This game pits four of the most famous and lovely girls in the Viper universe against each other in a fully animated scrolling game!
Featuring the four lovely characters of Asuka (Viper CTR), Carrera (Viper GTS), Mika (Viper M16) and Akira (Viper M1), you choose which character you want to play as. Up to four girls can play against each other, and each player can be controlled either by human players or the computer. In the case of playing with multiple humans, you can choose different control methods for each player (mouse or keyboard).
In Viper Paradise, the four lovely players roll dice and move across a complex map, picking up various cards which give benefits or take them away as they go. The goal is to assemble a complete set of “movie cards” which allow you to watch all the hentai movies in the game.
Danger lurks at every turn. Will you gain or lose money as a result of the various events that occur? How will your opponents get in the way of your completing the perfect Viper movie collection? By calling a sudden dice duel, or perhaps using a hidden card to steal movie cards from you?
Very fun board game – that map was so detailed like that エロ (Ero) on the shrooms, though I expected more maps to play on.
Is there a fix/patch or any other file that will help the videos to play. Right now, the current codec is nothing short of disappointing.
TBH the original version (not red/violet/black) was insanely buggy with a horrible codec.
Without dl’ing this or anything, it’s insanely apparent which version this is, heh…
thank, it’s really hard to find this game…
hey does anyone have these games?
it’s love love show! and alchemic girl it’s from hobibox europe, it’s says already release in english,
I’ve tried what Durlag wrote and it works. I use a netbook with Windows 7. Set the Daemon tools (SecureRom enabled), mount the bin, install the game (location shouldn’t matter). After that, choose the \VPRunner.exe\ file and press enter like crazy. Yes, it won’t work most of the time. So instead of pressing once and wait to see whether it will run or not, just keep pressing that enter button (or double click) until the game run.
But the movie still won’t play (and that the reason WHY we play the game, duh!) even after I install the encoder.
I play the game because it’s hilarously weird, and sometimes hilariously bad.
The videos aren’t that great. If you’re really interested in them, there is a program somewhere that can rip the videos to regular .avi (I think) files. I used to have it, just because I wanted to know if the movies were worth the trouble. (Not really, unless you’re interested in “porn gaming archaeology”.)
Code for posting: “by the board”, so apparently the bot filter agrees with me. ;D
Do you still remember the software name? That would help me a lot in finding the software.
The Hobibox Italia (aka multi-lingual releases) of Viper titles will be re-released with new graphics to tablets soon, edited where needed (although I’m trying to get unedited versions for the OUYA store). As far as videos and Viper Paradice, there is a weird codec used that should come on the CD, possibly as a separate install.
downloading this and v16 atm while playing m1, but I cant seem to find the other 2 from viper series, could anyone suggest a web or link fot DL-ing those 2? I’d like to collect all the series
As far as I can tell from hunting this game for a few years, there are two versions of the game out there: one that won’t work (and usually comes packaged with a txt/nfo that describes the \fix\ that Durlag mentioned, except it doesn’t actually help), and one that was hard as fuck to find but actually runs.
I have the second one, but lost the installation files.
I think it works if you just copy the installation folder (I tried copying it from my laptop to my stationary computer and the game seems to run fine), but I can’t make any guarantees.
I’m running Win7 on both my computers, by the way.
I’m more than happy to share my folder of the game with everyone who can’t get this download running, because the game is awesomely bonkers. I’m just not sure how, since I’ve never done anything like that before. I guess I could look into setting up a FTP or something…
Soooo, i went with the procedure Durlag wrote earlier.
Mounted the image in an SCSI virtual drive, after enabling securom, installed the whole thing, codecs included.
And all of this in japanese local, of course.
But no matter how many times i try to run the VPRunner.exe, nothing happens, just a bit of loading, the game shows up in my task manager, then disappears.
Anyone managed to make this game work so far? (i’m using win7, that may be a deciding factor here, dunno)
I got it to work, kinda. But I can’t get the movie files to play.
So has anyone managed to get this thing working yet?
Copy-pasted from an ftp-site:
Viper Paradice is protected with Securom.
Running with a Daemon-tools mounted image is possible, yet frustrating:
1. Mount the image in Daemon-tools, and enable Securom emulation. You can install without needing to do this, but the game will not run. Don’t forget to install the video codec completely. Just installing new files did not work for me, but installing everything did.
2. Running the game is the hard part. You have to keep executing \VPRunner.exe\ in the bin subdirectory of the paradice directory over and over again until it works. I haven’t kept a tally but I’d say it works anywhere from 5% to 30% of the time.
If you can’t enable Securom emulation in Deamon Tools in the \Special\ option menu, because it tells you that only experienced users shall tinker with those settings, then do this (copy pasted from Daemon Tools’ site):
1. Right click on the Daemon Tools icon in the system tray > Preferences > Advanced
2. In the right section, check \Advanced Emulation\
3. Click on Apply and you will be ask to reboot your system (validate with the OK button)
This goes for the older versions. Newer ones don’t have this option. If the special option area is still greyed out, then create and SCSI virtual drive, reboot, and the advanced options should be enabled. Also, load the image file in this SCSI drive.
it won’t run for me when i click the icon to start it.
how can i get it to play?