A standalone short sequel DLC story featuring Nachi. Does not require the original game to play.
Yura and Tama have openly declared themselves as cat ninja of our protagonist.
That being said, the two of them live their lives as house cats would.
Impressed by the protagonist’s desire to become a better Master for his ninja, Nachi decides to train the protagonist.
What happens when Nachi finds herself glued to our protagonist as well…?
Idk why i can’t click into mine… But there just were no response.
I just finished the game.. is it me.. or… the game was pretty short and not even one H scene..
Indeed it is supeeerrr short but there is H scene. What’s wrong with yours
this is such a good vn. does somebody know if part 2 is in the making? i wanna see my nin nekos again
Actually you could say this is the part 2 of the game, part 3 Saiha is in the making
this is pure bliss
I prefer saiha instead, but oh well…
Who am I to choose
(Just need to wait)
Finally, best girl version is here!
Anyone else not able to get a download off? It might just be me using college wifi, but I want to make sure.
Admin, what about lb perfect edition. Its got three more routes. Are you gonna add that?
This is the 18+ version right?
Yes this is 18+
Nekomimi banzai!!!
Finally something standard but good
Fuck you princess x and sakura games, freaking cocktease games
You can say that again! XD
Couldn’t agree more.
Yeah couldn’t agree more. fuck those rapey tentacle game i fking hate it
You said it. Fuck SakuraGame. They are shit in every sense of the word.
Dudes there’s +plus saiha of this!