Business is booming for La Soleil, the patissiere run by Kashou Minaduki with his two catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, his sister Shigure, and the Minaduki family’s four catgirl sisters.
Among them are the sarcastic oldest sister who hides behind a facade of toughness, Azuki, and the clumsy youngest sister who always tries her best even if she ends up doing more harm than good, Coconut. No one got along better than these two catgirls when they were younger, but lately, they’ve been fighting all the time.
Despite their sisterly love, a small misunderstanding ends up driving a wedge between them. As the story of these catgirl sisters unfolds, they’ll grow to understand each other and strengthen their familial bonds in this heartfelt catgirl comedy, which is only a little lewd. Now open for business!
NekoParaVol2Adult.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
NekoParaVol2Adult.part10.rar – 18.3 MB
How do I install this ?
You don’t have to install it. Just dowbload the files and then extract them with Winrar into your Program files folder. Then start the exe file. If you want a shortcut, rightclick on the exe file and then copy to Desktop. This will not copy the file itself, but it will make a shortcut to the exe file. After that you can doubleclick the shortcut to start the visual novel.
How can she slap? Tag this as nakige kami-admin-sama
also this is not nukige they my fam *headpats neko-chans*
Dafuq happened to my comment after I failed the captcha
Well, here it is again. Maybe people can more easily ctrl+f it if I replace the +s with spaces.
I had the
“script exception raised
cannot find script storage startup.tjs”
error when starting up Nekopara, and I fixed it!
The solution, if you downloaded the DA-free files, is to extract all of the .7z files at once, instead of one at a time (even extracting them in order is wrong. I dunno.)
on 7zip, I select all 10 files, right click the selection and ”Copy to” the desired destination folder instead of copying them to the destination folder in order.
Happy fapping :L
When the vol.3 of Nekopara will be
available for download i know english
version is gonna release on end of may
nd it will take time for u to upload
it.bt i don’t know how long i can
wait to play so please,please
upload it as fast as u can nd
tons of thnks in advance Admin.
Just downloaded this, new to h-games, want to play but i have questions. Only played 3 H-games/VN’s and 2 of them were nukige(?) the other had a REAL GOOD story …Wanko to Kurasou, I don’t mind the build-up before “the deed” but want to know first so I know what I’m getting into first thing.
1. Is this that type of game/VN, the kind that has a fair amount of story before the goods?
2. Should I DL Nekopara 0 and 1? or just 1 since I heard they loose there virginity in 1 start there? Is “0” just all story? Is “0” and/or “1” needed to play/DL in order to enjoy the story if the story is worth it? IS the story worth it?
3. What’s up with all the “+” that sometimes appear in my comments? how to fix?
Thanks in advance.
I cant download can someone tell me step y step what to do after I extracted the rar
Kinda disappointing that only 18+ version is free to download.
You have to buy the game on Steam if you want the all ages version. Oh well, better than nothing I guess. Thanks.
There’s really no point in downloading all-ages version, unless sight of anime boobies offends you for some reason – the only difference between those two is that all-ages skips few h-scenes, in order to comply with Steam platform requirements. You can also turn 18+ version into all-ages easily, by simply deleting one file in game folder (adultsonly.xp3 or something similar – don’t remember now), so making separate download links was pointless.
is this game has a BETA version ?? i have it this game but that scene is skipped, are this is a full version on this website ?? cencored or not ??
Thanks a lot
“that scene” you know what i mean right ??
cannot download otdiddly squat
cannot download
After starting the game the game loads i can hear the menu music and everything but the game dosen’t show itself on my screeen. I see only my wallpaper and I can’t do enything
Please help me!!! I have fully downloaded 10 parts, unzip em’all at the same time and it shows up 1 file only, with the application. But when i start the game, no shaking girl appear. Plz explain and help! Anyone!!! T.T
I got error message for part 2 and 3, and i can’t download more than 146,4MB on part 8.
bang request bunny black 3 english translite
Uuuum problem q w q started the game and none of the girls sprites show up?? I think something went wrong?? HELP PLEASE
my download speed won’t go over 20 kbps dang it
Hey Admin,
Is there a reason why the 1 click download speed wont go over 60kbps?
It was working normally about a week ago and then it started doing this i have tried quite a few others and this which have barely gotten to 55kbps. Sucks pretty bad when it says it’ll take 8-12 hours to download, Also my ping is at 4ms, download speed is 90.88mbps and upload speed is at 39.09 currently and i am able to download other things at a good speed from other sites so its not a problem on my end
the speed spiked for a minute then dropped again. Do you have another method i could download from?
try PeaZip, it works well with my computer…
hey why cant download == is there any web that an download this eroge plss i really want to play
Just there
Have fun !
where iz vol. 1 whhheeerreeeeeeeee
Look on Downloads, in this page. it should be around N… :/
So because there’s 10 parts and they mostly have the same things how do I pack them all into one folder?
Really? Wow you’re green behind the ears.
Use WinRar, 7zip or whatever is your archiving software of choice and rightclick any part and click extract here/extract files.
If you are asking how to make one big archive, simple just select all parts or the extracted folder, rightclick and press “add to archive”
If you have all parts in the same folder, just right click on first one and extract – WinRAR/WinZip/7-Zip will automatically pull content from following parts.
Don’t know about 7zip, but the latest versions of Winrar auto search for all similar parts IF in the same folder so the always start extracting the first part “rule” isn’t really necessary anymore.
Ofcourse this defo was true several years ago, old habits are funny sometimes.
The effects they use to animate the characters should be standard in any new VN coming out.
Played it for the story!
I have a problem when I click nekopara_vol2, it shows “Cannot load Plugin layerExImage.dll”
Can someone help me with that?
How to get an installer of this game i’m just a beginner if this website can you help me guys 🙂 thanks
Arigatō gozaimas
Most files are downloaded as rar so you need something like WinRar to open them and move them around. Search up a video on how to get that for free.
Next choose how you want to download it either through one touch with will download a 1 big rar file with contains the entire game and will take longer to download or download several files which will take a shorter time to download but have to be installed one by one.
Next after WinRar is installed and all files are downloaded proceed to right click the file or files depending on download method and right click and choose >extra files… next choose the folder you wish to extract it to and done.
Now just open that folder and run the exe and it should open up the game
I get an error that I’m missing a d3dx9_43.dll file after unzipping the game. What unzip program do you use? I’m using 7zip.
d3dx9_43.dll is one of DirectX components – you can download it from Microsoft’s website.
like do these guys even google for stuff other than fap material?
Is this the uncensored version>?
I would like to know as well. I don’t go for censored… EVER!.
there isn’t a completely uncensored version; this is the 18+ version, if that’s what you’re asking
Hey can someonepost their 100% save file 18+ for this game?
Weakling !
Play the game yourself !
Just get a autoclicker fuccboi
Y i cant download any game now ??normally will have to wait 120 second but now it will stop at 110 or 119 .ITs it i have to paid to continue download the game ?
What do I do after I extracted the file with 7zip to start the game?
Go extract file 1 with 7zip it will take a long time to extract, and then run directly. If you use 7zip all files will be extracted from all the rars in the perfect order. Tell me if you need more help. Also I assume you have set the System Locale to Japanese?
Not compulsory to pay for downloading I think. I have my brother’ paid ID but I DL for free half the time too.
Will you upload files to another file hoster?
1-click is paid,…
can you upload backstage pass its an otome game.
wow!!!,thank you very much..i loved this game since i played NekoPara Vol.1..too many H-scenes..
Azuki <3
What a time to be alive!
Love the game, but I only found out about this when my friend told me that it had been released. There’s been no new posts to the homepage, the link from Fairy Nights to this isn’t there, so I had to do a manual search. I mean, it was an annoyance and not a problem, but why isn’t the homepage updated, or at least links posted from one game to the next? I’m not going to pretend to know that I know how easy or difficult it is to post a link or such, I’m just curious.
Admin only posts new games on the homepage, if you want to see all games that get posted the feed. You can find it on the top right corner next to the search bar.
sir i want to ask, how come when I start the game my character just does not look only bug I saw. please find a solution (sorry my english marsh)
Please reply.
We can’t use the 1-click whitout pay D:
That’s why I post second version – DA-Free, which, as the label implies, lets you download everything without paying a dime. Both sets contain exactly the same files.
What a good day to be alive…
What files required to be copied to patch the all ages ver into 18+?
adultsonly.xp3 and patch.xp3 should do the trick.
It’s who I want to know, thanks.
Thanks admin, and is it also the same for the vol.1?
I believe so.
Does the bug when you petted Shigure fixed?
Yes, the version posted here is already patched to fix that one.
thanks admin! Anyway, will you add Bad End vn here?
site is called “eroge download” so I dont think that adding “sorta horror story for 12years old kids” is priority.
also its visual novel primarily for phones… enough said.
(they only made PC version much later)
what bug?
Hey admin do you plan on adding the pc version of danganronpa to the website?
I actually doubt it because that game requires installation instead of downloading which is much more complex.
thank you soooooo much. I’ve been waiting so long. TIME TO PLAY!!!
Catgirls are the best
Thanks as usual Admin.
So we will have a part 4 with the last catgirls it seems.
Please check the files properly before you admins upload them to your bad hosting site. I don’t wanna waste my time waiting for the cooldown just to download a corrupted download. Seriously, 2 minute wait time for a file, with a 5 minute cooldown between each files, for a corrupted download? Well played. Don’t try to remove this reply as you guys have done it with other people reporting the same issue.
Out of 30 thousand people who downloaded the game, less than a dozen reported any kind of corrupted download. I checked files myself and they download and unpack without problems. Looks like a case of PICNIC error for me…
Also, no-one is forcing you to use this website.
Jesus … shove free games down their throat and they still spit on you… Sometimes i wonder why you even do this. So in contrast i’d like to give you a big THANK YOU! for all your efforts. I really love this site and am grateful towards you for making it easier for us to enjoy this unique form of jap culture!
P.s: The game works fine, nothing’s corrupted here!
omg 7 minutes you must have gotten old meanwhile
Nevermind. I found out all of the other 9 parts somehow fused into the part 1 rar, so I just had to extract that one.
It is just me or anybody else too?
part 7 and 8 int data.xp3 when extracting using winrar got an error checksum/file corrupt
this game uncensored?
The penis and vagina were censored, but the boobs were not.
The penis and vagina were censored, but the boobs were not. You still can enjoy anyway..
I have the same problem with the plugin drawdeviceD3DZ.dll… the game star but the girls are missin i dont see them… anyone now how to fix it?
good god yes! praised be thee oh admin!
Is this version is uncensored? I mean the sex scenes are with squares?
hey, i have some problem on the sex scene there..where it started to be laggy when the sex scene appeared (not during the picture sex scene, but the movie one). Any solution for that??
My computer i5 1.8 GHz, 8GB ram, GEFORCE 625m
i dont think my computer cant sustain the graphics, need help¬¬
Maybe your laptop was using integrated gpu (Intel hd) instead of dedicated gpu (Nvidia). Try playing while charging your laptop, if your gpu support Optimus it’ll auto-switch to your dedicated one. Otherwise follow this steps:
1. Open Nvidia control panel
2. On Manage 3d setting, select tab program setting and add nekopara_vol2.exe (pink cat’s paw icon) from the list.
3. Below, on power management mode select “prefer maximum performance” from drop down list and click Apply.
4. Try play it again
Thanks for the advise friend. Still i cant get this to work :/
game runs fine but the sex-scenes lag. Updated my drivers, am running directx 12, adjusted energy-settings, still the same.
Anyone else figured this out?
Yay! I was waiting for this. Thank you so much Admin!
Thank you admin for the upload, and
I don’t know why, but even though I’ve installed all 10 parts of it and extracted it using winrar and have the whole folder fine and dandy, every time I click the nekopara_vol2 application my laptop freezes!
I can’t play T_T
Something’s definitely wrong, but I don’t know what – my mouse has that bluish circle thingy that shows up whenever windows is loading a new application, but then my laptop just completely froze.
Are you using Windows 10!?? Apparently some users (not all) on windows 10 also experienced many problems ie freeze, crash while petting waifus, plugins not found, etc. First thing to do is updating your directx (the most common with most users) and drivers (graphic, sound, etc). Finally reboot your pc/laptop.
Sekai Project said on steam they’ll roll some updates to fix various problems reported by users, so if above solutions didn’t work for you, your best bet is to wait for update patches and hope that Admin will upload it too 😉
IT WORKED! I downloaded and installed the Direct X June 2010 thingy you posted up there, and now it works perfectly :3
Thanks man, you’re a life savior!
my game is working but i cant see the characters, “drawdeviceD3DZ.dll could not load , anyone knows how to fix it?
DrawDeviceD3D is always DirectX related problem. Update your directx or download directx web-installer or maybe only specific edition of directx will fix your problem.
still not working…
Assuming you’ve updated your directx to the latest version (through directx web installer and june 2010 edition), the last option is just updating your graphic driver (Nvidia/AMD/Intel Hd). Otherwise, wait for patch.
I can replace the Steam Version to the +18 version who downloaded here for play on Steam?
Is anyone else missing plugin drawdeviceD3DZ.dll?
It says that it can’t load it.
According to some user on Steam and the developer, you need to install the latest DirectX runtime (some users said it’s the june 2010 edition). I cannot post links here so just google “DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)”.
thank you.
help i can’t download any files from this website,says firefox cant find all the files pls help, i wanna download this game so badly ;-;
then try using other browsers
I can’t download part 3 ._.
You can only download 2 parts at the same time
Thanks admin!
Hallelujah god bless you admin!
Part 10 is not working.
Thanks a lot!
Part 10 isnt downloading for me
Part 10 rar isnt working for me, cant download
wow finally i really love this series
So where can i get the patch to make it inappropriate?
Thanks!I love you so much admin~chan!
Can ya pet them catgirls in this vol.???
thanks admin 😀
can we get to see more of the other catgirls in this game?
Yes we can’t.
admin, you are one of the most amazing person ive ever met.
much love <3
What about Kindred Spirit?
if you want kids version of Kindred Spirit, then you can go buy it at Steam.
adult version is not available. Its developer Mangagamer had some issues with payment gate and still not fixed.
So annoying when you cant buy the game you want 😀
ETA should be end of February.
The Steam version of Kindred Spirit don’t have censorship.
K thanks and i was asking if there is a similar amount or more.
Somehow, some of the downloads are “unavailable or moved to a new adress”. how do i fix?
You can only download 2 parts at the same time
Thanks admin. And question, I bought the Steam version already. Does this game have actual H-scenes, like the 3-5 ones in the first game?
Yes, the version I posted has them (as implied by “18+ Game Download” label and “NekoParaVol2Adult” file name). Steam version doesn’t contain them, however.
It is actually possible to have the steam version run the adult scenes. You just have to add the missing files from this one here to the steam files and it will run the adult version.
I want know it too.
hey admin and Kindred Spirits on the Roof
You are the best admin!!!
thank you, very very much
Thanks admin!!!
Will you be adding Kindred Spirit and Sacrament of the Zodiac?
I would also love to see these games uploaded!
I’m also waiting for these game!
if you want kids version of Kindred Spirit, then you can go buy it at Steam.
adult version is not available. Its developer Mangagamer had some issues with payment gate and still not fixed. (nobody can buy anything atm)
so frustrating when you cant even buy the game you want 😀
ETA should be end of February.
The Steam version of Kindred Spirit don’t have censorship.
The Steam version and MangaGamer versions are identical, there is no removed content at all in the Steam version.
If the download is being delayed because of this mistaken impression, then that would be unfortunate.
Because of this I ‘don’t piracy Kindred Spirit, I will purchase it when it have a sale with 75% off.