Minase is living happily with Imari, wanting nothing more than to put his evil past with the Bible Black behind him. When he wakes up screaming from a dream of blood and sex, he knows that dark magic will never leave his life for good. Then he notices that Ito Mika, the first victim of the Bible Black, has taken on a new power and is up to no good…
Wtf is “reverse NTR”? Cuckolding is cuckolding, irrespective of gender.
Not able to download because the host doesn’t allows me to download files with more than 200 mb..
Can the files be uploaded to some other host or broken into 3 parts rather than two?
Every game posted on this site has two sets of links. Just click on “Free download” to get 200MB parts version.
Yes,but being at more than 200 mb im not able to download tge free version.
Version has a quota limit of 200mb only,not more than that.
Thanks got it
omfg there was a sequel out here all this time and I didn’t know about it?! I’m an idiot. Thanks for the upload!
Will there be a Bible Black 3?
You can think of “Starless” as an indirect third part of Bible Black. It has many similarities with BB. Art, characters, ero scenes. But if Bible Black is about demons from hell, Starless is about beeing in hell. It goes further. Much much further.
There’s another one wich I dont recall the title now but it’s something like crusade and discipline or something like that.
Not worthy of the title
But thanks for the upload anyway adm.
Yeah, was quite a disappointment to be honest.
Jaja BB 2… When I downloaded a few months ago the BB 1 I passed it in 3 days. But, I got a bad Ending. Ultra semen Eyaculation by an inyection in my balls WTF? Then I started playing again to get the Good ED and… Bad ED again. I got killed by Ito. Then I started playing it clicking F9 (Fast Forward untill decision) I got almost every bad ending except the Good one. When I looked up for a guide on internet and followed step by step, I realized that the game was Tricked. So I got frustrated and decided to not play any game related to BB.
Nowadays, my anger had passed and I will download this one to see If I can get the Good ED.
Thanks Admin for all the Erogues you have uploaded!!
dude just stop raging over it and try a walkthrough if you keep failing; i use them after around 20 tries
I got the good ending, killed whats her face and turned the school into my slaves. ;D
I got that ED too~ It’s the best! x’D
Thank you so much ^_^
Ok I have been trying to download this for awhile now and I see all the files on winrar and when I go to extract it I keep getting an error saying that it cannot open it and I get the option of closeing it or breaking the operation I am really excited to play this as I loved Bible Black can anyone help me Im sure Im just doing something wrong.
hei,admin… can you please put 1 or 2 screenshot from the game,not just the cover. i need to know how good the artwork is. i kinda picky yu know. too bis eyes and too chibi design wont work with me. i prefer realistic one, like this one, BB absolutly the best.
She wants this site could be safely opened in work/school location so I think some ‘dangerous’ screenshots wont be uploaded, just try it, I’ve downloaded some from this site and they’re guaranteed worthy (dl-ing this one atm)
The first game inspired a cosplay xD….now. to find out what happens next! :O
Is this real? This is the only place I’ve seen this. Even when I search for it I don’t find anything. I’ve also looked up Activsoft and it seems they went down “after” Bible Black (the first one)
I tried it out myself and it’s true. Though the resolution isn’t as great as I’d like it to be, I’m excited to play it, thanks for the upload.
Clicking on the DA-1 click url link immediately yielded ‘You can download files up to 200 Mb only’ and the remaining DA-Free url link led me a situation where I get ‘wrong ip’ after entering the correct captcha.
Can this game be uploaded to mediafire?
Thanks for the sharing!
I’s a great game!
Sora Trap games are usually in japanese because i doubt many guys and girls will buy a game like that in America + this site I think includes English only games or japanese ones with english patch so your better off on another forum that has a database full of japanese eroge’s.
Well what i noticed with file error “failed to load data / AR data in game or closing game” is that it happens if the files get corrupted when you do anything to the folder and to any other files (like renaming it say like BBLACK ( original folder name ) to Bible Black). If you didnt do anything of that calibur than I think you could also try playing it by running as administrator. If none of these 2 options dont work try fiding your own solution if not just play the game like an otaku and never close the game and play in 24/7 mode until your satisfied.
I was wondering if you could upload some Trap games? if there are any good ones
Edit: The error message I receive is this: “Failed to Load Data”
I believe that message means your computer somehow failed to load the data.
hahahahaha.., you don’t say
I get an error message popping up at my screen every now and then. Loading data failed. But I’m able to play the game, and everything else seems fine. I’m able to load a saved game, and playing works fine. Any idea what might be the cause?
So we don’t need to download this yet?
As far as i know u need to do only 2 things in this world, be born and die. So yeah u dont have to download this.
don’t forget eat, drink, bathroom… unless youdie right out of the womb but that’s kinda suck
I think he meant that they are they only things in life we absolutely have no control over whether or not we do it
you can shit while inside the room… womb*
hey, I unpacked the game and installed it fine, but there doesn’t seem to be any music – did something go wrong when installing or downloading, or can it simply be switched on in the game? Any advice would be welcomed.
Read the goddamn comments for once guys, i answered twice already how to do it…
Daeverius, where are your advice comments? I have the same problem as Bob and I do not see your answers on this page – maybe you could direct me to them. Also, the installation guide does not appear to have a link tied to it, so I can’t use this to help.
There are few pages of comments, but w/e.
After u will start playing u have a few options on top of the game screen u can activate music there.
well i give the admin good luck on cracking harem party if that the case this be nice till then
Played the first one ealier this month and thought it was great. Definitely downloading this one…
“You know he does his own cracking right?”
That I did not know. I wish him the best if this is the case.
I know it will be up sooner or later , I am just asking if it will be up on Friday this week , cause I am saving space for it , and if it isn’t , then I have other VN’s I want to download.
Harem Party is DRM-protected, unfortunately. So even if the admin does go out and buy it, he won’t be able to upload it.
We need to wait for a cracked version to be available… which doesn’t exist yet from what I’ve searched.
You know he does his own cracking right?
Hello. I would like to ask Admin if You will be buying and posting Harem Party this Friday like You did with Conquering the Queen. I realize it is a pretentious question , but I have been dying to play this game ever since it was announced.
I apologize if the question is annoying. And before anyone says anything : I realize this is the comment section for Bible Black II , but I do not know where else to post my question , and if I could have bought the game I would have already done so.
You gonna be screwed if hes with halifax then, cant buy it if you are
Lol would buy it but apparently it only takes credit cards now…
Admin, I love you and this site! Thank you for the great work as always!
Hey…where is the backgound music?
In order to activate background music u have to start the game and on top of the game screen u have options, activate it there.
is harem party avaiable?
It is available to buy, if you do be kind enough to share the game with the admin of the site.
Admin waits a few weeks after release for someone to upload it. If no one does, he will buy it and upload it.
Unless it needs cracking, then we’ll have to wait for a crack.
Waooo…cool. I have been waiting this. Can you please find Empress Starless as well if there’s any english patch already?
There is no patch for Starless yet.
hey admin can u add harem party it should be translated already
People need to stop asking for this, if someone posts their own copy online somewhere he can mirror it for everyone else to download. Till then, be patient.
Say admin, i don’t know if this should be posted here but, have you heard about the Protect IP law, i’ve heard that sites coud be blocked just for one infringing link, i know information is already on wikipedia but, it’s kind of confusing and i’m worried about the future of sites like this, so if someone coud explain me what’s going on, it’ll be really helpfull
Luckily, law varies from country to country. This site is hosted in Europe and is fully compliant with EU law. Even if laws here change i can just move site to country with different copyright law – for example Vietnam or Romania.
mmmm, RANDOM_HERO will be happy as long as admin’s erogedownload exists.
Guess once again everything lies in your hands…good luck then!!
Hey Admin, I was wondering if you guys could do a Princess Lover! release
Princess lover isnt translated and this website doesnt translate just relases/cracks the games
I’m not sure if I want to play this since the original writer/artist Sei Shoujo is not part of this game and I really liked his art in the original BB and Discipline. I’m grateful though you could share the english version.
I dont have anny music(im guessing there is music in the first place). Fix for that?
Once you will start playing check the top of the game screen, u have various options there , go into music and set it on.
so when will we get the harem party? it has been five days and leave crack aside there is no Dll link for game.
Run as Admin. Done
Re install onto desktop. done
still the game works but with no words.
You have to change ur language to japanese if u want to play any sort of visual novel really, would tell u how to do it because u have to do it a special way but cant remember at this point
no,if i want to play an english visual novel i DON’T have to set the language as japanese
Oh but you do. Well not language really, but locale although some games work with applocale. Just go to your region and language settings and from there to administrative, and you can change system locale from there (OS stays at english only applications treat it as japanese).
I’ve downloade and installed the game, but after i launch it at selection screen i don’t see the words like
Blank window(instead of, new game load etc).
How i can solve it?
Is ur language in japanese?
Run as Admin.
Re install onto desktop.
Firewalls on?
Open as Windows xp Service packet 3 (right click app and then properities)
my os is english. i’ll try the other suggestion and post asap
Cheers for this, nice eroge, is there any updates for Harem Party?
May I have a request? Can admin make a tag for uncensored H games? @@ For certain people like me, I personally prefer uncensored games ~ Thank you so much and I am sorry for this inconvenience.
hey admin, if “Shuffle Really? Really!” is ever translated in english (or is being/already translated) will you post it on the site? Cause “Shuffle” is still one of my favourite VN’s I’ve read even though it was one of the first and by now I’ve read/played a lot.
admin please add “Mizuiro” to the partially TLed eroge. thanks.
Wow!! Finally it came out!I just finished it 5 days ago and i was hoping that a second one was coming out and here it is. I feel so lucky. oh ya admin, I was just wondering whether tayutama – kiss on my deity will be coming out ? i really want to play it and i hope you can get it. Thanks in advance
I’ve downloade and installed the game, but after i launch it at selection screen i don’t see the words like
Blank window(instead of, new game load etc).
How i can solve it?
Um… Admin, is it possible to see “White Clarity” on this site soon?
please, I can’t wait for it
i think the links are broken…
can you repair??
Admin you reallly awesooooome!!!
Thanks for release. Game itself is sorta crap.
Anyone know when the Yumina the Ethereal gonna be released on English? It said 2011 for a while now but still no news…
Well… It’s Jast we talk about, so…. in ten years… if we are lucky?
Hey Admin, saw an earlier comment on Little Busters and I also had a question regarding that game. Well I heard somewhere that they had a 18+ version of that game so basically what are the chances of seeing that here? I’m the sort of guy who prefers a good story game that includes H scenes.
I can reply that one ^^
The team that actually translate the all age version of Little Busters said that they will maybe translate Ecstasy (18+ version)
thanx for the game admin
thx alot, i have forgotten about this sometime ago. /thumbs up for admin!
@Ryan, the VN’s you see here are all english.
Is this in English or japanese?
It’s the official english version XD
Admin, don’t forget to put A Profile on the download list. And this new stuff if you’ve forgotten you had the download list :Y
Yes derd Learn to Use the interwebz P:) and all will become clear
Thanks for your spite, but what can i do in case nothing i know of works (download from the site and download per jloader)it all stops after a few seconds and stops there
i have to make a correction it is only on this two mirrors that my problems occur
Hey, back off. Something could be legitimately wrong with the links.
It’s not like he asked for the solution to an installation problem that was just thoroughly answered two posts above.
Hello and thanks for the download, but i can´t download it wither either of the two mirrors is there something i can do?
You’re always the best admin 😀
But still, this Bible Black is a lot shorter than it’s prequel, isn’t it?
the scenes also not as good as Bible Black’s….
not that I’m unhappy with it, but still…
That’s basically how I feel too. The fact that the “bad” end stopped early kinda pisses me off too 🙁 It’s like being dangled a piece of meat over your head, but when you go after it it’s pulled away from you D:
Thank you admin, you are certainly the very best.
Thanks! 😀
OMG! Finally! 😀
Thanks again Admin, you’re the best!!!
UUUUUUUUUU!!!! good bible black again
Add to my collections
I never believe who this VN has releases in overseas,download it now *o*
can you upload harem party? it just got released today
It usually take a few days before someone upload a VN somewhere and someone make a crack for the VN.
But if you can’t wait and want to play Harem Party right now then buy the game…
Thanks for the upload admin!!!
Just one question do you know if Little Busters will be fully translated by soon?
Yes, it’s almost done (less than 1% left)
You can download partial patch from http://erogegames.com/little-busters-247/
Can’t wait too ^^
is school days almost finished
They abandoned the school days project and adopt the school days hq instead!
Thanks a lot!
I feared it would never show up here.
This makes this site uber.
thanks. I suppose
2nd one here.
1St one here Yay