Kou Saotome is smack in between Arisa and Ruka, the middle brother of two sadist sisters.
Between them he’s constantly getting forced into things. They’re not even the only ones.
At some point a guy’s just gotta surrender: “Okay, I’m a slave to all women, I’m a masochist!”
I’ve been wavering about which vn I should consider the Worst I’ve played, and I just can’t decide between Kedamono Kazokutachi, Seitenkan and this piece of trash.
But after some thought I think this one takes the cake. If you’re foolishly (like me) expecting Light “enjoyable” masochism like in Detective Maso, forget it. This is pure torture and humiliation. The “heroines” if you may call them so, are plain awful in Every aspect, the protag is the stupiest ever (spineless whipped hetare idiot), and *Spoiler* that scene with the stray … Gosh it was disgusting, tho I did saw it coming. 0 enjoyment throughout, cept maybe last sex scene…. All things considered, I’d say Don’t waste your time with this game.
I totally agree with you, that stary scene was just eye-popping. What on earth was that?? The protagonist disgusts me, how can anyone keep up with that? Again a dog srsly a dog?
how absolutely SHOCKING and UNBELIEVABLE that the game that is titled “SADISTIC SISTERS RAPE BOY” is about SADISM and RAPE. I am SHOCKED and APPALLED.
Hahaha weakling~
Agreed with everything.
Also, those who are mocking you can kiss my ass.
Just ’cause the name of the title is what it is doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been a bit lighthearted.
This was straight torture as you said.
Screw these piece of sh*t girls and screw the Devs for even coming up with this idea.
Must’ve been the creation of some Man-hating Lesbian Dyke.
Locale Emulator 2.4 has worked everytime for me. It also integrates into the Explorer context menu.
I’m here for the plot, I swear!
While both archives test fine and unzip with winrar, when I click on the icon to start the program, I get a syntax error message, a window with blue background and white text which appears to be program coding of some sort. and a 3rd tiny window with a couple icons in it that seem to be programming related, I think.
Even tried Applocale, and different compatibility settings but no luck. Running Windows 8.1 64-bit.
Change locale to Japanese (see FAQ) – applocale sometimes isn’t enough.
hi, I have the same problem. However, I don’t understand your instruction. where do I have to change local to japanese? (I tried to find the FAQ but i didn’t find it).
ok never mind i foud it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
the cover looks exactly like a work of Guglielmo
I honestly didn’t notice the resemblance until I read this comment. But I looked it up and, according to Joousama Soft’s website, Guglielmo is the artist for this game. I should’ve known–only Guglielmo would draw this kind of extreme humiliation.