After losing his wife, the protagonist (name can be changed) quit his job and has been living a life of apathy.
Alcohol, women, drugs… his decadent lifestyle destroyed everything that was once happy.
Having lost his job and the home he once shared with his family, the only things left to the protagonist are his daughter Jessica (Jessie) and a rusty motorhome.
Even so, the protagonist continues his self-indulgent life, escaping from reality.
However, those days of decadence finally came to an end…
To buy drugs, the protagonist borrowed money from the mafia, and now the debt collector, David, has come to collect.
It was a small amount borrowed to buy drugs, but the mafia’s interest rates are exorbitant.
The debt has ballooned to an unpayable amount, and David demands the protagonist’s motorhome as collateral.
For the protagonist, the motorhome is his only asset, and losing it would mean having no place to live from the next day.
The protagonist pleads for more time to repay the debt, but David hits him.
The one who stops David is the protagonist’s only remaining family member… Jessica.
David finds Jessica annoying, but when he learns that she earns some income from streaming, he makes a proposal.
He suggests that Jessica stream pornographic content and use the earnings to pay off the protagonist’s debt…
Does anyone know if the version where she gets pregnant continues in version 1.15 or just in 1.10?
boy what the hell boy
como se desbloquean todas las escenas de sexo? sigo estancado con la misma
How do you unlock all the sex scenes? I’m still stuck with the same
A bunch of the file names are now in Russian and the game breaks when it tries (and fails) to load it. I have confirmed this is the issue as I fixed the first few errors by renaming the files in the proper japanese that the game was looking for but once I realized the MASSIVE amount of files that this would require (especially in the audio folders) I noped out of this.
It’s broken as F*&(^. Fix for F$%^’s sake.
You have to change the region in Windows to Japanese before opening your unzip program and extracting the files. It should have the proper files names when you do that, and will continue to work even after switching the region back. I think 7zip and WinRar also have a language option that should do the same thing. Also, if this isn’t the 1.06 version, update it because there are game breaking bugs when the language is set to English in the older versions.