The story revolves around Takuro Hayami who transferred to the mostly female Saint Arcadia School. Seemingly all of the girls want to have sex with him because the school only recently started admitting male students. Takuro seems like a normal student, but what the girls later realize when they try to take advantage of him is that he has a secret. Takuro has an “Ultimate Sex Power” that becomes the focus of St. Arcadia’s sexual power struggle.
ignore the cue file, mount the bin file with wincdemu or something similar and you are good
I’m having the same problem as Bob, the CUE is there, but it’s apparently ‘missing’
It’s not opening in my Daemon Tools, it’s saying the CUE is missing, but it’s not
Are the free download links working?
I downloaded all 4 parts, extracted them, but I only got a .bin file and a VLC media player file?
Did I miss something?
Yes. This is very old game (released before advent of digital distribution platforms). The files you downloaded are a clone image of actual, physical CD disk that the game shipped on. You can find manual on how to handle them and run the game in our FAQ section: https://erogedownload.com/faq/mounting-cd-images-with-daemon-tools/
Thank you very much!
do you have Discipline Excellent version
When I reach the ending (I think)
It says
Cannot open the file[ .hgo]
Excute from the CD-ROM startup screen. Retry
Its excect wording and its file name is shown as blank?
Any one can help?
I downloaded all parts, and extracted the files. I tried to mount the disks on Daemon, but it tells me “corresponding CUE file was not found”, and doesn’t let me mount it. Does anyone know how to fix this? This didn’t happen with my other games.
Hi thanks to :
Ares says:
August 9, 2015 at 1:44 pm
His reply is the only one who perfectly work of all the rest. maybe it’s just his/her way to explain that’s far better to me but at least i CAN PLAY NOW ! ! !
Hi, sorry to trouble everyone about the instalation of this game but ….
When i change the two files with “hht-disc.bin” or just the .cue or just the .bin. it doesn’t work because daemons tool always told me that the file .cue doesn’t exist or hadn’t been found ( i’m french )
Every time I start the game there’s a “Writing the data failed” error message. Anyone else have this issue? Anyone smart enough to help me fix it?
I’d like to see a similar story in terms of dominant women, but without such a pushover male character. Like just a totally disinterested guy who actually holds his own, but can actually CHOOSE to submit. Anybody know of a VN like that?
Yes, the game history starts good, but is fucked because of the challenge and the girls fight, pretty stupid, I hate how is basically “marry the puritan or get NTR’ed”.
Yo buddy i am a beginner u can say to computer have no idea at ALL how to download it can you please help me, I dont know how to make it work.
Is there anyway to configure the game, like to change the volume levels or make it play windowed? Got it installed fine, but it launches in a full screen window, and the system menu has nothing there which allows setting much of anything.
This game needs a sequel and corruption of protagonist by selecting bad choices. The protagonist just seems so beta, having a hard time enjoying the game because he’s such a sissyboy. I wanna train him into a manslut to rival the girls, anyone knows a good eroge that allows just that?
Im getting an Writing data failed and writing ar data failed cant save or load games, the game used to work before but for some reason it just stopped working im playing on windows 10.
NVM just found it above me
i get discipline.cue and discipline.bin.
what happen? am i have to re-download it?
oops, just found it above me.
When I hav changed the name of the binary in the cue. However when I attempt to install I get \Unable to copy file [VOICE2.PAK] please check disc space\
Although I have plenty if space on my pc. Any ideas?
1st: Install Daemon Tools ( http://na-us7.disc-tools.com/request?p=02c75ddfb8bb74e228a1fd84a7c3e7ca/DTLiteInstaller.exe ).
2nd: Double click in the first part of the rar and extract the file.
3rd: Open the .cue in the notepad.
4th: In the first line you should see: FILE “hht-disc.bin” BINARY .Replace the “hht-disc.bin” with “Discipline.bin” (or name of the .bin file if you renamed it).
5th: Save the changes in the .cue file.
6th: If you already installed the Daemon tools, mount the file (double click in the .cue file).
Holy shit!! Thanks bro
I am a complete noob to this and I have no idea how to install this. I have the rar files, but no idea what to do with them. Help?
Well, solving the problem mounting the image.
1- Make sure the .bin and the .cue are in the same folder.
2- Open the .cue in the notepad.
3- In the first line you should see: FILE “hht-disc.bin” BINARY .Replace the “hht-disc.bin” with “Discipline.bin” (or name of the .bin file if you renamed it).
4- save the changes in the .cue and mount it.
Or if you don’t like several steps just rename “Discipline.bin” to “hht-disc.bin”.
Yo i dont get what u just said can u be give me a beginner with comepletely no idea hwo to downlaod it please
help!!! i already install Daemon and i still can’t play the game..
i already mount it but it says file cannot be found!!
when I get to choosing tutor section, I can’t choose anything other than getting tutored by the main heroine and cheating. Does anyone know how to fix this?
When I try to mount the image using Gizmo Drive I get the following error.
I:\ is not accessible.
The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.
I tried changing the drive letter and changing “hht-disc.bin” to “Discipline.bin”. Can anyone help?
pls. help when i mount the bin file it always say “Error in command line”
You have to open the .cue file with the editor and change the “hht-disc.bin” to “Discipline.bin” and then it should work.
Open cue file with notepad and u will see
FILE “hht-disc.bin” BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
edit with notepad so it will be
FILE “Discipline.bin” BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Dude! you are the best!!!
Your instructions should be stickied.
Anyone with this issue do what he says.
YOU ARE AWESOME! Never had this problem before on this site and surprised more people aren’t saying anything in the comments.
cant mount the bin and cue file, it always say “Error in command line”. Can someone help me pls.
When I try to mount the image I get ‘Unable to mount image’ error, I have already downloaded and extracted the files.
i download and extract files. but there is no game. is it broken or missing link?
The files seems to be corrupted, no matter how many times i try (i’ve tried at least 5 time part 2 and at least once for each other parts, i never can decompress the files
Here are the steps that worked for me:
1) Make sure you have daemon tools or something equivalent.
2) Download files
3) Extract them with 7zip or equivalent
4) Mount them with daemon tools
5) If autorun does not kick in go to your explorer, click on the mounted CD and find the application called setup and click it.
6) Follow the installation steps and put the game files where you wish, easier if you install them in the same place you extracted your download files but to each is own.
7) I’m not sure why but sometimes just clicking the application to start the game itself will cause the game to not have music and not let you save, even though all the files are present. To solve this go back to the mounted CD and copy and paste the setup application and start the game using that instead of the default startup application. This may be a problem specific to win 64 operating system but I’m not 100% sure. Hope this helps and enjoy the novel as it is awesome.
Hey buddy i have no idea what any of what u said meant just please help me please im beginner i have no idea how to do anything please help me
Are there more Games whit that much femdom?
I also wish there were more femdom-based VNs! I would love to know of any others. Sadly, this is the only one I’ve ever found, with the exception of the monster girl genre (“reverse rape”) games like Violated Hero and Monster Girl Quest.
Yeah, there is Starless, Cleavage and Bible black to name a few all by the same studio / artist
Sometime i wish active soft would have never dissolved then we would have had a proper sequel to this and Bible Black. I’ve kinda wished there was more branching choice in this like there was in Bible Black.
i can’t played this game
They call Leona Morimoto “the devil’s child”.
This is simply not true.
Leona Morimoto comes from a place that is not Hell.
She comes from a place way, way worse.
I don’t know what’s it cslled, where it is or what’s in there, but that is where she came from.
The devil himself is afraid of that place.
This game is the ultimate in brutality, degradation, humiliation, and torture. Totally has almost zero enjoyable and pleasurable sex in it.
Why oh why did this have to be my first eroge?
Oh god this was your first? I feel so bad for you… Mine was Da Capo, I regret nothing getting hooked, especially since my next one was shuffle… If you don’t mind story over sex, those are amazing, if you want a nukagi, you might want to ease into something easier, like some mindless harem thing where everyone loves the MC for no apparent reason…this game is just kind of a “How far can we push it before the player loses the boner”
1 good ending vs 4 bad endings. Also the bad endings…are REALLY bad. also you should probably get them done first for the good ending to actually be good, otherwise its kinda lacking…
Thanks for the game but I need some help
When I reach the ending (I think)
It says
Cannot open the file[ .hgo]
Excute from the CD-ROM startup screen. Retry
Its excect wording and its file name is shown as blank
What should i do ?
I fucked kaneda after the tutorial and thats what I got
i’m a total novice at this so i dont know how it works exactly
when i finish downloading 1 part,
it says windows cant find application to open the file
is there a good application to do this?
do i have to download all the parts in order for it to work properly?
and what should i expect, a video or an actual game?
Re:I need some help here. When I tried to mount the cue file, a pop out window says “Unable to access image file”.
I need some help here. When I try to mount the cue file, it said that “it cannot be mounted”. I dont know what to do since I am a totally noob to these stuff, a beginner.
i need help here , what must i do when i finished extracting the files ? when i clicked on the Discipline with Daemon tools logo , its unable to mount the image , please can somebody help me
so long want download sia .. LOL
this is very easy to intal just extract and then mount the Discipline.bin and you got the intaler and just intal like other game you intal that it if you still got problem try again luv this game
help it dosnt work
i can download it fine but when i have to play it i dont have an app to start the game
los archivos tan dañados
For some reason I’m not getting any VA sounds anymore.
Reinstalled and have the same issue. Music is still there but Characters won’t \speak\.
When I start the game with DISCIPLINE.EXE there is music but no voices (image is mounted), but when I start it with setup.exe from mounted image, there is.
Is this uncensored ?
I love how this game doesn’t take its self too seriously, plenty of humor afoot, passable plot, great sex scenes.
can someone put up a torrent of this game, please?
When i open the game it’s just like i didn’t, just continue on desktop and when i see the process the game is there…dunno to do xP
how to fix this?
part 4 dosen’t work?
nevermind my bad all is working well thanks
Thank you for hosting this, love this site!
Parts 3 and 4 (free version) say they “cannot be downloaded.” Help?
I’m on Windows 7, Internet Explorer.
Hey! Can anyone tell me, Is there any S&M eroge on this site.
I was curious at to why renaming the two files to hht-Disc works in the first place? Does it have something to do with the original game code only relating to that specific file name?
If you open the .cue file and change the line (FILE “hht-disc.bin” BINARY) to (FILE “Discipline.bin” BINARY) then it’ll work without the filename change. Whoever created the BIN/CUE ended up naming the file something other than what the CUE sheet built. That’s the entire reason behind the naming issue, nothing more.
How can I get v 1.1 patch?
When I play this game, some errors happened…
so i visited some sites in japan
I am doing the free download so it comes in 4 seperate parts. I still don’t fully understand the installation process. I am reading the comments on how to install the 1click version, from what I understand. Now the problem at hand is that every file is named the same…. with the same size so I am not sure as to how I go about installing from this state. I read that people “mount” the files”, I am not sure as to what this pertains. Help?
I DL’d Daemon Tools lite and in fooling around I discoverd how to mount files however I cannot mount the .Cue files as they are not available? I see that everyone is having the same problem but no one seems to have an answer. So again does anyone know how the people like me who are having troubles have any input as to how to solve this problem?
It seems as though I have solved my own problem lol. When adding a file to Daemon tools be sure to click show all files instead of all image files. It is the .bin files that you use. When I mounted the first .bin file it autoran the installer. I am going through the process now. If I have further problems I will document here my process.
admin, i’ve finished mounting it and now trying to install it. but it will say the specified directory is invalid or inaccessible or cannot be created help
anyone knows how to windowed? Please help. Thanks. :]
just press F4 when you at game screen go to window mode
hello…i got the same problem…i change the .cue file name … start install..and error show up.. [Unable to copy discipline.exe . please check disk space].
i still have 100GB free space in my HDD. Please tell me how to solve that error.
i really want to play this game. thank you.
can someone help..i already extract the game, then when im mounting the disciple CUE file it always says “Unable to Mount: File is not accessible”.how do i make it work?
Amended instructions that worked for me
1. extract the game to a folder
2. change the .cue name to hht-disc.cue and .bin name to hht-disc.bin
3. open Daemon Tools
4. some people may get a “file is not accessible” to make it work,
5. in the Daemon tool menu when you choose the file, make sure you pick “all files”, not “all image files”
6. after that just click on the .cue file and install the game.
is there an end where hayami gets together with leona, like not evil shit? i dunno if i want to download this, and i kinda want a conversion of that evil bitch.
hello i tried to change the filename to .bin file but still i cant load it.. coz even if i rename the .cue file the result is hht-disc.bin its still in .cue file can anyone pls help me??thanks in advance.
hi guys
i have another problem
i managed to mount it but i have problems installing it.
in the middle of the installation it says ‘Unable to copy file[A98FAST.PAK] Please check disc space’
can you plesae help me?
Well it says ‘check disk space’. The first thing to error-solving is reading the error, you need to make space on your harddrive because at the moment there is not enough to install the game.
im on part 3 and i am finiched with part 1-2 but i cant download part 3 quz it sess that you can only download 1 part per time and im not downloading any parts and i only have the 3rd one left, how do i fix this plz help.
when i changed the filename to .bin file, i cannot mount it anymore, what should i do?
i have the same problem.. when i rename the .cue file to .bin file its still not accessible.. can you tell me what did you do to solve that problem?? i really want to play this game. please help me.thank you
arigatou gozaimasu
anyone know if there is a english dub OVA for this?
The voice of Leona seems eerily similar to the one for enshou in koihime musou, especially the laughing. could it be same VA?
hrm..by the way admin….can i resize the game frame to windowed mode?i reallyyy dont liked playing with full size…anyone know how?or its just cant be played in windowed mode…
hmm.. based on what all the comments have said.
1. extract the game to a folder
2. change the .cue name to hht-disc.bin
3. open Daemon Tools
4. some people may get a “file is not accessible” to make it work,
5. in the Daemon tool menu when you choose the file, make sure you pick “all files”, not “all image files”
6. after that just click on the .cue file and install the game.
Now Guys, this is “HOW YOU EXPLAIN THINGS” the right way.., Thanks a lot dude. Love yah.
girls in this game can summon their pussy when they want to have sex. the rest of the time they only have a pointy hairless pussyless crotch.
The second site, Fileserve , said the file link has expired.
can someone tell me will he turn the situation and be a man or is he the one who is “disciplined”?
Only in the true ending. And in that true ending, he gets revenge; BIG time.
I am having trouble with mine it is saying Writing the data failed. I managed to download and install everything after reviewing the trouble shooting and changing the file name but because of this every time there is another scene or I try to save it comes up (cant save cause of it). Also when I exit says Writing AR Data has failed if anyone could help me I would appreciate it.
Try running the game as administrator. Some of those older games are bitch to get to play on Windows 7.
……….Okay that worked but why exactly did that work. Would you mind explaining to me I am a little slow I guess.
Basically – windows vista and 7 doesn’t let modify files in certain locations ( like “Program Files” ) if the application isn’t digitaly signed. Apps ran with administration priveleges have full read/write access to any file on system.
admin why cant i save or load the game?
Just wanted to say that the community here is amazing, I had some problems and I simply scrolled down a bit and the answers were already there, thanks everyone
Thank you both for the help, I dont know if this have anything to do with it but for some reason both files are coming up as “VLC media files” and I already tried mounting both it keep saying “file is not accessible” for some reason. Should I redownload the rar again?
Redownloading won’t help if you extract without problems and problems just occur later.
I have no idea why you have those extensions associated with VLC.
Ok I managed to figure out how to change both files from a “VLC media file” and manage to change them to just “bin file and cue file” but I’m still having same issue. I later even tried to download other games and see if same problem occur but all other games worked correctly. For some reason every time I put the “cue file” for the game in my daemon tool pro and try to mount it same message keep showing up “file is not accessible”. I know how to use daemon tool but this game just not working for me has anyone else have any problems with this game?
Had the same exact problem as yours but instantly remedied by the above comment. I just changed the file name to hht-disc (both of them) and it works like a charm!
I can confirm that this works.
i download all the .rar files and used 7zip to but them together and ended up with two file that ended up vcl play files. i changed those two files to hht-disc but it still shows vlc media. can you help me so i can play the game?????
Thanks for uploading this game but can you please help with problem? I cant extract the game files or mount game after I already extracted from rar my computer say, “file is not accessible”
If you can’t even extract the files, then most likely your download got corrupted. Try redownloading.
Okay that makes sense thanks for the quick reply, I will try again
I just redownloaded the game and same problem maybe I’m doing something wrong here. First I download all 3 parts from fileserve/sonic, second I extract rar and create a “Discipline” folder and last I have two files in my folder label Discipline that I cant do anything with extract or mount. Any advice, am I’m doing something wrong or is file corrupted so I should redownload again?
Take a look at what type of files those two files are and then check how to use them using google, that’s what I do when something doesn’t work and it’s never failed me yet.
Actually he doesn’t even have to look at google. I made tutorials about mounting game images some time ago – they are in “FAQ” section.
If the unpacking process completed without errors, then that means you downloaded them properly.
The two files you got are actual disc images – you should mount the .cue file and install the game.
Ok I tried to mount it on the cue.file again and it keep saying “file is not accessible”. I must be doing something wrong I’m gonna have to play with it to figure it out I’ll let you know if I figure anything out but if anybody have any ideas on what Im doing wrong or what I should do please let me know? Your advice will be much appreciated thank you
how do you (mount)? the the .cue files??? im ne at this and am confused on how to download these games after i get them as a .rar file
change the filename to ‘hht-disc.bin’ and then load the cue again. or edit the cue to the match the .bin name. cue can be loaded with disk burning or virtual cdroms such as DAEMON Lite etc…
Thanks for the help Obaka it worked perfectly after changing the bin.name and also thanks everyone for trying to help me with file problem
just wanted to thank you also. just downloaded the game and was having the same problem.
Thanks! I was having this same problem. After I changed the filename it worked properly. Now to go play the game…. 😉
I don’t know how that worked, but it did. I have no choice but to suspect that you are a witch.
Yeaaah I was having the exact same problem…it must be sorcery!
great upload luv this game thanks
thanks admin