oh valiant keyboard warrior!
I have similar problem like with Chronicles 01 – Japaneese version works, but translated no, and shows this error message ->
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
Program: N:\Games\Age\オルタクロニクルズ02\rugp.exe
– not enough space for thread data
Problem is with compatibility of new (translated) “afhook.rpo” in plugins directory with some OS. Using “afhook.rpo” (only this one file) from patch of Haruko Maniax will help to game work.
Chronicles 01 was way to short
compared to the other muv luv
Its a chronicle a short slice of life in that universe not the large story tough it is a part of it. Also this chronicle is one medium and one semi medium story “the day after 02” which occurs after the part in the previous alternative chronicles and is a semi direct sequel and “Aspiration” which is set back in the unlimited world line before the split and the day after 02 was translated half a year ago.
Wasn’t this already translated?
No Chronicles 01 was translated, this is 2.