Have you already forgotten the time you spent playing with us back then? You’ve also become an adult and you’re probably busy. But even if it’s just a little, please remember us. Because of you… we’ve become warped!
An RPG world with many “H” temptations!? Now is the time to carve out a new legend together with the characters who were changed when you played the game!
2. Install provided font from game folder (Right-click on meiryo_dot_kare.ttf and choose “Install”)
3. Start the game with Module/DotKareshi.exe
Does anyone know how to fix the no-text issue???
i’m on Priests route and the text dialogue isn’t showing at all!!
Can you please upload Dot Kareshi II & III?
(SOLVED- cannot even install/start game)
As I wrote this I realized I’m just an idiot. Here’s my problem:
I can’t even start the game.
I already installed the meiryo patch.
My system locale, time zone, and region are set for Japan.
I have Daemon Tools installed but it doesn’t seem to require it.
I even installed the Locale Emulator to see if it would solve my issue but it didn’t.
I run Windows 10 64 bit.
I keep getting the same error, which google translates into “Configuration file is invalid. Please correct it and start again. Error message: input stream error. Error Code: 8”
Here’s my solution:
The folder that forms after extracting the files (DotKareshi1) MUST be MOVED (not copied; it will require ADmin permission) to Program Files (x86). If it still doesn’t work, move it to Program Files.
That’s it. I’m stupid.
if the text goes too out of the box:
When you install the game (with the patch and all), make sure you install the desktop icon. Right click it and go to properties. Under the Compatibility tab, there should be a check box that says “Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling behavior performed by:”
Make sure the box is checked and change “Application” to “System”
Click OK and start the game. Font was fixed.
(or change the display of your desktop to 100% instead of 150%
any one here that have the english patch for 2 and 3? the original post for the english patches are down and all i can see are the trial patches from different translator?
4 years later but i have archived both patches from the original fan translator’s tumblr, if anyone wants them
I swear I had this game working before but now when I hit start the window closes on me. I tried running the locale in Japanese I tried changing the processor it runs with but NOTHING. I wonder if I screwed with something with a previous game I played and it caused this….
Just another person here to complain about the text being too spaced out and not fitting in the text box :/ has anyone found a solution yet?
If you’re having the problem where the game crashes when you push start you should download Locale Emulator. Then right click the application, go down to Locale Emulator and click ‘Run in Japanese’.
Even though my computer was in Japanese locale, it wouldn’t work until I did this. It seems to be a thing with Rejet’s games. It happened to me with ALICE=ALICE too.
The text is displayed with large gaps. L i k e t h i s . What to do?
Does anyone know how to unlock the extras menu?
hello, may I ask how to unlock the extra section? thanks in advance =)
O loved this so much. Thank you for making it available. I really hope you upload the other two some day!
Yo, so, after bout hour I figured out how to get the gamer runnin (IT school useless, lol), but have one question.
When characters are talking, their speech ends+up+in+annoyingly+long+sentence+that+can’t+fit+in+my+screen+and+continues+beyond+it so sometimes their talk is not finished. Is there some way to fix it?
Oh, nevermind. I figured it out, lol.
For those people who already tried the previous solutions, I leave what I work for me:
First had the problem that the game was closed as soon as it opened and changed the “Language for non-Unicode programs” to Japanese. After restart the program could already be opened but the voices are not heard.
And I realized that you can also start the game and then in the options menu and verify that this activated the voices of all the characters in the game.
(This is pretty stupid but spend several hours to realize)
I hope I have been able to help someone
Hi There, Admin
I have also been experiencing the no text issue.
I have already successfully changes my locale to Japanese, I have also installed the font multiple times and yet there is no text showing up in the message box. I already uninstalled and reinstalled the game many times.
Hi, can i please get some help? I started the game but there are no text or dialogue showing on my screen. Please help.
When the game starts, is there a box saying REVERSE near the title (on the title screen)? That means your localisation is not set to Japan, and will cause the text to not show up (e.g. if you try to close the game an empty bow will show with Yes and No options). Note that when you go to the settings for location (Change location), you have to go into the Administrative tab, not the Location tab (that doesn’t do anything) – and there change the “Language for non-Unicode programs” to Japanese. After that you’ll need to restart.
Hopefully this helps.
excuse me I have the same problem. Even though I did exactly as you said the text still doesn t show. I hope someone will see this
I had the same problem, but I managed to solve it by installing the font in the folder. Moved the meiryo_dot_kare file into resources folder, clicked on it and hit install. I hope this helps you!
I have different issue in here.. Before i change system locale the game is not working but they have voice. But after i change system locale, the voice gone… Did do something wrong?
Oooh i see… I know whats wrong hahaha sory…
Did you follow the instruction? It will working if you change system locale to japanes
it crashes T^T… after i click start… it say’s it’s not working…. ughhh huhuhu ToT
Hello, you should try this way. Hope it works for you.
Right click at DotKareshi -> Run with graphics processor -> Change default graphics processor
A window called manage 3D settings will pop up
Then click Add and choose DotKareshi.exe
Next, at the drop down menu choose High-performance NVIDIA processor.
Let run the game again.
I know I’m asking too much but,is it possible if the admins upload part 1 and part 2 as well..?
I can’t seem to play the game as it crashes when I press the start button despite Japan being my locale and installing the font.
Is there anything I can do? ;n;
Hiii there, I have this one problem. I got the game, done the patch and even change my system locale . But does anyone know why my mouse does not working when I tried to click on anything in this game ?
I used the same version on my previous laptop, Windows 10 but somehow my new laptop can’t click anything on this game …
Try a different mouse. It sounds like your mouse is going bad.
Same problem here. Could you fix it? I got a new mouse, but is still doesn’t work… 🙁
Admin, I’d be so grateful if you were able to put up the second and third installments of this series! Thank you so much for the work you do and all the games you’ve provided!
My game always seem to keep crashing, despite changing the system locale and installing the font. When entering the game, it still says “REVERSE” when I’ve already changed it to Japanese ;_; I’m using windows 8. Halp p.s ive already downloaded it twice *sigh* I JUST WANNA PLAY DIS GAME (-0-)
I found a fix for the no text issue!
First right click the dot kareshi application and click on properties. Then go to the compatibility tab and click on the box “run compatibility mode with”. Then change the compatibility to windows 7.
Hopefully this works for you guys as well!
Dot Kareshi #2 and 3 are completely translated by the same person, though because of current issues you cant download starry sky in summer from them anymore
If you are having trouble with no text showing up… you have to look up the English patch on Google for Dot Kareshi and install it and follow the directions it comes with!~
For those still having no font appearing:
-Right click “meiryo_dot_kare_0.ttf” and left click “Install”
The game makes me super uncomfortable, since I actually feel like I’m the protagonist (cringing all the time) but the characters are just way too hot to not play it.. /cries
Hey! Does anyone have a resolution to the text not fitting the text box? Mine is really spaced out for some reason, and I have no idea why ;;
Admin chan! I followed all the instructions above but it still says that the application has stopped working 🙁 what seems to be the problem..? I have been patient for this to finish downloading.
There is englihs versions of the Dot Kareshi -We’re 8bit Lovers!- II ~Tenkuu no Kiss~ and Dot Kareshi -We’re 8bit Lovers!- III ~Yami no Hanayome~ 🙂 It would be awesome if you coul but them here 😀
Can, somebody please tell me where the save files are? i try to find it but with no luck.. thx
Damnit nevermind, this always happens to me, as soon as I open my mouth, I figure out what I did wrong…….
So how did you fix the no text problem? It seems like no one wants to tell anyone how to do it. >_>
Hey, I see I’m not the only one who is having this “no-text” issue, so why are they being unanswered whereas admin seems to answer just about everything else. What is it we are missing that you feel it unnecessary to give any response? I have wanted to play this a long time, but I was unable to, what the hell do I do to fix this issue? Why is there no text? Kinda hard to know what is going on without TEXT!
wahhh! PLEASE also upload the part II and III of this game admin! (*゚∀゚*)
Does anyone know where one might find that “bug patch” that puts the dudes in just their boxers? I’m…asking for a friend. >_> <_<
Nevermind. Found it elsewhere. It’s super hard to find what you’re looking for when everything is in Japanese.
omg you found it?!?!?! please please please tell me where?? I’ve been looking for it for ages and still can’t find it ToT
I just wanted to ask if it’s REALLY NEEDED to change the locale of the computer to play the game. I’m just afraid that my laptop would start having problems or so by changing the locale.
dot kareshi 2 and 3 english pacht have released
Excuse me~~
even dot kareshi 2 and 3 released already we should download full japanese of it right??
did you know… where.. to.. download it…?
or maybe admin wanna upload those?! :3~~~~
Dot kareshi 2 and 3 have release the english pacth ! grab it guys hurry !
I followed all of the instructions above and still i cant open the game :'( Everytime i try to open it there’s always this thing popping out saying \Dot Kareshi -We’re 8bit Lovers!\ Has stopped working
Hello, i have the same prob as you, but i found this way and it work for me. You should try it.
Right click at DotKareshi -> Run with graphics processor -> Change default graphics processor
A window called manage 3D settings will pop up
Then click Add and choose DotKareshi.exe
Next, at the drop down menu choose High-performance NVIDIA processor.
Let run the game again.
How do you unlock the ‘Extra’ menu?
I’ve finished this game, got all endings (9, isn’t it?), but the ‘Extra’ menu won’t be unlocked, is there anything that I need?
Umm, no need, I have found the solution. Thank you.
What did you do to fix it? What kind of solution is it?
I seem to be having a problem with the dialog in the game. I cant see the text that’s in the game. Can you please help admin?
So I downloaded it and all, It runs but there is NO text at all when the characters speak D:
(using mac and Wine ) pleas help 🙁
OMG! You made it work with wine and mac? How did you do it please? I use OSX and wine too, but mine would just go blank after clicking start and saying that there was some kind of error. huhuhu I would really appreciate the help. 🙂 Thanks
Btw, maybe you just forgot to install the font? I already installed the font and even changed the “system locale” to Jap. But still, like I said, nothing happened. I would really appreciate some guidance.
Hi! I can’t play this game. It is crashing when I’m going to start the game. Anybody have same problem?
Btw, I’m using Windows 8 64 bit.
Follow the instructions. You forgot to install the required font.
I’m already installed it on my pc. But, I still can’t open it.
Error message is “DotKareshi stop working…”
Hello, since my laptop is also win 8 64bits and has the same prob as you, it think you should try this way. It works for me
Right click at DotKareshi -> Run with graphics processor -> Change default graphics processor
A window called manage 3D settings will pop up
Then click Add and choose DotKareshi.exe
Next, at the drop down menu choose High-performance NVIDIA processor.
Let run the game again.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful game! Love this site! Is there an english translation for the other parts too?
Looking forward to future releases from you guys! You rock!
Is there a way to keep the text from escaping the box it’s supposed to stay in? Dialouge is going over the right side of the box and leading off-screen.
Also, my captcha was \rowdy panties!\ Sounds appropriate to me!
After playing this, I totally in love with it!
Now I can’t wait to for the second and third part. >W<
Thanks Admin for this amazing game!
(P.S. Is there anyone knew the place where I could download the full version in japan for all this series? If you do, thank you very much for your kindness!)
I can’t download because I’m only allowed to download files up to 200Mb only :(((
“DA-free” (second option on this page) contains the same files split into 200MB parts.
is this a demo or the full?
Full OFC. There are no demos on this site.
Thank you so much for uploading this and other otome games on your site!!! 😀 I’m so excited to play this!
Admin please can you upload Hara Kano!! ~Ano Ko To Lovelove Harabote Seikatsu~ if you can find it? i’m 100% sure it’s been translated by loequality but i can’t find the patch anywhere
It was asked for earlier. I did some searching and the patch that got released was an April fools joke – it only translates 15% of the game.
Don’t forget that there’s a ‘bug patch’ on the official Rejet site that declothes the guys. Heh heh heh. Thanks, Rejet.
Fun Fact: That bug patch works juuuust fine with the English version here. Boxer shorts, boxershorts everywhere.
I have a problem. When I start the game, everything alright expect the conversation log won’t show the words. Do you know how to fix it?
This is a really good game. Good choice for those that like old-style j-rpg’s.
“rather small quantity”
get ready huniepop will coming 21 january 2015!
Yay! I finally got to play this!! ^w^
But yeah. Some one needs to translate the Sugar Beans Games. Those Otome Games are 18+ and interesting looking. I played the demos and wished I could read Japanese and play the full version. TT__TT
Hi, I’m a guy. I play VNs for the story. I don’t mind sex scenes, but I can do without them and the best games for me are games with little-to-no sex compared to story, like Fate/Stay Night (around 100 hours to complete and 4 sex scenes in the game). I’m not a prude, I’m not going to refuse to play a game that interests me because there’s sex in it, but I’m more interested in VN’s like Stein’s Gate (no sex) or Kamidori Alchemy Meister (which has a good bit of sex but very little compared to the amount of gameplay and story). I disagree with the idea that guys play VNs for porn and girls play for story. Thanks.
I completely agree, except the thing about Kamidori- it has quite a heap of H even compared to story as there is at least 1 H scene (and often more) for every side character and there are quite a couple of them, so it adds up to a formidable volume (especially if you get them almost all on your second playthrough).
However I like games with litle H content too. It is sometimes quite good for the story (FS/N isn´t bad), but once I am watching 8-10th H-scene again in the same style I often start skipping quite long parts of them.
Btw, I would nominate Tsukihime for a good game with rather quantity (and not bad quality) of H.
Yes! Thank you!I’m a girl and I don’t mind sex scenes either as long as the story is nice
Admin, are you going to upload the new version of ef combining the first and latter tale just released by Mangagamer last month?
By the way admin, do you only check comments in new posts? I’d like to know just in case.
hey admin, can I get the english patch only? I already had the game from long time ago..
or where I can get it..
It seems the part one, right?
Yes, 2nd and 3rd aren’t translated yet (as soon as they’ll be, you’ll find them here).
Ah, the game is too short >.>
Pretty cute, though.
sooooo… no yuri? or there is miracles in this world?)
Do you play regular VNs with the hope of a yaoi route…?
After i play start there is a male voice then the screen go black and when the game should begin it crash…
Help please !!!
I would like to know this too, it does the same thing on my computer! And I got so excited…it started so cute! 🙁
Same problem…….. ANYONE HEEELP MEEEEEE!!!
Have you tried running the game with japanese locale? Or some sort of app locale?
Yes, I have run it with the home region Japanese, and changed my font and et al to Japanese too. Does it help that I’m playing in Windows 8, using a Surface Pro tablet?
What I did to fix this problem was set my computer in japanese by system locale (control panel/region) and also run app locale on the DotKareshi.exe. *also dont forget to download the font listed in Module/DotKareshi (the third folder on first page) I ran mine on windows 8 and doing this fixed this exact problem, hope it does for you 🙂
Thanks so much noob! I worked perfectly for me, thanks. Now to enjoy playing…
Why do all otome games have no sexual content? They’re VNs ffs
some girls love to act innocent and all that so they wouldn’t wanna buy/play hentai games… :p so this otomegame focuses on those sort of girls…
Boys play VNs for the porn, girls play for the story. And there are heaps of explicit otome games
“Heaps of explicit otome games” Name just one even. I actually went on a search to try to find an otome game where there is erotic content for a female friend of mine and I came up empty after a 3 day search… Meh.
While no otome game with sexual content has been translated into English, there really are 100s of them available in Japanese.
To name a few: Queen of Darkness, 月ノ光太陽ノ影, 銀の冠碧の涙, いじわるMyMaster (this one has Spanish patch that translates a few routes).
The demo of “Izanai” (いざない) by Princess Crown (プリンセスクラウン) has an english translation and a russian one.
Yes, it is an Otome game – and yes, it has explicit sexual content.
But ONLY the demo has been translated for now.
More infos can be found at vndb(dot)org.
Ijiwaru My Master, Under The Moon, Jingi Naki Otome, Onedari Sharemate, Vampire Sweetie, Crazy Rabbits, Love Drops, Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari, PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~, Akazukin to Mayoi no Mori, Tsubasa no Oka no Hime, Koezaru wa Akai Hana, Toriko no Marriage, Riddle Garden, Trick or Alice, Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi, Memories, Gin no Kanmuri Ao no Namida, Butlers/Royals/Brothers.
There are plenty more, these are a few that I have actually played myself.
That is so wrong on many levels, as if I play a 40 hour VN for a few short h scenes.
fucking exactly, the H-scenes with attractive characters are just a nice topping and also part of healthy adult relationships.
Nukige, on the other hand, i play for the Hentai.
Because the one’s that ARE 18+ aren’t getting translated into English.
Are you retarded? Not all VN are eroge .
because its a game and not a porno but if porno is what your interested in red tube is your friend
Most likely because of the idea females don’t like or shouldn’t like sex. Probably a vicious circle kind of thing.
Is it me or does the main char look like saber from fate/stay night
His name is Pickled Radishes, actually, and yes, yes he does.
it’s otomegame
its yaoi isnt it
“Female Protagonist” tag anyone?
No, it’s “otome game” – basically visual novel with girls as target audience – rather than harem of girls flocking to single guy, as it’s usual the case in “traditional” dating sims, the genders are reversed – you have a single girl as main character with dozen or so attractive guys competing for her heart.
Are all girls futa in your world? You’re weird.