The game follows a female protagonist named Hannah, as you/she are suddenly thrust into the role as manager of the lingerie store ‘Negligee’ in a small Beach Front Town.
The owner agrees to find her some girls to join her in the shop, but it is down to you to decide who can work at the shop. Making such decisions can be a tricky and fun process.
As Hannah must get to grips with managing the store, it’s staff and making key decisions to ensure it’s success.
By far the best game by Dharker studio hands down. Awesome art, hot but realistic (well sorta) scenario and adorable af girls. Plus great Yuuki and Melissa cameos with revamped art. Very original theme.
Is this compatible with MacOS 10.13?
Hey, i cant extract the file, whats the password? D:
hey admin, i think they updated the game to version 1.2 or higher. can u plz update it (if there’s an update)? cuz when i checked for a walkthrough, some choices are not in the game. plz check if the game’s updated.. and srry for my demand (>x<)…
oh, and plz message me if u updated it or not. tnx vry much!! ^^
Hey, I’m getting a scripterror with not being able to find “start” or something in the renpy file. How do I fix that?
So how do you open the game after you extracted the files
nvm i figured out
How did you get to open it? I can’t figure it out.
Whenever I open the zip file and move it into a new folder I get that there’s an error with the base game and it freezes the program and I can’t do anything unless I go into task manager and shut it down. : / So I can’t even do anything with the files.
Fun little game. Kind of getting bored with these very short western games. However the art was good in this one.
What are the ways to get all the endings?
I can’t get sophie or harem ending :/
Here’s the walkthrough!
I tried everything. Does anyone know how to get the harem ending?
If you want the Sophie ending, then try looking at the envelopes at the beginning of the game. I’m sure you can figure out the rest.
thanks that work,you know how get the harem ending
someone have a sophie end lover guide
since I downloaded this game, i have bluescreen while playing TWICE
this is the first time happening in 1 year
something wrong with this file
Must be on your end because it’s not happening to me, it’s playing fine for me and I’m playing it on xp lol
No, it’s something wrong with your system. Even if you extracted things wrong, the game just wouldn’t run.
many thanks seeemmmppaiiiiii del mundo!
Thanks, Admin for this games but we waiting for sakura nova and orc castle
I just bought both of these lol. I really enjoyed canvas – it’s straightforward and fairly short but liked the characters and the ero ending were pretty hot!
Now on to play this one 🙂
I hope some of you buy these two games – even if you DL them – if you like them, add them to you library – even if that’s in a sale and show some support.
P.s Admin – given how long some new indie steam games to to appear here I thought you had a policy of waiting a week or 2 so as not to effect a games sales too bad.. Sticking them on here the day they come out seems pretty harsh man.
Don’t worry, I buy games I download here that I find enjoyable. Be it on Steam or MangaGamer.
this is far too true, after I myself started downloading games from here and skidrow etc. I’ve also ended up tripling the money I use on games … If I like a game I buy it. If I don’t like it, well I won’t have to think about how I wasted the money on crap.
“imagine inspire create” neat ^^
Keep telling yourself that
Brought quite a few of their games on steam, but after how the early access for their space game panned out(while releasing new games and doing nothing on the EA title), I dont feel bad for downloading this one and waiting for a discount to at one point have it in my library.
So thank you.
Dammn! Thanks! Now if we could only have ”Catch Canvas” 😀
I’m uploading it right now – had to start over, because I forgot to put uncensor patch in, before rar’ing files. It will be posted in like 15 minutes.
Hey admin, just wanna ask if you’re planning to upload sakura Nova 🙂
Hey admin I’m guessing that you are the one who uploads everything onto this website and I’m kinda new to this website specifically so I was wondering when there is more than one download link (like in Sakura dungeon) how do you put the full game together?
Just download all the rar files and but them in one folder and use winrar and something like that then highlight all the files and right click then click extract here.
Thanks you helped a lot
ayyyy admin comes through again