The game takes place at Habataki High School seven years after Tokimeki Girl’s Side 1. There are a total of six new bachelors plus three secret characters.
TMGS 3 implements a totally new system; the Love Triangle. Instead of rival girls liking your man, all six bachelors are paired with another, making it so that you can ‘date’ two of them at a time. TMGS 3 also introduces a revamped clothing system with a few new clothing styles and the ability to ‘level up’ your fashion.
how can i play this game? i can’t extract to my pc. please answer
This is NDS game. If you want to play on PC, you need to download NDS emulator and open downloaded file in it.
This one japanese or english version?
English. I only post translated games on this site.
Thank you so much
None of those titles are translated, so no, they will not be uploaded to this site. Admin doesn’t do the translating. He just cracks and uploads the translated games.
Hey admin thanks for uploading!
Anyone know any legit sites like this one where I could get custom maid 3d for free with the english patch? 🙂
just wondering if you will still be releasing amber breaker?
probably not
Not sure where to ask this admin but will you be uploading Hitomebore?
Admin, how can I play this game?
Admin, please upload Free Friends MangaGamer i wait to long for this game
Best Regrets
Can you upload free friends cause i’m waiting and still not uploaded. Thanks
Ai meu Deus! Depois de anos de espera… <3
Thanks, admin! Sorry to sound ungrateful, but can you upload update 1.07 of Higurashi Hou Onikakushi?
Will you Upload Black Closet by Hanako Games and Dot Kareshi II ~The Sky’s Kiss~: And Dot Kareshi III ~Bride of Darkness~:?
Seconded on Black Closet! Lesbian mystery visual novel?? Sign me the fuck up!
Fuck yeah! A Hanako games vn with mystery and yuri?! It’s fucking paradise! Black Closet pls
Fourthed, I need the full version of Black Closet so badly.
Can someone help me? everytime I try to load the rom, always appears this message
load rom errcode=-4
actually devastated because I thought this was a new translated Tokimeki game but it’s just the same thing as the PSP version on a different platform. 🙁 good otome games are as sparse as usual.
Same here. I’ve played all the TMGS but this one is probably my favourite (Mostly because of Ruka), though I’m not sure why anyone would prefer this one over the PSP version. Still, I’m endlessly happy to see Otome games being put up here!
Because you can poke the guys with your peni…I mean stylus.
well, it is the same, but PSP ver is still better 😛
are all nds game on here is all from translated, like love plus?
Hi there, admin. I know it’s off topic, but can you upload Comyu?
Comyu is already up, but I couldn’t find it on the Downloads page. Try going to erogedownload dot com slash downloads slash comyu. Alternatively, hit “older entries” on the main page about 9 times. You should be able to find it.
Wow, thanks mate! But, are there any other games that don’t appear on the download page?
I simply forgot to add titles to downloads page when posting them from time to time. When in doubt – use the search function (top-right corner of site). Thanks for noticing that comyu is missing – i’ll add it to downloads page ASAP.
NDS version? I’d wager this game has no sexual content.
No need to, Nintendo would never put a +18 game on its consoles (and the Tokimeki series are kinda known for not being “sexual”)
This is the best day of my LIFE!