On August 1, the heroine wakes up to find she can’t remember any of her memories from before that day… How she lived her life, what kind of relationships she had with people, all of them are as blank as a white sheet of paper.
Calling himself a ghost, a boy named Orion appears in front of you. With Orion’s help, you start your quest to remember your memories by living an everyday life, but one day, you get a phone call from someone you don’t know. You meet with ‘him’ whom you have no memories of. A love story starts with you with no memories and ‘him’.
Amnesia.part02.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part03.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part04.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part05.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part06.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part07.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part08.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part09.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part10.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part11.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part12.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part13.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part14.rar – 200.0 MB
Amnesia.part15.rar – 7.9 MB
Please add Norn9 too..
I don’t know why but the game is always in the skip-mode… like… I played the whole game already and it was working just fine.
But now I wanted to replay a scene from the gallery and the game keeps skipping all the text even if I deactivate the auto- and skip-mode… also happens when I start a new game or load from a saveslot.
is this already in english??
I’ve almost finished all the routes – currently I’m on Ukyou. Toma’s route sucks, that guy is seriously sick. Shin’s was good, it’s just that he’s kind of bossy. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed Kent’s route, I mean, wow. Ikki’s route was pretty annoying (everything except the ending). As for Ukyou, he is definitely the most mysterious and interesting of all the male characters. We’ll see how it goes, but so far I am definitely enjoying myself.
Um, can someone help me, the game isn’t in any of the files it just has a file that sends me back to this website, I really want to play . Please Help!
same problem
I can’t play
Is this safe to download?? T^T
Yes, it is, i downloaded even some other games and its legit 😀 :3
Does this play in Mac? If yes, which part of the downloads play in Mac? Thanks!
Does this play in Mac? If yes, which of them plays in Mac?
Omg, is this also available in phone?
theres an app for it
Hi guys! I wanna ask, what app are you using to extract these rars?
I can’t make this work – once I open it.. it crashes (windows error occurs pop out).
I was really down and sad about it. 🙁
(mac os – using wine)
hola , me podrian decir donde estan los links de descarga? por favor no los encuentro en la pagina, gracias desde ya
Admin the “idea factory corporation” already have made “amnesia later” and “amnesia crowd” otome games sequels from the first “amnesia” May i ask if you could upload them?thank you.
Is this for PC? I downloaded and extracted all the files but I’m not able to play it. I can’t even find the game so I wanted to be sure if I’m doing it right. BTW I’m using a psp emulator for the cellphone. Please reply ..anyone 🙂
i liked this game so much… could someone recommend a game that i can download here that would i would like?
I’ll recommend you Tokimeki^^
I’ve played the 3rd Premium twice (because I failed on the first time playing) XD
Thanks for putting this game up admin! I’ve been wanting it for awhile. I was wondering if you would possibly add backstage pass onto here. It’s a very good game that many people would be interested in.
This game is amazing basically spent my birthday playing this game. it would be so amazing if you could translate Amnesia Later
Hello, I downloaded every file… sadly when I go to extract them it says the file can not be extracted, the file has been corrupted. I’ve tried extracting one at a time, and group with the same result. Any help would be appreciated, as I really have wanted to play this game. But I am unable to pay to test out what games I like or don’t.
Thank you guys I loved this game but question. I umm recently resetted my computer by refreshing it. Even after putting it on a flash drive the game doesn’t really work. And by that I mean Pics in gallery don’t show and the background doesn’t show/ Change at all. Any Tips before I start downloading everything
I want blood code sooo baadd TT^TT please, please, please make it available
Hi guys
It works fine with me, I downloaded each file and unzipped it all at once and the games runs
Guys, anyone who can play this game..
Pls share ur step to install and play this game
What do u do when u install, what file do u open..
ur pc spec and ur settings..
If u have screenshot, it can be a big hlp
Pls.. ur information maybe can hlp me n the others who cant play this game but really want to play this game
Hi i was wondering why the game wont let me save my progress and it wont save any of the cgs after i get them. How can i fix that?
I really, really loved Amnesia. Thank you for this amazing game. Could you please share Amnesia later too? I’m soooo curious about Ukyo’s route.
I have the same problem! I can’t open the game because everytime i try to run the game it comes out the ‘amnesia.exe has stopped working’ error.. Someone can help us?
Could you please help us out Admin? It seems I am not the only one getting the (amnesia.exe has stopped working). Pop up screen when ever I try to run the game either. Please it would be a really big help. I’m not the only one wanting to try this game out as well.
I can’t open the game, it says “amnesia.exe has stopped working”, what should i do? how can I fix this? how can i open the game?
please help me, I really really want to play this. please
I really want to play this game but after I downloaded the rar files and extracted them all, I try to open the exe file and it crashes!! Can anyone help, pls?
thank you so much for uploading this !
I’m very love this game !
Admin, can you please upload:
3.Norn9 ?
The other Amnesia games haven’t been translated. This site is not a translation group, they just re-post.
Norn9 is only on the Vita. Just buy it and support this genre. Why do you think it’s so hard to get otome games in english? because of pirates. I can understand pirating some stuff that was never published in english and never will be , but come on… Amnesia was brought over to us officially.
Thank you soooo much for uploading super awesome otome games!!Admin you the BEST!! <3 Can you please upload Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ as well?
I really want to play this game but after downloading and extrating it on my pc….it doesn’t open…can you help me?(´△`)
Same after running the exe it crashes!! Can anyone help?
Guys, please, buy this game. It’s for only 3 DOLLARS on Steam right now. 3 GODDAMN DOLLARS.
You’re like “omg, new game!” right now, but in some time, we won’t get any new games at all. Not many people would buy an otome game in the first place, so if you illegaly download it, only a few people will actually pay for it. I bought this game with my own money but I still feel really bad about this situation.
Please, think twise before downloading it. Would you just go to the shop and take the game from the shelf and go away? I don’t think so. So, please, start thinking about other people, who put a lot of effort and money to bring this game to our ungrateful western asses.
Thank you.
Its actually 32$
I downloaded the rar files and extracted them all, so far so good but when I try to open the Amnesia application, all I get is a black screen and some errors that I don’t understand :/ Please help, what am I doing wrong? I really really wanna play this game too :3
But kudos to the admin for a job well done! 🙂
thanks guys for nameless,dandelion,storm lover kai and as well as amnesia. It made me rly happy i finally got to play these games, thankssss ^^
I downloaded and extracted it just fine but when i try to open it the only thing i can see was black screen then it says that a problem caused the program not to start, what might be the problem? pls Admin any suggestion I really lke this game.
Hi, I’m relatively new here and I can’t thank the admin enough for satisfying the needs of the otome gamer in me! Thank you all so much!
I have a question though… I’m still new here and I’m kind of confused on how to install this. I see all 15 rar files and I’m not quite sure what to do to install the game… help please?
Once u have downloaded the game rar files just right click and option should show up “extract here” extract the files it should do it automatically, then go into the folder once its finished extracting then play the game hope this helps if u havent figured it out already 🙂
Having the same problem. After i extract the rar I dont get any iso files. All I get is a root.pfs that is 1.5GB. I cant play the game. Ive downloaded other games before and this is the first time I didnt get an iso file after extracting. Please help. I really want to play amnesia.
Me too 😮 I want to fix it ><
Is it just me? but when I finished downloading and extracting it, somehow when I play the game I am unable to save my game. Can you plz help?
Unable…. as in ‘you’re saving the game but it’s not working’ or as in ‘you don’t know how’? Cuz if you don’t know how, then you just gotta press the ‘X’ button and it will show you the Menu. If you’re trying but its not saving, I dunno why, sorry.
It certainly has high quality, this game. I was surprised by the mature reasonings, characters’ analysis (among other things). The love story works like a good spice in the story but the ‘plotline’ itself is very much enjoyable, even if it is quite frankly long. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us! Ah, but I googled the game and as far as I understood, it has a few other VNs of this ‘universe’? Well, if that’s true, and you, the admin, were to post them, It would be wonderful. ^^
Thank you so so much for sharing this!! <3
I was also maybe wondering if in the future
could you share with us the otome game
NORN9? If not, that's fine as well! hehe
I just really really appreciate you uploading otome games!
That’s on the Vita.
I have a Complaint….Everytime at some point…when i go to download one of the parts it comes with an Error and it doesnt download…..for Nekopara i was lucky that it suddenly decided to download but i would like it if you fixed it….for me in this on it was Part 7 of the download
You’re simply limited to 2 concurrent downloads as a free user. If you’re downloading two parts already, it’ll trow an error if you try to start downloading 3rd.
I am not the only one getting the (amnesia.exe has stopped working). Can someone PLEASE HELP US OUT HERE?!?!
Because your PC or laptop can’t run the program
Thanks so much for this game *^* I loved it a lot and loooove a lot this website. I love so much IF games >w<
Oh, now that I remember lately I heard about this game called "Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~".
Is it possible to have it here too? If it's, then it would be great~ Thanks really so much for uploading all these lovely otome games~
its a vita game, which theres no working emulators for and even if you had a vita you’d need custom firmware to play it
Im not sure which version came first, but I know Amnesia is also avaliable on steam
Shit im tired, I didnt read the original message properly, Disregard my last comment
loving this website !soo glad i’ve found this , thank youu soo much ! by any chance is there kuro to kin no hirakanai kagi/otomegame ? i’ve been searching that game since ages , it would really be a big favour and meant soo much for u to be posting it here, then again u have done soo much ! loving this website <3<3<3
YAYYYY!!!!! You have amnesia!!! I was so excited when I found this website I’ve been downloading stuff off of it all week >///.///< you make my biggest wet dreams come true (legitly ;P) Thank you so much admin!!!! And if you ever are possibly able to could you upload some alice in the country of hearts/clover games. If not thats cool you are already awesome!!!
Kyaaaaaaaaa !! I’ve been looking for it everywhere but it was nowhere to be found ! Million thanks, admin ! You’re the best ! When I saw the site’s title, I ignored this site thinking that it only contained Ero VNs but to think that I’d find Amnesia in it, I’ll see if there’s some other wonderful VNs 😀 . Thanks again !
I downloaded everything but whenever I extracted the roof.pfs file, it always say broken so I can’t even open the game… Please help >.< !!
I’m having the same issue, I tried redownloading all the parts, but it still gives me that error while trying to extract it.
I really wanted to play this game, but I can’t download part 3. Is there a reason why? Help, please!! :c
You can download 2 parts at once as a free user. Wait until part1 and 2 finish downloading before starting 3rd and it’ll go fine.
OH my god! I love youu! <33 thank you so much for this 😀
And Can I ask you? Is it in english?
hi,thank you so much for uploading this absolutely amazing game but i
have one thing to ask,do u have to change ur locale to japan?
Here is what i found:
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Core 2 Duo (1.20Ghz or more)
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 960×540; onboard sufficient
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct Sound supported environment (should work on any legal windows device)
OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
Processor: Core i3 or greater
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1920×1080; onboard sufficient
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct Sound supported environment (should work on any legal windows device)
if you don’t have at least this it probably won’t work
the openings are hd so if you can’t play hd videos on your pc don’t even try to download this one
I’d like to thank admin for posting this and I also agree that if you can afford it you should buy the game but tbh Amnesia really isn’t that great of a vn. The story is shallow at its best and knowing that there exists dozens of otome titles (even from otomate) that have far better plot than this game, I really don’t understand why this game got very popular in Japan and the rest of the world. I’m not saying it’s not worth your time or anything and the art is really good but having played my share of vns I think it’s safe to assume that Amnesia really doesn’t have that much of an incredible story.
But hey it’s an official localization from IF so it’s still a big step forward lol.
Agreed! I would love to pay a fair price to help support cool games i like! … But i can’t spend nor earn money on the Internet and i can’t find most games i want where i live… So either i get the games i want like this or i won’t be able to get them at all…
I Have a little problem… the game won´t save. I Save, Close the game and open it again and my save files aren´t there anymore
Run the game as administrator (one of options when you right-click on game .exe) or move it away from “Program Files” folder.
Wanted to play this famous series game. And – hey! – you uploaded it. Thank you!
Awww it’s so cute. Thank you very much~ (>.<)
Do you have a plan to upload Amnesia: Crowd? I hope you do ;_;"
That game is not in english, this site only has english vn
Maya, really?.. *facepalm* I didn’t play that game yet, but I know that it HAS 2 sequels. It was super-popular, so what to argue about? Somebody wants to be legal, somebody just wanna play. It’ s OUR decision what to do, you ARE NOT a big momma to squeal us like some children. Just take world as it is, and world, as people will smile to you.
Thank you so much! Could you upload the hakuouki too? *—-*
I can’t get the game to work /: it just crashes
realy… its already up on here……………well if you want to see the sequel to this game you better buy this game as if this game flop you can say good bye to that and maybe anymore otome games. … cant say you dont have the money as there are many sites you can make money. it may be 2 to 3$ a day but that will get you it in a few days by just watching vids or search the dam web.
Those “sites” where you can “make money”, are generally US only. And some of us actually have laws that prevent such sites from even be allowed where we live in the first place. So please… Think before you spout nonsense here.
I’ll support the damn game when doing so is viable to me. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy it and spread the word so that those wh can actually pay for it, do so.
anyone know any english walkthroughs?
I’m also looking for one too…
Hi guys, finally finished the game, its was great ! The CG are really beautiful.
But now, I don’t understand why i didnt unlocked the opening of the guys and the ending ? are they really other movies available ?
Can someone tell me if they exist or it is a bug ?
I even finish the mini game XD
What a shame we cant got the OST too because it is good !
Thank you for this! It is running beautifully.
(I can’t buy the game because of of the country I live in, but when I manage to get out I promise to support the company. Honestly, I’d throw money at anyone translating otoges with Akira Ishida.)
Kaworu’s voice is beautiful no? It’s considered the most beautiful voice from Anime apparently… Hehe…!
Damn right. Give an otoge with him, Koyasu Takehito, Mamoru Miyano, and Hikaru Midorikawa and take me to heaven.
OMG,thanks!I finally found it!Thanks again,admin! :3
I just want to write this message to show you how grateful I am for all those games you upload.
Thank you so much.
Thanks to you, I could finally fulfill my desire, satisfy my thirst !
I want to support the company and I will when I can but when you’re broke, you’re broke.
So thank you again admin. Although I don’t konw you, I loooove you !
it wont work it always stopped working on start up i already download ccp btw i dont have steam and i dont have an anti virus :/
Anyone else getting all of their text skipped while playing the game? I downloaded it and it seemed perfectly fine till I started playing it. It keeps telling me that all my text is being “forced”
Can anyone help me?
I agree! BUY the game. Otome already has a small enough market. Plus the game was/is on sale right now. If this flops we won’t be getting more Otome from Iffy!!!!
Already bought the game on steam while it’s on a launch sale 🙂
It sure go uploaded here fast 0_0
Still since it’s an official english translation it’s nice to actually buy it if you can 😀
To everyone living where this is available, PURCHASE THIS GAME.
SUPPORT IDEA FACTORY’S FIRST OTOME RELEASE OUTSIDE OF JAPAN SO WE CAN GET MORE GAMES. I don’t want this game to flop, we’ll likely never see another translation from Iffy if that happens!
You’re the best!
I’ve always wanted to play this game!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Is this the Amnesia Tm Memories? Jus asking in case thats a sequel or something since this jus says amnesia
I think they probably named it that way so that it didn’t get mixed up with the survival horror(?) game Amnesia.
Thank you for this! I actually bought the game as it was 50% off on Steam or something and I didn’t know if/when you’d get it here. But thank you for being inclusive and including all kinds of VN’s here. Will always show my thanks for Otome and BL games especially.
the game wont work for some reason it says:
amnesia.exe has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly
can anyone help?
i installed the game but it says that Amnesia.exe has failed to load
I’ve been looking/waiting for this ;_; Thank you very much!!
oh my!! Ever since I watched the anime I’ve been dying to get my hands on the game! Thank you admin! ;^; <3
thank you so much! I’ve been waiting for this! 😀
thank you very much!!! i have been hard to find this english translation but you’re really a lifesaver. I’m really grateful to you.
Thank you very much, i wait for play this game for long time ^^ but, have a error, my game skip the conversation, i change the configures but keep with this, what a need to do?
Any plan to upload new 18+ grisaia re-relise?
hello! is this the version that just came out on steam a few days ago? thank you ^^
Yeah. xD
EEEEP NICEEE! 😀 Can’t Wait to play iiittt !
This was fast! Thank you! Those of you who like the game buy it when you can! Support the people that make cool games that deserve support when you can!
Can anyone help me? I’ve downloaded the game and I extracted all the parts but for some reason it won’t work. I tried running the game but it crashes. The game simply stops working.
Do you have Steam client running in the background? If yes, turn it off. Another reason it crashes right at start is when it’s unable to playback opening movies due to lack of codes – install CCCP codec pack to fix it.
Personally, I’ve tested the game on Windows7 x64 and it runs without problems.
I also have trouble with this game ” stopped working ”
how do I fix this?
I downloaded CCCP codec pack like you advise me, and I also stopped steam (even though I didn’t have it running). But it still stops. Maybe my computer just suck but is there any special setting that I need on CCCP codec pack?
Maybe your antivirus is interferring then? (Some, like Avast, like to mess up with those kind of games). What version of Windows are you using? Personally, I’m testing all releases on Win7 x64 and this one ran without a problem.
Then this is extremely strange. I don’t have an antivirus and my computer is also windows 7 x64. Maybe my computer is honestly shitty (even though it hasn’t been a year since I got it). I think I’m just going to buy the game on steam, like a pansy. Might be internet Jesus’s way of spiting me. I just hope the actual bought version works.
pls help, it still does not work T_T
Thank you so much for this otome game…your so the best ~~~
So fast! Thank you so much, admin. Please keep up the good work (:
Thank you thank you thank yoooooooooooou !!
wow,,Thank you so much admin, I’ve been waiting for this game …
and I want to ask walkthrough pc and psp same or different?
I’m still confused about it,.
Is it a PC game?
Yes. Original Japanese version was for consoles (PSP and Vita) only, but the company that did the English translation ported it to PC as well.
Sorry but, this is the psv version?
Nope, the PC one.
The Vita is not hacked yet…
This looks interesting! Thank you~