
Gunjo Gakuen (Deep Blue School) is a facility designed to gather and isolate those students who got a low score on an adaptation coefficient exam (Scoring low on this exam indicates that the student is less likely to be able to be adapted to the society) mandated by the government.

After a failed summer vacation with other members of the school’s broadcasting club, Taichi Kurosu and some of the other club members return to the city, only to find that all living creatures within it except for the club members have completely vanished. In order to confirm the status of the outside world, Taichi decides to gather other club members to help Misato Miyasumi, the president of the broadcasting club, who is trying to set up a broadcasting antenna to contact any possible survivors. However, Taichi soon discovers that the world is actually repeating the week after they found the others vanished…

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243 comments on “CROSS†CHANNEL

  1. Will there be a stream version?
    Also is there a sex playthrough anywhere on the internet?
    I checked pornhub, Youtube, Xvideo, etc. But I can’t find anything which is very odd since this game seems a little popular

  2. Much has been said about this game, with long discussions praising its unpredictable story and characters, especially the protagonist and his mildly twisted mind. I, however, found it quite annoying at times with those confusing flash backs, repetitive narrative (and cgs: I must have seen Touko gazing out classroom window like 10+ times) and let’s not forget this game’s biggest flaw, the lack of different colour for read text (or was that on purpose?). All the crazy twists and turns of plot are great: never before had I read a vn where I could just hate each and every heroine – but then they’re at Gunjou for a reason. Also, why add more ecchi at “epilogue”? As for the ending, well I’m a sucker for generic cliché happy ending, so I kinda hated this one. Despite that, good game with awesome music!

  3. Is any anime had adapted from this novel?
    Cuz when i played this VN i felt like u know
    like deja vu it felt like i have seen this before
    Bt i just can’t remember when or where.

  4. How to install this game
    It asks for Disk2 in win 10
    64 bit bt i don’t have
    Anything like that plz help.

  5. i cant mount cc_system It won’t let me. I don’t know what to do. Why does this always happen? I cant do it, theres no way

  6. hy all, i already install, but in just half installaion, i mean the installation just with cc-system(when halfway installation appear button command, i click right button and the button missing, i try double click file .exe from cc-data and the left button can’t click).. and then i install patch english and the game can work.. is it already full installation?

  7. Hello gents heres how i (sucessfully) installed the game:
    1-Make sure to download all the parts of the game and extract the .rar files with winrar or similar software.
    2-Mount CC-System by using Daemon tools lite or by using similar software and run the .exe file inside. (by now you should have changed your system locale to japanese, if not, go to the FAQ cartegory of this website and follow the instructions).
    3-Click the leftmost option to install then just keep clicking yes (the left box of most “are you sure” questions the install throws at you) affter selecting the instalation path, chose the 3 option (the one on the bottom) on types of install for best performance, when the game prompts you halfway through the instalation, switch the mounted file on daemon tools for the CC-DATA file.
    4-The install is complete, but you should now download the english patch and copy & paste it to where you installed the game and overwrite the file there.
    5- Now you’re done, enjoy the game and also for those people who stopped playing from the first playthrough by saying the MC is a mere perverted character…he he, they are right but this game goes much farther than that, and trust me when i say theres a lot more to the mc and the other characters in this game than it looks…

    1. how to switch file on daemon tools for the cc-data file? i already try but not working, when in halfway installation appear a button command, and i try switch to cc-data will, anything not happen, and still button command appear

  8. I have downloaded all of the required parts 3 times now, and every time i do, different files are “Broken”. is there any fix to this? is there something wrong on my end? thanks in advance

  9. Hey guys I know it may seem like this question has been asked a million times before but what do I do here? I’ve installed the game multiple times (using the English patch installer thing) but every time I try to start it some box with an error message completely in Japanese pops up and the game closes. I’ve even tried running as administrator but nothing works. HELP!

  10. I REALLY loved this game. I hate repetition but as soon as I finished this (occasionally/repetitive (particularly if you fail a scenario)) game I already wanted to replay it. The music stayed with me for weeks.

    I played Cross Channel a bit before turning 30, also, I was hesitant to download yet another high school game, but the consideration of adapting to society intrigued me enough, and I’m glad it did.

    I wish I wrote about it immediately after finishing (it’s been 5 months already!), then I’d be able to put the profound feelings this game gave me into proper words. But, I can’t anymore. Reaching to the end of CC was a haunting experience for me, I began to consider deeper, and deeper the inclinations of everything going on in ways I had not from simply learning the scenario.

    The will to live, the inability to trust oneself, bettering oneself. Watching people living with flaws they may never fix, thinking about flaws you’ve shared, knowing what’s best but not being able to change anyway. Wondering if you’ve really become “better” or not in practice. Whoever wrote this one is pretty kick-ass.

  11. When running this game, make absolutely sure that you are playing it while the CC DATA file is in your BD Rom Drive from it being mounted by DAEMON Tools, otherwise the game is likely to crash at specific points.

  12. didnt get it to work with the instructions on the recent comment pages so here is an alternative way. after extracting the rar-archives extract the content of the bin-files and move it all to one folder. overwrite if you want.. doesnt matter. then run the patch and choose the directory of the folder where the extraced bin-files are. worked for me.

  13. Couldn’t play more than 5 minutes, this main person is just awful. Only thinks with his dick and it just doesn’t fit at all with the complex text in the game. 1.5/5.

    1. giving a score after 5 minutes of playtime? Yes, you should definitley not work as a game reviewer/tester. You even failed two times here: The first time was to stop playing after just 5 minutes, the second time was much more grave, you were scoring the game based on your own subjective emotions. fail 😉

  14. guys, please help, i have winrar and daemon tools and everything necessary to run this game, i followed the steps carefully,too, just so u know, i did this: the english patch (cc-r8a)
    2. said yes when it asked me to install cross channel, then just keep clicking next until it start installing
    3. when it told me to insert disk 1 I mounted the system cue file, then it continued just fine
    4. when it told me to insert disk 2 I mounted the data cue file, it appeared on the computer, but i still can’t continue the install, it’s as if it’s unreadable or something.
    What did I do wrong, pleas reply.

      1. Alright I got it.
        You’re supposed to go one at a time.
        Run the english patch install WITHOUT mounting anything first.
        When it asks for Disc 1, mount it. Which would be CC_SYSTEM.cue

        Once it asks for disc two. You UNMOUNT the first one. Yes, unmount it.
        And then you mount CC_DATA.cue into the SAME one you had previously mounted the last one in. The install should finish and the game will start.
        I doubt you’ll need to remount Disc 1 later on.

        1. Thanks zaya! Well, I figured it out on my own slightly before reaching your comment, but you wrote it months ago, so yay zaya!! You’re the best!!

          Had SYSTEM mounted when I began the install and unmounted to mount DATA in its place, worked perfect.

  15. the hell? how to instal this crap..nahh nvm i just have to delete it..

    @KaykoSan / use Perfect Uninstaller.. that software always do the job when windows fail to do so.. good luck

  16. So guys another of those unpleasent problems. No no i wont ask how to install the game dont worry^^. Buuuuuuuuuut I made the huge mistake to install the All Ages Patch, and after several deinstalling and reinstalling + turning of the pc in between them, I cant geht this cursed patch off of my PC. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. System is Windows 8 64 Bit

  17. Hm this is has a good story plot and the ending song did reflect to the story(if you translate it)

  18. Cross†Channel New translation Status:
    New translation complete, Edited 259/268 scripts, Finalized 144/268 scripts

  19. For some reason, after completing the Cross Point segment, I got back to the Breakdown/Purification segment again. T_T. Does that mean I’ve failed to complete Cross Point??

  20. Everyone getting the error ater you run the game (the error in Japanese): Just right click and run the game as an administrator. That should fix it. If not, try getting appLocale, or re-install. Hope this helps.

  21. I have to say I hated this when I started playing it, but take my word for it – It grows on you. I find myself constantly liking(Mikis route) and hating(Toukos route) the main character.. But this concept is very enticing.

  22. I played the game one night and the next day the words has gone weird, so I uninstall the game but now I can’t install it…. Pls Help!

  23. Sigh… Someone please help me. Everytime I install this game and run the english patch, it starts up just fine. As soon as I close the game and try to reopen it, it refuses to start. I get an error message in Japanese and the game closes. I really want to play this game. PLEASE HELP! 🙁

  24. I cannot download the third part file. It stops in the middle of downloading, saying that the file could not be saved because the data might be corrupted or something. Please tell me what is wrong. Thank you.

  25. can’t install it…
    please tell me how to install it…
    when in the middle of installation always stopped and appear word like please insert cd1…
    please tell me how to fix it…

  26. Hi, i also having problems with the game.
    It’s already install with patch, but… first, the letters seem to be weird, like the spaces between the letters in a word change etc.
    But the main problem is that after the very first begining, when someone is talking seeing the sky, after that appear a window in japanese with only one option to click on, and the games close.

    How can i fix it? I really really want to try this game. 🙁

    1. Hey there. If you will read the readme.txt in the game folder where you installed xchannel, there’s a written instruction there that discusses the common errors experienced by the TL.

    2. this is a bit late but i just downloaded the game and found that copying the inconsolata.tff file (the cross channel font type) to c:/windows/fonts fixed the problem for me maybe it will help you, hope you can enjoy the visual novel now!

    3. I have the same problem as you, when I start playing ,a window in japanese appears and after that the game close.
      So, I want to know if you fixed the problem, and if you did, how?

  27. Well so far this is probably the 2nd or 3rd best VN ive played yet. with Yume Miru Kusuri and Fate/Stay Night being the other 2. Don’t listen to the comments about the main character ‘only thinking with his dick’. I read that and it almost stopped me playing. Yes he is a complete pervert, but its both the behaviour that put him in gunjou as well as not being the focus of the story.

    It is incredibly well written, filled with references to literature (which are explained in TL notes for more obscure ones). The storyline is very well done, and while i normally dislike more fantasy-ish elements, it was done well enough to be forgivable, as well as utterly heartbreaking. Its very funny, very sad, with quite intelligant humour at times, as well as hes perverted trolling of the girls.

    Also, while the sex scenes werent all that bad (and were mostly the reason why i downloaded it (i was looking for meganekko due to my glasses fetish) as i got further in i wish i used the all ages version of the TL patch, as i found myself wanting to continue with the plot rather than have a cheap fap in a time that is usually rather inconvenient (read as day time or dont feel like it).

    [P.S. eta on Fate/Hollow Ataraxia?]

  28. Man this one was epic…. and gave me the ability to laugh creepily. Was especially effective when playing at night with the family sleeping near by. Over an excellent laugh, shame that the Tower of Friends won’t do too much. 4.7/5 spent cartridges

    1. Yeah, I’m having trouble too…everything seems to crash or stop working on install. I will let you know when I work it out.

    2. Just click the english patch and it promts you to install. I however can’t find the save button…so If anyone knows how you can save, let me know thanks or else this is pointless!

  29. Touko’s route is one of the funniest H scenes i have ever read. I could not stop laughing through the whole thing.

  30. That’s actually the point. They tell you right off the bat that the school is for people who who can’t adapt well to society, or in other words are not entirely right in the head. Our boy is a stupid perv because he’s actually a borderline-rapist. The ninja-like girl is seriously axe-crazy who WILL murder anyone who threatens the boy she loves, and so on. I’m surprised I don’t see “Nanaca Crash” here, the silly doujin flash game based on this one. It’s surprisingly addictive.

    1. Lol i’ve playyed nanaka crash XD that is ridiculously addicting XD I love how they have used every “violent outbreak” (for lack of a better term) each one of the females have toward the main character that actually send him flying XD

  31. This VN is supposedly good, but I quit playing shortly after getting it to work in English. I just can’t stand the main character. He’s a stupid perv. I mean, sure it’s nice change from all those wimpy main characters, but this guy doesn’t seem to do anything but think with his dick. Dropped.

    1. Actually, that becomes a plot point.

      You see, everyone in the school can’t adapt to society right? Think about it, why is HE in this school? I’ll give you a hint, his coefficient is above 80%(I know this description says “lower = less” but it’s actually the other way around). He has a severe mental problems.

  32. To those having trouble with installation:
    1. Create a folder in which the four RAR’s you downloaded are in.
    2. Select them all and extract them (Extract Here is fine) using Win RAR.
    3. Using DAEMON Tools, mount the file in the new extracted folder that’s called “CC_SYSTEM”. Do not run setup yet.
    4. Run setup using the English patch. Simply run the patch when you have CC_System mounted. Be sure to have your Locale set to Japanese.
    5. The setup wizard will ask for Disc 2. Unmount “CC_System” using Daemon Tools and mount “CC_Data” in it’s place. “CC_Data” should be in the same folder you found “CC_System” in (the folder with the extracted content).
    6. Hit “OK” once you’ve mounted “CC_Data”.
    7. Everything should go smoothly after that. Hope I helped!

    1. Here come the messiah.. you really helped me man. thank you and for everyone who have the new directx try install d game using this step. It really works you know 😀

  33. As Anoarith said “Copy Inconsolata.ttf from your CC folder into C:\Windows\Fonts”
    It completely fixed the weird spacing issue with the text!

  34. I don’t know why but i have a problem with the font..
    its really hard to read d text, can someone tell me how to fix it please…

  35. Apologies, I went to the bottom of the comments and read up. Just got to the top and realised that this issue has already been resolved!

  36. The two main problems i came across with this vn were the lenght and the rough translation(especially at the beginning). As a whole this is of course a good vn. Terribly sad one but full of hope none-the-less.

  37. Whats with this gap among letters.its really irritating to read every word carefully!!!is it only me or has it been created this way?

  38. Dark… It’s kind of dark… This make me wonder about humanity… But overall, it’s a good VN.

  39. When I go to download the patch it says the website doesn’t exist or that it can’t find it, is it just a problem on my end or have other people had the same thing?

  40. Okay, the installation for this one was quite tricky, but I did it. Thanks for the help, guys. And thanks for the VN, admin.

  41. Looking at the walkthrough, it says that this game doesn’t have a traditional route system. Does this game have routes at all, or is it just one route/playthrough? Are there multiple endings?

    1. It has many routes with all of them as bad endings, but it you follow the walktrough, you can reach the one and only good ending.

      Or it would be more like a True Ending.

  42. I am trying to run the game on Mac using CrossOver. The installer claims that the game has installed just fine, but when I go to play it, the window remains black with the music playing in the background. Any idea how to fix this?

  43. For anyone wanting to save just move your mouse to the top of the window, a menu pops up that lets you save, load, etc.

  44. I wish Cross Channel will be turned to Shounen Anime. (No Eroge, No Hentai, No Erotic anymore!!!)

    1. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha… no.

      Seriously? That would ruin it.

      Also, how could it be a shounen anime? A shounen anime usually has an excuse plot and tons of action.

  45. So I got the whole error message when I tried to run it, so I ran it as admin and it worked just fine. But after a little while I tried to play it again and even when I run it as admin I get an error message in Japanese and then I get a message that says “- has stopped working” and the game shuts down. Help?

  46. So its not saving.

    After I exit out of the program all of the saved data and quicksave aren’t there.

    Anyway to fix this?

  47. seriously guys , why ask the same question over and over and over again. It has been answered so much times already. Read comments and if its not in the first comment page press older comments. in 99% of the games listed here there is already an answer.

  48. Could somebody explain to me the importance of changing the Locale to Japanese and all programs required to do so without f*cking my computer?

    I managed to play Saya no Uta without doing anything at all, but I can’t find out how to install this correctly lol.

    If I DO change the Locale to Japanese, what does this to do my computer exactly? What will happen to my OTHER programs O:?

    1. It doesn’t really affect your computer at all…. Nothing will change and you wont be able to notice anything. It will just help your computer read Japanese files.

    1. That is the cover of the PSP version. Admin thinks it looks better.

      He REALLY should have used the PC, if this is what happens.

  49. I just tried to unpack the .rar files and I keep getting an error with, Cross Channel 2 of 4 CC_Data.bin keeps saying an error occured and locking up the unpack.

    I am using 7-zip, and have tried both mirrors. Any suggestions?

    1. You have to download the patch file 😀
      It’s the list below the links for the game download 😀
      Or are you not talking about the english patch files?? XD

    1. LOL WUT

      How is it terrible? Did you turn on the Translation Notes? Also, some things are intentionally bad because Taichi has awful grammar.

  50. Why cant they just put text files in the patch i had a hard time figuring it out
    heres how for those who don’t know
    extract everything
    mount cc_system
    open the patch exe file and choose your game directory
    when prompted for disc 2 mount cc_data then ok

    1. The installer keeps telling me I don’t have permission to run it when I do. I even ran it as admin and still got the same message 🙁

  51. oh wow… even though i’m playing, i don’t even know how to save, i read someone said f2 then again how do you load it? help plox : <

      1. lol thanks for the reply, but today i tried to play the game again and for some reason it won’t open anymore… it just instantly crashes… guess i’ll have to give up in this one X_X.

      1. Some guy commented this:
        extract everything
        mount cc_system
        open the patch exe file and choose your game directory
        when prompted for disc 2 mount cc_data then ok

        THANKS Blaise_Blaze!

    1. Anyone? The only buttons that work are F1(quit) and F2(quick save). I can’t even return to the main menu when I start playing. D:

  52. Eh, I can’t figure out how to install this. I got in on Japanese Locale but no matter what I press (On data or system) I can’t install it. Help, admin? 😀

      1. I already downloaded them all, got daemon tools but the CC System won’t mount only the CC_Data mounts :\ What should I do?

  53. Can Someone help me? I uninstalled this game, and i can’t reinstal it. When i start the cd the first button that launch the instalation is gray and i can’t click on it. It seems that my pc see that game installed, but it

  54. when i downloaded the game, i extracted it like normal and after that i got vlc files instead. is that suppose to happen and if so how do i install?

    1. They’re iso files. Mount them in Daemon tools. Check the FAQ section on this site if you don’t know how to do that.
      It’s just that VLC tends to hijack the icon for iso files, even when they aren’t actually movies.

  55. the game works fine when i launch it after installation, but whenever i try to run it from the desktop shortcut i get an error and it stops working. help please?

  56. I installed Cross Channel with the english patch and it worked fine until i rebooted my PC, now whenever i try to play it the text is messed up with all the spaces in the wrong places. Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix it?

    I think this started when i rebooted my PC in japanese Locale, however rebooting in english locale hasnt helped at all.

    1. I have the same Problem. If anyone finds out how to fix it PLEASE say something because this makes it hard to enjoy the visual novel.

    2. Copy the Inconsolata font file from the game’s directory into your windows/font folder (path varies depending on your OS).

    3. There’s a font file you need to install to correct that.
      Try checking the folder you extracted the patch to.

      If isn’t there, I’ll tell you what to look for:
      What you need to find is the inconsolata true type font included with the patch(inconsolata.ttf). Once you install that font, the game shouldn’t have that problem anymore.

  57. I used poweriso, but the disc 2 seems 2 be not readable.
    I used the bin files(1 per disc).
    I’m installing it using the english patch.
    What should I do to fix this?

    1. No, i just used PSP cover, since it looks nicer. All games posted here are for PC ( unless stated otherwise)

  58. Okay i accidently found it on the top (it’s hard when u can’t move ur mouse around [why do they have to hind it :(] lol)

    1. It’s hidden so you can see the screen stupid. It’d be pretty distracting if it was there all the time.

      Also, what do you mean “can’t move your mouse around” That should not be happening.

  59. OMG i can’t bring up the menu during game help please !

    i can’t even save 🙁

    just FYI i don’t have mouse or keyboard using window tablet
    however i finished like 20 game on this tablet already but can’t figureout how2 bring the menu up in this 1

  60. ouch, for some reason during Week 1 right after naming the Antenna and you’re supposed to say the manuscript, right when you say your specific sentence the game freezes when it flashes white and I cannot pass this spot.I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling but nothing seems to work.

  61. can someone tell me how to install the mature version… for some reason it always installs the all ages version >.<

    1. When you’re given install options during the patching, there should be some boxes. One of them says “all ages”. Make sure it isn’t checked.

      Geez, some people.

  62. I tried installing it but all that comes up is a window with “???????” and all I can click is “OK” but it only closes the window What do I do?

    1. You need to change system locale to japanese, prior to installing this game. Check FAQ section of this website for instructions.

  63. is these download same with the hongfire’s website which is unable to download from there now??

  64. Greed, you don’t have to willingly share an IP address with someone for them to use it. All someone has to do is connect to your router using a wireless device of some sort (laptop, PSP, PS3, DSI, etc…) and boom, they are sharing your IP address.

  65. I didn’t share IP address with anyone.
    Yet i still can’t download it.

    My download works for only filesonic and not

    I tried downloading all filesonic parts and
    extracted it and used daemon tool on the file.
    However i don’t know how to download and play it.

  66. Hey admin,i have some problems regarding downloading
    from filserver.
    They keep telling something about my IP address
    which prevents me from downloading.

    How can i solve this problem?

    1. You’re sharing ip with someone.
      You can either wait till he finishes downloading or simply use filesonic mirrors instead – both sources are interchangeable, meaning you can pick part 1 and 3 from fileserve, and parts 2 and 4 from filesonic and it will work anyway.

  67. Has this game any h-scenes? Becouse i’m already at 4th week and i haven’t seen any… (even though Taichi had sex in every week)

    1. I’ve got some bad news. You installed the all ages patch when you patched it to english. When you do that it cuts out sex scenes.

      I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.

  68. Truly an incredible game. Highly recommended to anyone. Apart from the girl you’ll be forced upon at the start being completely shit the rest of them are incredible. Give it a few hours.

  69. The game works fine, but the fonts all messed up. Every word has a space between them.

    I read noname z’s post but I don’t seem to have a Inconsolata.ttf file…and when I look at the readme it’s in japanese…

    Any help would be great 🙂

  70. muchas gracias por suvirlo lo andava buscando y muchas gracias NEWHERE segui la guia que pusiste y si sirvio

  71. I can’t download the game,it just says
    “This file is either removed due to copyright claim or is deleted by the uploader.”

  72. Okay, so I understand people are having trouble. Heres what worked for me: First extract the files from the rar. and then use Daemon Tools to mount the CC_SYSTEM file. Next go to My Computer, open the disk and copy all the files to desired folder. Then do the same with CC_DATA. Once thats done, copy patch to the same folder, run the patch and follow the steps. You should be good to go, enjoy.

    1. I’ve tried mounting in this fashion. The game plays what I think is the introduction, reaches a point where it seems to be going into either the full game or the opening movie and ta box with Japanese pops up and the game closes.

      When I had it running I was running into the problem that on occasion it would open up a page with a lot of girls on it and question marks under their name, is that a problem too?

      Thanks for all that have helped me in the past too with other games.

  73. hi:

    i download and mount it but appears a error with a lot ????? and just can click in ok and nothing happens..

    can any1 help me?

  74. I already download all the files above including the eng. patch but the problem is what is the password to extract the game?

    1. The password should be like it has been on all the other downloads with passwords, if it’s not then I dunno, sorry.

      1. i think you just screwed up in mounting, the file that you mount is .bin not the .cue one

        hope this help

  75. copied from the readme for the fanmade patch:
    Copy Inconsolata.ttf from your CC folder into C:\Windows\Fonts

    for me that did the trick
    hope that helps

  76. I just installed the game. It ran fine the first time but now the words have lots of random spaces thrown in. Does anyone know what’s going on?

  77. I’m having another problem i installed the game and played it when it launched for 2 hours then i stopped and turn off my computer but when i came back later to play it i click on the cross channel icon to start it but a message pops up (in japanese} and closes the game back down so it wont start, what do i do?

  78. Hey guys, when i mount the system.bin file the cross channel panel comes up with the girls but all the options are “?????”
    so i don’t know where the install button is, can someone please help me ?

    1. You need to change your locale to japanese ( check out “F.A.Q.” section for instructions ), then just click first option to install – this is standard installer, so next,next,next works fine.

  79. I ONLY run the CC_SYSTEM.bin file then i run with ultraiso an try to istale …… in 50% stop and tell me the CC_DATA and i put on my ultraiso and say fail but i go to mypc and click and open the virtualcd of data and copy all on the files in the same folder and the i use the english patch in the same folder and istale the english patch and run happy ^^

  80. Hi, so what if youre not using daemon tool? do you have to do something at 50% of installation too? and how do you install english patch? Please help and thank you always

    1. In Japan almost all their games are censored. Uncensored versions are pretty rare, but some translation groups do uncensor them. I’ve noticed most Manga-Gamer VNs are uncensored.

      The worst is when they totally rip out all the scenes and brand it all ages, like with Day of Love 🙁 It’s not all about the H-scenes but I don’t really think anyone playing these games is going to be totally offended if they see some sexual content, so I guess I don’t understand the reasoning behind it.

      Oops sorry for the rant!

      1. I don’t really care.

        When I want a story, I want a story.

        If I want porn, I want porn.

        I really don’t need them mixed, so if it get’s taken out or censored, I couldn’t care less.

        Now, when simple story-less porn games are censored, now THAT sucks!

  81. Well, my country is in European Union… Too bad, it takes more time to download. Thanks for the effort though.

  82. Hello, first i would like to say thank you for your hard work like everyone did. I have a little problem though. For some reason, there are no surveys available(maybe because of my country), and I have to download via hotfile, which is very slow. Do you maybe know why can’t I fill out the survey? Thanks in advance for your help

    1. It’s probably due to your country – marketing companies are mostly interested in surveys from USA/EU countries, so there aren’t many offers available for people outside of those countries.
      I’ll have to think of some way of providing downloads for people who can’t complete surveys and get slow speeds at hotfile – unfortunately providing direct links is not an option, since with current number of visitors and size of games it’d be about 2 TB of bandwidth daily.

      1. Admin, Maybe you can try using megaupload. because most of us here (I think.) depends on PLGs a lot. Because most Premium Link Generators support download pausing.
        btw. I have no other internet connection except this mobile broadband of mine meaning, almost everyone using the same service share the download waiting time in sites such as hotfile, and I can’t find a PLG for hotfile, or alternatively, you can split the files into smaller ones so that we can use a hotfile PLG that has a file size limit of 111 i.e. leechking.

        Anyway, I really love this site! too bad I haven’t succeeded in downloading even one “part”. Also, there’s no survey available here in asia, or atleast I think.

        Long live this site!

        1. I try to split games into as few parts as possible. Those games tend to be really large nowdays and if i had to download ~42 parts just to play single game i’d be quite annoyed.

  83. can i get some instructions on how to install and run game I cant figure it out some help please I really want to play this game someone help

  84. about 50% during installation some jap text pops out with 2 buttons the left one brings me back to the same pop up and the right one cancels my installation whats wrong with it and how do i get pass it???

    1. Easy. its just asking for the next disk. mount the second disk and then press left button. its just like using multiple actual intall disks.

  85. Incase you’re still around, mount the system.bin file using poweriso or something, then run the exe

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