Wanting to forget his bitter breakup with dear Junka, Kazuma chose the farthest place he could to run to: Europe. There he learned about wine and how to serve it with style, and eventually became employed as an expert sommelier at fine restaurants. After several years of this lifestyle, he crossed paths with his former love. Junka had grown even more elegant and beautiful since the had been together, bring back all the old memories of their love. When she told him that she’d been made manager of a new high-class restaurant, he found himself agreeing to work there before he knew what he was doing.
Upon his return to Japan, he prepared for his new employment at Platinum: Oceanside, a very special restaurant which offers superb food, an elegant atmosphere, and to his surprise — incredibly cute waitresses who dress in sexy bunny girl costumes! Lucky for him, these aren’t just your average bunny girls. They’re extremely horny, and aggressively approach Kazuma to have their desires fulfilled.
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3rd time I’m playing it. Great game, never gets old.
Please fix part 3 link doest work
Sorry that was just my Internet
This game was such a disappointment after the first one. The characters are either completely bland or shallow knockoffs of the 1st game’s cast, they recycle the 1st game’s \everyone has a specific kink/fetish\ setup, but in a boring way that recycles a trio of kinks (Madoka is an exhibitionist sort like Sae, Shiroi is a sex maniac with toys like Chimaki, Sumika has no kink other than being there for the older woman/christmas cake fetishist) and blandly uses the other two (Makoto’s boobs kind of only go so far in sustaining different sexy situations, and Misuzu’s ice queen submissive tendencies never seem to evolve past making the protagonist seem kinda like a possessive, abusive twat), and all the stories feel like they end too soon. I spent teh whole time with Misuzu’s route expecting something like Ryo from the 1st game or Sanae from The Sagara Family where you’d break through the icy, standoffish shell to find some actual emotions underneath, but nope. They tease that she’s changed during the epilogue scene and that’s it.
I’m also still shocked that for a series which is as up front and casual about its sex as this series is, that they didn’t have a harem path.
Download through the link here instal it but can’t lunch it (it does nothing ) I’m on win 10 (yeah such a cra*) and don’t have any proble with the first
If someone could help me I’ll br very thankful
and by the way admin you’re awesome keep up the good work
I downloaded this game for my old laptop but now that I got a new one decided to move the game. But after I install it and use DAEMON Tool it takes to the menu were it says play,install,reinstall, etc. But when I click play nothing happens. Whats wrong?
having the same problem
hi the third file is down can you upload it again please admon thanks by the way for all you done
Just copy the file named BNY2US in mounted file. After that, put it into the directory file where you installed the game. Keep it both when you copy into it. Correct me if I’m wrong. Thank you.
The crack doesn’t Work. I Mount the images using Daemon Tools Lite and then I run the no-CD crack and it says “Can’t use the connected file GGD.” Please help.
had the same problem but fized it like this. you take the crack and move it to where u installed the game. itll ask you if u wanna replace and move or whatever but you choose to leave em both. the crack should come out as BNYUS(2). run that as admin and should be good to go. sorry for lame explanation but best i can explain. if anything leave nother reply
Is this compatible with Mac?
If you use Parallels. I own a Mac Pro and run OS/X 10.9, and have no problems running Windows 8 and most eroge programs made for windows. The only thing is, you do have to have an actual windows installation disk to install windows on your Mac. Parallels will then run windows software on your Mac.
If its not keeping your save data, you need to run the main .EXE as administrator. This should only be needed on Windows Vista/7 and possibly 8.
I’ve saved the game data in a few slot but when I quit/close the game and try to start playing later I can not load the data.
my saved data is lost and only saw a new blank slot in load option.
when I try to play then save again I could load the data and go back to the save point as long as I didn’t quit/exit the game.
this is frustating ^^!
please help…
So, the crack is not functioning i guess. How to make this work ? it keeps telling me that “cd 2 is required to play this game”.
Nevermind, i’ve solved it. Do not use the crack at all 🙂
still i can’t play the game
it said please insert the correct scd rom
Please help!
Unmount the disk from daemon , then the no cd crack version worked O.O
el crack no me funcionó… lo copie a la carpeta de instalación y sigue pidiendo que inserte el disco de juego
how to install it ..?
lol i remember this one was cracking up lughing for days after finishing the first one an this one. Keep up the good uploads 🙂