One day, a beautiful kimono-clad young woman appears in front of college student Kaoru Hanabishi. Unbeknownst to him, the woman is Aoi Sakuraba, who has been his betrothed since they were children, an arranged marriage set up by their wealthy families. In the intervening years, Kaoru had cut ties to his family and its corporate group and cannot accept Aoi, but as he gets to know her, he’s won over by her sense of devotion and her kind heart. Aoi sympathizes with Kaoru’s delicate plight and resolves to stay and live with him anyway. And so the young star-crossed lovers, both born with silver spoons in their mouths, start their new life together in Kaoru’s cramped apartment…
Does ANYONE have a save right after the boar mini game? This shit kills man ;__;
I loved the high amount of sprites but the funny thing is when I found out there was an anime I thought it’d come from this game and not the other way around.
Anyway, there’s no routes or proper endings in this game just short scenarios for Tina, Mayu, Chika-chan and the stacked girl, after which you get some private (h-free) time with Aoi.
Now the mini games are trash. The fishing is too easy but the boar race is too precise – don’t press forward till you’re close to a stump and jump at the right time. Also sometimes you need to fail them to see additional scenes which I guess were taken from anime.
Fun but too short.
I wasn’t finished and I wanted to comment on the post up top can these be deleted?
What anime have you been watching?
Because I’ve only seen a few anime where the MC acts like that most anime character accidently het suck in situations they don’t want to be in. And there are a lot of pervert in anime sure but most of them are pretty classes when it comes to that stuff I mean look at Issei from High school dxd
I always liked the story. I saw the anime and he wasn’t a horny kid, he wasn’t the ‘eww, get off me, don’t hug me in pubic’ type asshole there are so many of in anime, and it didn’t take ALL FUCKING SEASON JUST FOR THE FIRST FUCKING KISS! It did have its clichés but none of the ones that irk the shit out of me. As you mention he was always a gentlemen (without the ‘that’s embarrassing, don’t do that’ shit) and that was refreshing.
shut the fuck up cuck
After playing a lot with rape, incest, and half animal loli girls; cucking ain’t so baddd
Infidelity is a garbage… Hahah
hi guys……when i try to download the game in free it shows error access in denied.
any solution to this?
thanks for the game admin.
in case there are people are having problem install the game, please follow the steps below.
1. mount the cd1.
2. copy everything inside the cd1.
3. now go to your hard-disk and make a folder -> \ai yori aoshi\.
4. paste the stuffs you’ve copy on cd1 into the created folder.
5. when done mount cd2.
6. copy everything inside the cd2.
7. paste the stuffs on the same folder(overwrite everything).
8. now use \aiaoPC_us.exe\ to start the game.
NOTE: this works for win7 ultimate(64 bit) but i dunno about other OS.
It works just fine the way you advised to install the game. Thank you very much 🙂
hey is there someone who can tell me, is it problem in my network or is at downloadani that always make my download stop at 99% (sorry for bad english)
I’m missing the first 2 of the last 3 CG’s on page nine of the CG gallery. Anyone know how to get those? Thanks!
When I start to play the game it says that it doesn’t find the fit font, and the letter are to thin to read, how can I fix that?
same problem, what font needs to be installed?
Ugh the minigames are starting to annoy me. I can’t seem to outrun the boar. It’s frustrating. The most I got to was 70 meters.
I read the manga, and it was good. I can’t wait to play the game.
Just so you guys know, there isn’t much hentai involved. Mostly a love story.
it this game got walkthrough??
why do i get only the island parts wtf
too bad…
there’s no h-scene..-_-‘
There is something wrong with this version since it doesn’t run the whole game only the island part. You can’t get 100% CG and none of the mini-games are available. Clearly something is wrong.
never mind ,this game is more like a demo.why did they even bother making this?its just a simple episode they could have turned into an OVA or whatever.or did i do something wrong?
anyone knows where can i get a walkthrough?
Yeah, I’m completely unable to install this game.
I can mount CD1 and setup.exe opens, I click “install” and it closes, but after that simply nothing happens.
walkthrough plz
chosies dont decide anythink, you will get same ending
Do I have to possess both Daemon Tools and the ISO Buster, or just either way is fine?
i found out that there’s an installer patch on the net, i’ll be back after i try it out.
when I unrar with 7z it says that the second CD iso is a broken file.
the total file size is 1278 MB but it is stuck at 1253 MB. and it shows the error…
any suggestons? I downloaded the files from filesonic and file serve whatever was available…that means I used both sources to download…
this game not worth playing,it has only 2 stories,each about 15 min long.So iI suggest that you should better watch anime or read manga
Is this only southern beach story?
i’m having trouble installing the second cd. it says to insert into D: drive, but i can’t do it. please help me as to i’m new >_<
don’t worry about my problem now.. it kinda changed the need for D drive into F drive >_<
Hey if u dl all the parts can u play the game ? i just a newbie of dl a eroge game ?
General Info request:
I acknowledge that this game has no h-scenes. Apparently, the company Hirameki cleans out the adult content when they make ports of Japanese titles.
Is there a earlier version that predates Hirameki cleaning it out, or was this game always free of adult content?
It probably never had any h-scenes. I’ve read the manga series front-to-back and though there are shower scenes and the like, Kaoru never sleeps with the girl until the last chapters after their marriage (though it is implied that he tried and failed ’bout half-way in the manga). So I’m assuming Hirameki didn’t ruin it.
Thank for the info.
PS (Very MINOR spoilers regarding the Manga serries): Getting slightly off topic as I’m now talking about the manga and not anything to do with this game or the site in general, but I too have read the entire manga series. I’m not sure where my copy of the final volume got off to so I can’t verify this at the moment, but I’m almost positive your time line is off.
They spent their first night together after Kaoru rescues Aoi from his competition for Aoi’s hand (though she kinda rescued herself as well, if I remember correctly), but before the scene at the airport where Tina catches a flight for reason I’m not mentioning so as not to spoil the story. I doubt there was enough time in there to even be married before a judge let alone a proper wedding. The last chapter involves Tina returning from the trip she left on mentioned above to find that Kaoru has taken his mother’s maiden name as his own last name and was married under that name. If Kaoru and Aoi married before Tina left, then the name change would not have been a surprise to her.
And for anybody who is reading this but does not know the story, in Kaoru’s defense, during the instance where they almost spent the night together about half-way through the story, Aoi didn’t shoot him down, nor was he being an @$$. He was always a perfect gentlemen, and any of the scenes that made him look otherwise were never his fault. Usually it was someone else Tina got drunk who was to blame, or Tina on a bender herself. Other factors that I won’t mention as to avoid spoilers were the reason nothing happened that night.
I have used virtual clone drive, have no problems during installation/
h, is there any walk-trough for this game ?
You can use Alcohol 52% which is a free program that allows you to mount .iso and others. I’m running Ai Yori Aoshi on Windows 7 with no problems, but in order to run it you have to mount disc 1 in a virtual drive in Alcohol then mount disc 2 over disc 1 when it tells you to. Enjoy!
um, do we really need daemon and iso buster tools for this game? 🙁
well, after 12 hours …i got XD
and in windows vista:0
you need iso buster and daemon tools
(sorry to my english, i prefer spanish)(is possible that isnt necesary all the indications)
1.use iso buster in the first cd and in run setup.exe
2.use daemon tolls in the first cd and run setup.exe
3.in c: should appear a setup.exe , run it
4.use iso buster in the second cd and copy all the files to the first folder created in step one.
IMPORTANT:dont replace any file,choose the option keep both files
5.run aiaoPc_us, click star and enjoy the game 🙂
note1: i dont know if is necesary to change the computer to japanes idiom :/ my machine is always in this way so i dont use appocle.
note2:like i say before is no necesary all this steps, but understand i really want to play this game so i only writing what i do, if is possible someone with more time find a easy way, i am a bit lazy XD
So I have opened it with WinRar and done the archive thing and I now got the 2 cd ISO’s however when I go to install it, I am able to open up the install menu no problems however when I click install I get this message: “Ai yori Aoshi Setup program has stopped working”
I have changed my system locale before opening the archive thing.
Any Ideas on how to fix it?
done. look the page i put the instructions
like i say i put it down
Hi, I am using windows 7 at the moment. i recently downloaded the game and managed to mount the first iso of disc 1. As i open the launcher to attempt to install the game the launcher closes and nothing seems to happen. I’ve also tried running as administrator (even when im the only user of this pc) and the xp service pack 2 but still nothing seems to happen. Help please?
done, look the page i put the instructions
look down
Is this game short or long version? When i play the game i play game Ai Yori Aoshi southern island is short and thats all. content this game only Ai Yori Aoshi southern island or more?